freud is not just a psychologist you fucking idiot. he was also a philosopher so get your fucking facts straight, and stop treating philosophy like a fucking trend. start learning, and read books, the social contract (jean jacques rousseau), the prince(if you need to know the author go jump in front of a moving train), the communist manifesto, read the bible, read the torah, the qu'ran, and stop treating philosophy as a way to get pussy. (not directed to you but any shit head who thinks hes the big cheese)
the universe is shaped like a saddle (you know, the thing you put on a horse so riding it is easier). and if you disagree, how is the universe shaped? how do you know? just some food for thought
how do you know its shaped like a saddle in the first place. wheres your proof. your trying to prove your point right by proving the other persons wrong. if you look at the earth as a living cell. human civilization would be a malignant cancerous tumor. the world produced it, and now it's taking over the earth, at a constant rate, it speeds up as it gets older.. just like cancer.
Apparently the universe is ever expanding. Everything in the universe is moving forward and that means there would have to be a spot where we just drop off in the zone of nothing. The twilight zone O_O
no, it expands into nothing. it is infinite, and i don't think that many humas can/ will understand that.
How do you know if you're really real? What if you wake up one day, and your whole life was a dream. So you have like...two lives.
I watched a movie like this last night. The guy felt like objects around him weren't real and he had a lot of other symptoms but yeah; The condition is called "Depersonalization"
everyone thinks of LIFE... how bout this one ja vu ?...when u pass you just relive the same life over and ja vu..memories of your past life that youve been living over and over
Anybody ever think about the concept of nothing. If it is really "nothing" there wouldnt even be a word for it because a word is a thing. You can't possibly picture "nothing" because, say you pictures just and empty white room, Its still a white space.
If you have a crumb and you break it in half, you don't have two halves a crumb, you have two crumbs!