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Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by Fube, Dec 20, 2007.

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    PERVERTO Banned

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    Last edited: Sep 27, 2009

    PERVERTO Banned

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    A shoot for a friend.

    [Broken External Image]:
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    [Broken External Image]:

    Used a few tricks I learnt from those confessions of a photographer videos on youtube.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2009
  3. UpstateHate585

    UpstateHate585 Elite Member

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    perverto- the only one i dont care for is the 3rd one down. not your fault though. she just looks like bored. with that outfit i would think there would be some kind of persona to it. maybe its just me. but the quality of the pics is awesome

    so i havent gotten to sleep yet (10 am already lol) and i got bored and decided to walk around my yard. nothing special really. plus its raining and i rushed a bit







    hope the weather clears up soon. i have some spots i have wanted to take pics of forever but never have
  4. thesecks

    thesecks Senior Member

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    some of mine

    my advice would be to just see what type of car it is your shooting, and try and create an image/atmosphere that goes with the car,

    like with that white car i wanted to try and get a contrast between the whiteness and the grotty/grimey environment making the car stand out more. Look at the shape of the car aswell, and try and find similarities with the location
  5. Werse

    Werse Elite Member

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    If that was to mine it not suppose to, its through the viewfinder of an old camera.
  6. bigupsforyall

    bigupsforyall Senior Member

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    Last edited: Sep 27, 2009
  7. bigupsforyall

    bigupsforyall Senior Member

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  8. neb3636

    neb3636 Banned

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    Thesecks I deffintally agree with the contrast thing with white cars really makes them look better.

    PERVERTO Banned

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    good to see this thread is so healthy.
  10. -Empty-Can-

    -Empty-Can- Elite Member

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    Im going to be taking lots of hockey pictures this saturday. If i get any good ones i'll post them

    Still waiting for my brother to send me some....
  11. Peter Reveen

    Peter Reveen Senior Member

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    PERVERTO Banned

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    Where did you get the photo in your sig? fucking mean, is there a high rez version anywhere?
  13. -Empty-Can-

    -Empty-Can- Elite Member

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    me? i just googled detroit skyline
  14. UpstateHate585

    UpstateHate585 Elite Member

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    i was gonna put my hometown in my sig but then realized i would look gay for copying you haha. they look a lot a like.
  15. -Empty-Can-

    -Empty-Can- Elite Member

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    what city? lol

    peter raven - i like the 2nd and 3rd one. The second one looks like something nice and colorfull in an ugly place. The 3rd one is really natural exept i don't like how the kid in the back is out of focus. I think if you focused on the background and made both of the kids kinda blurry it would look better.
  16. UpstateHate585

    UpstateHate585 Elite Member

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    PERVERTO Banned

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    Thats the best thing about that shot.

    PERVERTO Banned

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    PERVERTO Banned

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    No, I mean't peter.

    PERVERTO Banned

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    I just learnt about using ND filters, which allows me to decrease depth of field by allowing wider apertures to be used in harsh sunlight. If you don't know what I mean, try shooting your 50mm at f/1.8 in daylight, the photos turn out horrible.

    So now I'm real real happy, I had always wondered how shots like this were taken:

    [Broken External Image]: