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Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by Fube, Dec 20, 2007.

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  1. UpstateHate585

    UpstateHate585 Elite Member

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    shifteds guitar pic or mine? lol i dont remember seeing his but i know i posted a black and white pic of a bass lol
  2. UpstateHate585

    UpstateHate585 Elite Member

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    question, if i were to get this:

    and decide to get a new camera, say the d700, would that lens still be alright? or should i get the camera first then look at other lenses? i dont think i will need it to be af-s, but the nice thing would be to have them work on both the d700 and d40.

    save the "don't get that camera, you're not good" shit. I want a new camera and already feel limited by my camera. i know a new lens will help a lot, but i work at best buy and can get real good financing and shit. so if im gonna get a new camera, now would be a good time.

    edit- found an answer to my question lol. still deciding what i want in terms of a new camera, i like the d700, but i can probably find a used leica for the price as well, but i cant' finance it through work.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2010
  3. lakim shabazz

    lakim shabazz Moderator

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    I was a fiend before i became a teen i was melting microphones instead of cones of ice cream
  4. UpstateHate585

    UpstateHate585 Elite Member

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    yo lakim, how come with every new picture, there is always and old one that we've seen before? lol no hate just wondering
  5. lakim shabazz

    lakim shabazz Moderator

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    im guessing you referring to this one
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2010
  6. thesecks

    thesecks Senior Member

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    alot of these photos are getting rather monotonous
  7. lakim shabazz

    lakim shabazz Moderator

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    lets see your award winning national geographic publised photos then.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2010
  8. .A.K.4.7.

    .A.K.4.7. Elite Member

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    yep. amazing though.

  9. UpstateHate585

    UpstateHate585 Elite Member

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    5000? I have them priced out for me at like 2500. And i figured out the answer to my question after thinking about it and looking at the lens more. I feel limited by the d40s ability to shoot in low light. And I would like a full fram sensor and the megapixels to be able to print big sizes.
  10. UpstateHate585

    UpstateHate585 Elite Member

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  11. .A.K.4.7.

    .A.K.4.7. Elite Member

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    5000 in my country, I don't think in US dollars.

    If you want FPS why not get a D300s and save yourself the extra cost of full frame lenses?

    D300s's shoot far faster than d700's. They are designed for sports and nature. And cropped sensors are better for sports because they turn a 200mm lens into a 300mm lens. Thats why pro cropped sensor cameras are still made like the new canon eos-1d mkIV.

    Don't get full frame if you don't even know why you want it. D300s will suit your needs a lot more considering you shoot sports, and you won't need to sell any of your lenses. If you buy a D700 you will have to buy a full frame lens and they usually start at around a grand and upward if you want a decent one.

    D700 FPS - 5 or 6 or something
    D300s FPS - 8 with battery pack.

    Both are 12.1MP

    You gotta really just decide which system is better for you, one is not better than the other, they are just used for different purposes. Sports and wildlife guys still use DX because it makes their long lenses longer, and they shoot faster. Photojournalists use FX because they handle high ISO's better for avaliable light. You gotta decide first what kind of photography you will be doing and then buy the camera to suit.

    [Broken External Image]:

    you know you want it.

    Rapid 7 fps*1 or 8 fps*2 continuous shooting
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2010
  12. UpstateHate585

    UpstateHate585 Elite Member

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    I don't shoot sports or anything like that, but I might in the future. 6fps or 8 withe the grip is more than enough. I want a full frame so I can shoot better in low light conditions and a higher fps than what I have now so I can shoot in bursts and get a good shot let's say at a show. I hear you man and know what ur trying to say. And I appreciate your input dude. I still have a bit of time and homework to do lol
  13. .A.K.4.7.

    .A.K.4.7. Elite Member

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    Word. D700 is 5fps though not 6. Thats only half a frame more than a D90. And its only 8FPS with the grip and the D3 battery which costs around 200$. D300 is 7fps without the grip and 8 with the D3 battery.

    I thought you shot ice skating or whatever. D300 handles ISO very well, the best you can with cropped sensor. Very usable, trust me I owned one.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2010
  14. UpstateHate585

    UpstateHate585 Elite Member

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    Haha nah never shot ice skating. But thanks for the info man. I'm gonna do a bit more research. I was just looking at the d700 cuz. Guy I know who shoots band and is like a huge name in our scene highly recommends them. But I guess if I stay dx I won't have to worry about switching to my d40 for back up. Thanks again for the input
  15. .A.K.4.7.

    .A.K.4.7. Elite Member

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    Exactly. D700 is definately a dope camera but you better be serious if ur considering one price wise.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2010
  16. UpstateHate585

    UpstateHate585 Elite Member

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    Oh no doubt haha. I'm gonna wait and see how my first senior session goes and if I start to make some bank off of it then decide for sure lol.
  17. UpstateHate585

    UpstateHate585 Elite Member

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    4 in the morning and am bored as shit. something cliche for yall haha

    Last edited: Mar 14, 2010
  18. UpstateHate585

    UpstateHate585 Elite Member

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    retook the ipod and glasses one.

    Last edited: Mar 14, 2010
  19. lakim shabazz

    lakim shabazz Moderator

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    i gotttta practice still life
  20. thesecks

    thesecks Senior Member

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    I don't need to work for the national geographical magazine to say that these photos aren't that inspiring. It's my opinion and I do apologise if I've somehow insulted you.