Fez is very actiony, but the lazy no legs and no left arm kinda bothered me.. Pusha didnt have enough action movement...kinda still.. -__- but i went fez cause his shit is definatly illing, close battle tho..
but i do feel haeads arent voting fairly as always there not giving the other person a chance because they dont know there user name and thats bullshti and the reason i dont enter battles anymore, there one side to shit... u feek pusha should get a bit more credt...
Damn. Both of you guys are a problem. Seriously. A bold display of skills, which is what I would expect from a battle with the words Pencil and Fezat in the title. Fezat's level of style takes this battle though. "Sick" gets overused, but that shit is just gross. Fucking ill man. Respect. ©
I voted Pencil because it reminded me of a comic book. I dug the dude's fingernail and the overall style of it. I thought Fezat's was a bit empty, I dug it though. Close.
I was just seeing how lopsided this battle seems, but when you have two dudes who are amazingly talented not only as graffiti writers, but as artists in the larger sense, we're splitting hairs. Both pieces are exceptionally executed and conceptualized. Pencil and Fez are both operating at a level that I can only aspire to at this point, and I think there are a lot of other people here who are in the same boat. Pencil gets all the respect in the world from me, for one. I happened to like Fez's piece here a little better stylistically, but both of these guys are masters. I am sorry to see them go head to head so early because from what I have seen, they are at as high of a skill level as anybody on this board - both Pencil and Fez. Just my thoughts. ©