I'm gonna by a OTR soon. Although I am gonna by a empty one and choose what ink I fill it with. Also anyone used Montana burners there dope.
"oh damn your cool get off your ass and go bombingg not asking how to refill and otr street duster which you probably bought" Im clever...
i got a otr cold sweat but i found the T nib to be too streaky so i cut the sides off and flipped the nib upside down. now it writes realy smooth. i recomend it over the other otr's.
not ALL of them but i heard the painty ones are shit. and the coldsweat is way more opaque than the flowpen, and it is harder too buff than the hard too buff (still doesnt stain bit its not easy to get off).
I've always wanted to try some sort of OTR, I heard the flow is the only problem - it comes out streaky with many of the OTR products.
otr is weak, cant rack it At local stores, and they don't last. if your going to spend money on a marker id get krink
Yeah you fucking toy cunt fuck off and go back to your mommas house in rich america. Fucking toys FUCK ALL TOYS CREW .......F.A.T BITCHES
Yeah, Krink FTW. Violet and Yellow FTW! My frind just got an OTR and all they're good for are writing on rough surfaces. Krink nibs are weak and tear, OTR's can write on sum rough shit till it wears down.