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Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by Fube, Dec 20, 2007.

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  1. SAID

    SAID Moderator

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    crit: give some to get some..
  2. toopski

    toopski Guest

    second image is just dope for the painting
  3. jobin

    jobin Senior Member

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    Yeah that painting is sick. Its safe to assume that anyone with a camera has taken a "rail road" shot.
  4. jobin

    jobin Senior Member

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  5. MoNkEy

    MoNkEy Elite Member

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  6. VAsucks

    VAsucks Senior Member

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    thats sick.
    id never have the balls to do that kind of thing. being able to read the story behind it makes the photos alot more enjoyable as well.
  7. Backalley Abortion Doctor

    Backalley Abortion Doctor Elite Member

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    I've come to a point where I'm strongly wondering if I want to involve myself in photography more seriously. As in, possibly taking it forward, with studying, classes, and aiming for a career. I'm feeling incredibly limited at the moment with the D40, but can't justify a new camera if it's not something I'll use to shoot for the moon. Suggestions/thoughts?
  8. lakim shabazz

    lakim shabazz Moderator

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    i was gonna take photography courses but i figured getting a job in the field is hard and im stubborn with my art hate conforming and hate being told what to take a photo of. so im studying culinary(chef training i know how to cook just doing it for the connections and resume) figured this job lets me travel and work in BIG citys and still able to get into photographing food for cook books and shit if i want.

    for talking.
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    phat ill shot diggin the steeee.
  9. Lsd

    Lsd Member

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    416.jpg 479.jpg 040.jpg 066.jpg 081.jpg 171.jpg 012.jpg 124.jpg 284.jpg 292.jpg some random shit, great thread you guys got here.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2011
  10. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    word lakimmm, I was starting to wonder if anyone had any opinions about it... I'm a novice, so crits are apreciated
  11. Baron

    Baron Moderator

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    Currently making a light box with a glossy acrylic base and a black fabric background. I'll be using it to shoot macros of small metal pieces. I don't have any access to lamps for the side lighting but I do have two fair size monitors. Do you think I can set the monitors on either side both using an all white background as my replacement for lamps?
  12. VAsucks

    VAsucks Senior Member

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    i dont know anything about lighting or product photography but i would say the monitors wont be bright enough for this application.
    if you dont want to spend money youd probably be better off buying some cheap work lamps.


    ive used these for photographing paintings and they work fine as long as you white balance.

    but maybe someone else will have a better suggestion
  13. Baron

    Baron Moderator

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    It's just for my internship and I'm working under the marketing supervisor. She wanted me to take pictures of products for her and she was teaching me how to use a PNS camera in the "flower mode".

    Seeing how my supervisor lacked some photography know how I've decided to build a light box for her so the products will come out looking half-way decent after I'm gone.
  14. UpstateHate585

    UpstateHate585 Elite Member

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    first go at actual street photos. trying to not be worried about getting in peoples business like i used to be.
  15. lakim shabazz

    lakim shabazz Moderator

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    yah the more you do it closer you get to your subjects.
    worst thing to ever happen to me is when i was in montreal and some local got pissed off at me and stared cursing and shit for taking his photo i just brushed if off and kept walking

    some more the the p.u.t.s show i was at.
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  16. Baron

    Baron Moderator

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    Damn Lakim, that looked like a sick show, I still need to see them live. The picture with the lighters is sick, I'm surprised no one was holding up a phone. And VA I went out and picked up some of those lights and it looks MUCH better, thank you! I just started to take pictures and adjust the levels (as much as you can with a PNS) and the battery died on me. It's charging right now. I'll post some pictures up in a minute.
  17. UpstateHate585

    UpstateHate585 Elite Member

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    yeah, some drunk bum was talking to his buddy saying "look at him with his fancy camera, thinks he's better than us. I'll kick his ass if he points it at me" i was tempted to take his photo but didnt. i am pretty pleased with the shots i got.

    managed to set up a mini shoot today as well. it was such a shitty day weather wise. managed to shoot for 15 min before it was pouring.


  18. One Evil

    One Evil Elite Member

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  19. Lsd

    Lsd Member

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    second photo a sw heel?
  20. Baron

    Baron Moderator

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