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Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by Fube, Dec 20, 2007.

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  1. VAsucks

    VAsucks Senior Member

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    but the ultimate question

    black or silver?
  2. Backalley Abortion Doctor

    Backalley Abortion Doctor Elite Member

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    Black for sure. Okay, I'll bite, since I like people to do this for me too;

    How much will it set you back, 5k? People spend that much money every day where I work, on giant TVs they can't really afford. The way I see it, at least photo equipment is something with some long-term gratification. That's how I justify my spending, anyway.
    Want my flash here now plz.
  3. CuCCui

    CuCCui Senior Member

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    Well AK. If any one on this forum should have this camera it most certainly should be you. I couldn't get one not because i dont have the cash I honestly dont deserve yet to have one of these fine peices of devine intervention...I see what you have done with lesser peices of photographic artillery,it only makes me drool to imagine what level of ability you will be able to step up to. much to the amazement of everyone in your path you seem to have a way with these things,call it wonderlust,call it necessity,call it what ever you like but this camera was made with you in mind... Feel better now,buy the camera add it to your collection or go and save the money and have a kid... Ansel Adams didn't have one and he's going to be remembered forever because of what he did with what he had...dont fall for brilliant advertising slogans seek ye first the kingdom of God...
  4. Backalley Abortion Doctor

    Backalley Abortion Doctor Elite Member

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  5. CuCCui

    CuCCui Senior Member

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    no you dont i talk too much
  6. .A.K.4.7.

    .A.K.4.7. Elite Member

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    Black paint... so that when it starts to age the brass will start to show through.


    Oh, and I'm getting a second hand one from a camera store via some old cunt who's on his deathbed for $3000NZ which is about $2100US.
    Good deal considering they are $6000 new.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2010
  7. .A.K.4.7.

    .A.K.4.7. Elite Member

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    Ansel Adams shot large format, the only thing around at that point really for landscape work.

    Every famous street/photojournalist/available light photographer you can think of from the 1940's to even today used Leica/rangefinder cameras. It's not gonna make any difference to my physical photography but it will be a camera I will never ever have to upgrade, replace or hopefully fix. It will last me my lifetime.

    Chris Weeks explains here, caccui and backalley abortion doctor should watch this for a good description of why people use rangefinders.

    I love this video. I watch it once a week for inspiration and technique.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2010
  8. CuCCui

    CuCCui Senior Member

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    ^^^ I'm almost afraid to hit the play function on that video .and if there is any male on male grosseness im gonna fill your pm box full of nasty disgusting things I like Caccui no one really know how to spell that word I said if anyone of us deserves that camera it's you i wanna see deep into peoples souls when you get it thanx for the link i save money on the dumbest things . 2gig upload makes it lagg like teret's syndrome i'll have to watch it once it buffers out
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2010
  9. Backalley Abortion Doctor

    Backalley Abortion Doctor Elite Member

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    $2100?? Shit Amazon's listing the bitch starting at $4,000.
    That ain't too bad. You probably shelled out around that for your D3, right?

    I'll peep the vid when I get my speakers hooked back up, I'll bookmark it. Thanks for the link
  10. Tech0ps

    Tech0ps Senior Member

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    CuCCi it's on vimeo, it's no porn shit. It's a good doco to watch and if you can get the PDF he wrote too it's well worth it. Also check out Chris Weeks on YouTube where he shows what he carries in his bag day to day.

    Also, I hate your thought process of cameras being a status symbol. It's not about earning the right to own a Leica. It's usability. If I had the money I would buy one for street shooting (Probably go for a Bessa R4m at this point in time though)...
    If someone forks out 20k on a large format camera it doesn't mean they're a world class photographer, they're using it for the photos you can produce with it... Large format photos with the image quality surpassing most digital photos. Probably shooting landscapes just like Adams was.

    Cameras are not cars, they're not something you 'floss' with. They're a tool that you use, regardless of your status in society. I don't know if you ever watched the iPhone fashion shoot I posted, but it reiterates the point that it's the driver not the car. /rant

    Here is a quick snap "shooting from the hip"

    Old film scans...

    (Poor quality I know, investing in a new scanner)
  11. .A.K.4.7.

    .A.K.4.7. Elite Member

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    Naw D3s is nearly $6000US...
  12. .A.K.4.7.

    .A.K.4.7. Elite Member

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    I only buy leicas for the swag...
  13. Tech0ps

    Tech0ps Senior Member

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    Hahah... Yeah yeah there's the rep they have of course but.. When you're in the street shooting you're not wearing it like a gold chain hoping every one will look and go "damn son this dudes a pro, check him flashing that leica, dudes got mad $$$$"

    Trying to show old mate CuCCi that you don't buy an 15k large format camera because it costs a lot. The general public will look at a 450d and assume it's a 'pro' camera just because it's bigger then the average joes p&s
  14. One Evil

    One Evil Elite Member

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    ur hilarious haha... smoke the kush and go nutts!
  15. funhouseXcast

    funhouseXcast Elite Member

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    Schoool starts tomorrow which means I'll have assignments for photo. I'm taking three art classes, two are photo and the other is whatever I want, so all three are photo.
  16. CuCCui

    CuCCui Senior Member

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    Yeah man I got you... when I wrote that stuff it was like a week or so ago I'm learning more and more about this stuff as the days and weeks go by...I sometimes say the most obsurd things fishing for responses...usually this technique works with alarming accuracy it's a different approach, I'm aware of that but it's what i am accustomed too.So dont take anything i do or say personally,I'm just attempting to learn about and teach myself something I know little or nothing about...I owe alot of what I now know about photography to you guys,and i thank you...thing is I dont trust any of you because of where we meet...the things you guys suggest i have to research, not because i have to but because i truly want to...
  17. VAsucks

    VAsucks Senior Member

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    yeah i wish my canon was solid black. i look like a hipster walkin around with a gaudy lookin camera.

    to my street shooting peoples: how often do you interact with the people your talking pictures of?
    purists would probably discourage it because the pictures are technically posed, but i think it can add a personal element to the picture.

    with that being said i very rarely do it
  18. CuCCui

    CuCCui Senior Member

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    so shooting street scenes is merely taking candid photos of people doing random things in order to capture the essence of the moment? does shooting from the driver's seat count,or is that something completely different,reason being that i do that alot...
  19. lakim shabazz

    lakim shabazz Moderator

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    on the street i don't really interact with people i some catch peoples vibes and we end up talking for a few minutes but thats it.
  20. She-Ra

    She-Ra Member

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