shoplifting, drugs, takeing pictures of little girls in my white cube van, misc. auto related crimes, fraud, jaywalking, copywrite infringement, underage drinking in public, tresspassing, more drugs, assault, is drowning kittens illegal too?? it shouldnt be
u must specifiy are we talking child or adult or a bit of both??? :huh: [/b][/quote] peoples mothers mostly, sometimes their dad to
haha this threads bait anyways i get cunts hooked on drugs edit:i also enjoy taking the magnetic signs off taxis n stickin them on normal cars
I give back alley abortions with an old vacuum and this fork I stole from Denny's. For $5 extra, I'll even wear gloves.
I love network security. Never used it to exploit anything but for fun. I'm just in programming and solving problems and security is just perfect.
tht's not even funny......there was no need to throw the word "black" in there you could have said jus kids....
same here bro. not really a crime, but still considered illegal. writings only thing i do considered a crime.
tht's not even funny......there was no need to throw the word "black" in there you could have said jus kids.... [/b][/quote] but the only kids i get buying crack are black...
[/b][/quote] hahhahahahahahhhaha! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: jesus fucks me up son! straight to tha dome! thats god tastic greenery.
building like, homemade fireworks and going to this old feild we have by my friends house out in the sticks. We make like, molotovs and all this other stuff. OH AND WE GO BEHIND SEARS AND BREAK FLOURESCENT LIGHTBULBS ON SHIT. its fun, is like, light saber battles and stuff. and i smoke and drink and do all that other rebellious stuff.