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Philisophical Concepts

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tonedope, Apr 8, 2006.

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  1. fredom-writer

    fredom-writer Senior Member

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    have you ever thought of finding an undiscovered color... there are many colors our eyes cant see... hard to imagine a new color.

    all of my theories end up with this: Its all in your head.

    My whole thinking proses is all theories. All i do all day is go back and forth about why shit happens... It makes me changes moods often/loose sleep/makes me weird/makes me miserable. I NEED HELP.

    Is there a name for this disorder?
  2. acereborn

    acereborn Elite Member

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    Ok, who agrees that your life is destiny, and you can't change anything about it?
  3. Mr yarbles

    Mr yarbles Elite Member

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    I've thought of seeing a different color too
    It really trips you out

    also anyone ever break a word down until you couldn't break it down anymore and like idk it's just wierd when you do it and see that words are pretty miuch nothing
  4. Nem

    Nem Elite Member

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    ah, the old fate over free will debate.

    ive narrowed it down to whatever is going to happen is definitely going to happen. you cant change that. unless you get into anti matter...etc etc...but anyway.

    if you decide to take a left turn, you will take a left turn. theres NO way of knowing whether you were "supposed" to take a right turn or not. the only thing you do know, is that you did take a left turn. and that was going to happen no matter what anybody did.

    everything thats going to happen will happen.
  5. fredom-writer

    fredom-writer Senior Member

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    theories while high.
    can you put 2 pizzas together and put it in the oven like that.. make a huge pizza sandwich?

    Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway.

    any one ever hear this one? blowss my mind!

    all of my theories go against what im doing here.... a world full of human beings, objects some are harder some softer that light reflects off. and im here talking to a machine and getting some kind of social satisfaction from it. cuz its all in your head
  6. sc zombie

    sc zombie Senior Member

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    One thing I've always noticed about life is that the two most confusing things for me are the beginning and the end of things. Take the entire universe: what was there before it began? Nothing? And when it all ends, what will remain?

    The only logical thing I could think of regarding the end of it all would be that the universe is a cycle. Everything will be torn down back to nothing and begin anew. The entire universe may be catastrophically different. Spraypaint may never be invented, humans may never exist, the very dimensions that we currently comprehend may no longer exist. Or things could be exactly the same.

    However this may not be the case; there may be such thing as infinity.

    I think about this all the time, I lose a lot of sleep thinking about it, but in the end I try to realize that I will never know the answer, so there is no sense exhausting my mind trying to figure it out. The universe is just too huge. We can never understand it all.

    Also yeah, philosophy on the universe isn't all that original but it's what I could come up with off the top of my head right now.. I've some up with other stuff too but I don't remember it unless it's REALLY good.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2008
  7. SageOner

    SageOner Senior Member

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    Thats so true man, How does something SO extraordinarily big come from nothing?
    There must have been at least a couple atoms at the start of the universe
    Or maybe this universe is the remanence of a universe that came before ours.

    Haha, Very deep stuff to think about.
    I too have spent countless hours thinking of how everything came to be.
  8. Nem

    Nem Elite Member

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    Steven Hawking man.

    The universe is expanding, only to reach the zenith, and from there collapse in on itself.

    i dont really know the whole theory but i know thats the basis of it.

    And if your not satisfied with the Big bang theory, check out String theory. And how the universal branes collide causing energy to come from nothing and form matter.

    fuck. take LOTS OF MUSHROOMS.

    youll understand the universe better.
  9. fredom-writer

    fredom-writer Senior Member

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    If you would fly to the end of the universe you would find out that there is a brick wall there if thats what you think is there. cuz its all in your head.

    and i don't think anyone thinks about the big bang theories while on mushrooms.... theres alot more spiritual feeling that come with that than some atoms crashed together out of nowhere.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2008
  10. SageOner

    SageOner Senior Member

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    Theres a way to do it
  11. Bazer

    Bazer Moderator

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    dude shrooms for real though... it makes you ask yourself questions and give yourself answers.............

    stephen hawking lectures ussualy get me thinkin about shit that i really dont wanna accept...
  12. SageOner

    SageOner Senior Member

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    Werd dude
    I've done them probably 4-5 times
    And everytime
    I get the "Deep Think" Stage

    Its really a mind opening experience
    Really good if you wanna sit by yourself or with a buddy
    and just chill and think
    Or trip the fuck out
    Either one
  13. Nem

    Nem Elite Member

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    thats the beauty of it though.

    there are things that humans don't want to accept.

    and you can go on living in your ignorant bliss or you can open the door to the origins of the universe. question your own existence. think about why you go on with your day to day motions when your just a speck of dust in the wind of the cosmos.

    blue pill or the red pill.

    its scary.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2008
  14. SageOner

    SageOner Senior Member

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    But something everyone consideres in there life
  15. PureSole

    PureSole Elite Member

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    Nem, thats true. SC Zombie...i lose sleep like that too
    Here we are...worried about everyday life and how much it sucks...but theres more beauty to life. the funny thing is you dont have to go anywhere to see it, just look up. about the universe collapsing on itself...have you guys thought how many fucking times this exact same thing could have happened, all to disappear, and re-appear?
  16. SageOner

    SageOner Senior Member

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    Werd dude
    People don't even consider that happening
    But one day it will
    And everything we know will be
    Completly fucked
  17. PureSole

    PureSole Elite Member

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    ha I bet it would be cool to see though, from the "outside"
  18. SageOner

    SageOner Senior Member

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    That would be dope
  19. acereborn

    acereborn Elite Member

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    Haha, chillen with God on some lawnchairs watching the world blow up.
  20. twotimesfive

    twotimesfive Senior Member

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    Ignorance is only outdone by arrogance.