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Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by Fube, Dec 20, 2007.

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  1. Qzma

    Qzma Member

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  2. wafflecakee

    wafflecakee Elite Member

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    if you cropped the foreground out that last one it would be sick. just use the upper half like this. its a good way to get out of forgetting your tripod:) great shots! nice tones
  3. Qzma

    Qzma Member

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    thank you for advice)

    i'm going to post more pictures soon)
    I hope i wrote everything correct)
  4. B.S. POLICE

    B.S. POLICE Banned

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  5. thesecks

    thesecks Senior Member

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    mate, ive had my kit lens on my d40 for like 3 years now, ive only just bought a 50mm lens which is probably the cheapest of all lenses, so you dont need all these fancy lenses to take good shots, it just helps to give you more options
  6. Werse

    Werse Elite Member

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    Thats so true.
    You don't need fancy shit to take good pictures.
    I still rock the d40 kit lens too.

    PERVERTO Banned

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    D40 is still expensive compared to buying a cheap nikon film SLR, they go for as little as 50$ and are often more sophisticated than a d40. Boom, done, you got a dope camera, buy a film and get it developed and scanned, film is good because the 36 exposure limit forces you to think about every shot, digital can make you snap happy and shoot boring shit just cos you can. A perfect example is this niggga chase jarvis, he made a book called 'the best camera is the one you have with you' and shoots all his shit on only an iphone.

    an issue with the d40 is that their default setting over exposes images, its jsut a fault with their software. (Notice the sky in your images is really washed out and white) Keep your exposure compensation to -0.7 to combat this, and your photos should come out a lot nicer. Check your manual if you don't know how to do this.
    That goes for D60's and D40x's too. I even do this on my D300, as I find the images come out nicer and with a lot more details.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2009

    PERVERTO Banned

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    The D40 kit lens is a really really good lens, despite being cheap. If you make shit images with it, it's your fault.
  9. Werse

    Werse Elite Member

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    Just bought, nikon 50mm, 55-200vr, sb600 and a off camera flash cord and a new bag for $600. Thats all I'm buying and I think all be all set.

    PERVERTO Banned

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    Yeah, you're set. What 50mm is it? 1.8 or 1.4
  11. Werse

    Werse Elite Member

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    1.8, i dont need the 1.4 now that i have the remote flash.

    PERVERTO Banned

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    What does having a flash have to do with anything. haha
  13. Werse

    Werse Elite Member

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    The only difference is the 1.4 is better for low light, which doesn't matter much to me.

    PERVERTO Banned

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    Oh word, much nicer depth of field and bokeh is my reasoning for getting one.
  15. Werse

    Werse Elite Member

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    I cant wait to get it.
    I fell in love with 50mm when i started shooting film and now i want one for my baby nikon.

    PERVERTO Banned

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    Prepare for the significant crop factor... your 50mm lens is gonna turn into a 70mm. Much harder to use well.
  17. Werse

    Werse Elite Member

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    Its all good, i'll still be able to compose well.

    PERVERTO Banned

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    Leica on the way, just bought a tiny voigtlander 35mm f/2.5 pancake lens for it.


    so small!
  19. UpstateHate585

    UpstateHate585 Elite Member

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    well i am unemployed so i cant buy anything at the moment. but i do enjoy photography. i am always at concerts and stuff and would like to get pics of my local scene. right now i have a kodak easyshare c813 (gift) and my mom has a sony cybershot dsc-w150. is there any possibility of these being usable to get quality pictures. i like sharp pics and know i wont get anything close to what you guys get. but are either of these alright for someone just getting into photography? i think film wouldnt be a great idea for someone like me who is just starting and has little money
  20. UpstateHate585

    UpstateHate585 Elite Member

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