werddd, havent seen a strong battle like this in a while! both entries were dope as fuck! went with fezat loved the zombies behind the slayers in pusha's though!
insane battle. loved both of them. went with fez, because of the movement aspect of it. both insane though.
this is deff the best battle ive seen so far on BS. mad props. went with feazat but props to pp also.. i was really feelin the writing right below the giant blade
I looked at Bek's, and nodded my head, then I scrolled down, saw Fezat's and laughed. I was expecting something a lot more serious out of the Fezat, but he made it funny, Fezat got my vote.
fezats zombies looked cooler, but pencils slyers looked cooler i just cant decide...pencil cuss iv seen that lil chain saw guy a few times allready
Both are pretty fucking dope. Really hard to choose but I say the Fezat because its got more of a graffiti style to it. Props to both. Big fan of Pencilpusha tho.
i have to admit, fezat has been a HUGE influence on my art..just amazing. and pencilpusha is top quality, these guys are pro's!
top notch both. both have a comical style, but in different ways. i gotta give it to fezat for the overall movement and flow, but pencil really showed control and talent as well. amazing ish. makes me really concerned about the new sketch battle 1.6, i have a feelin its gettin bananas.