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Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by Fube, Dec 20, 2007.

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  1. .A.K.4.7.

    .A.K.4.7. Elite Member

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    SLR - you are looking through the lens via a mirror.
    Rangefinder - you are looking through a viewfinder and framing your image using framelines like this:

    [Broken External Image]:

    That little rectangle box in the dead centre is where you focus. These are called "rangefinder" cameras because they focus using a dual-image rangefinding device. You turn a ring on your lens, and when two superimposed images line up, you're in perfect focus.


    [Broken External Image]:

    Pros of rangefinders : very very small. Rangefinders are small cameras so they are less noticable, and allow you to get closer to your subjects and make your subjects feel more relaxed than having a bulky SLR in their face.

    Better quality lenses because the back elements of the lens can get closer to the film, with an SLR there is a big mirror in the way.

    So long as there is enough light to see, you can focus a rangefinder camera immediately and without needing any annoying AF assist lights. Just flip the focus until the two images merge, and voila!, perfect focus. With my D3s, I have to guess and focus manually by trial and error when the light gets too dim. With rangefinder cameras, it's never too dim.

    The shutters are very very quiet because there is no mirror flapping up and down. This lets you be less noticeable. in a quiet place.

    As SLR mirrors flip up to take a picture, their viewfinders go black at the most important instant: the instant at which an image is recorded forever. Rangefinder camera viewfinders never black out, so you always know the subject's expression as it's recorded.

    You can focus, compose and shoot with both eyes, since the rest of the camera doesn't cover your left eye.

    Rangefinder cameras have no shutter lag. With a rangefinder, press the button, and it goes. You've captured the peak of the moment, forever. With an SLR, the mirror has to get out of the way before the shutter can open.

    I took a few of those from Ken rockwells page on the subject. These are the reasons I always take my Leica out and never my D3s.
  2. Tech0ps

    Tech0ps Senior Member

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    I love my Nikon FE2.. Black, sturdy and I always take it out with me.. But it's just so loud. Been wanting to find a cheap rangefinder myself.. I also need new glass though. Oh photography $$$
  3. RFI. SPit

    RFI. SPit Moderator

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    Bumping these

    VA those looks great man
  4. lakim shabazz

    lakim shabazz Moderator

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    yah im getting sick of slrs people do notice them alot more im looking for a new rangefinder cause im not really liking my konica eye that much i want one more manual.
    i see on ebay fools selling it for as much as 300 and i got mine for 40 hahahaha. huge profit margin.
  5. .A.K.4.7.

    .A.K.4.7. Elite Member

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    Take the plunge on a leica gee...
  6. Backalley Abortion Doctor

    Backalley Abortion Doctor Elite Member

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    Rangefinders do sound nice.. Leica and Zeiss is out of my price range though. Any 'entry level' rangefinders? Hah
  7. lakim shabazz

    lakim shabazz Moderator

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    im saving up for one but first im getting a grip for my dslr and i need some glidddasss, but the lieca is most def on my lissst
  8. CuCCui

    CuCCui Senior Member

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    Last edited: Sep 1, 2010
  9. lakim shabazz

    lakim shabazz Moderator

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    yah like im gonna drop 9 on a camera...

    don't care if it is a leica.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2010
  10. VAsucks

    VAsucks Senior Member

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    i bought a canon p the body was 200.
    its comparable to a leica i believe.

    35mm framelines are a pain in the ass to use though

    and you can only use thread mount lenses on it.
    so if you have a 50mm thread mount lens you wanna use then it would be a good investment.
  11. CuCCui

    CuCCui Senior Member

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    Last edited: Sep 1, 2010
  12. .A.K.4.7.

    .A.K.4.7. Elite Member

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    Basically no. Well maybe a Canon 7 or Canon P like VA's, he can shed some light here.
    Or any of the yashicas... but they aren't fully manual.
    Or, the voigtlander bessa's. But they still aren't cheap.
    Orrrrrrr... olympus make a lot of old cheap rangefinders namely this one which looks good.

    This cracks me up. A perfect example of how much smaller rangefinders are.

  13. .A.K.4.7.

    .A.K.4.7. Elite Member

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  14. CuCCui

    CuCCui Senior Member

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    yeh I saw that one in the Rob report ,nice article (m9) it comes in black or steel both are hottt..thought I'd post the white one because i like white..nearly got a pentax K-X because it was white,glad I didnt.
  15. .A.K.4.7.

    .A.K.4.7. Elite Member

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  16. .A.K.4.7.

    .A.K.4.7. Elite Member

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    I got my baby back. She's not perfect but close enough.
    Love it with the silver lens... I bought a matching silver 35mm viewfinder to attach to the hotshoe... you should do this VA.

    [Broken External Image]:
  17. Backalley Abortion Doctor

    Backalley Abortion Doctor Elite Member

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  18. Tech0ps

    Tech0ps Senior Member

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    House photo props, sick bro.
  19. .A.K.4.7.

    .A.K.4.7. Elite Member

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  20. Tech0ps

    Tech0ps Senior Member

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    A few of my tools