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Piece Battle Thread.

Discussion in 'Toy Battle' started by Fube, May 4, 2010.

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  1. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    Last edited: Oct 28, 2010
  2. MoganOne

    MoganOne Moderator

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    How do you vote?? I vote me hahaha... If I win the next word is "Back"
  3. Res-tooth Slims

    Res-tooth Slims Senior Member

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    lol whatever phat..start another poll just cos your pic didnt if it would be getting votes no beef...but its not the best iv seen from you...

    ERASMIK Guest

    If I had to pick it would be MoganOne's as it's the cleanest, tho I'm not sure about the the o section. Still...
  5. crackula

    crackula Senior Member

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  6. PREA672

    PREA672 Elite Member

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    idk haha he be tripping on something
  7. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    res tooth, whether i get votes or not is none of your business. when I submit an entry for a battle, it is to be fairly polled just like all the other entries. where do u get off leaving my shit out just coz ur majesty don't like it. รด_o
  8. AcrsK

    AcrsK Senior Member

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    I'm going to null on this one. Phat2 at least made an effort with what he had on hand; but still don't really care for the design all that much. Mogan1's piece is clean, but looks like a basic bomb. Nothing special nor a piece in matter of fact. ThePekins is the only other one other then myself that would actually be classified as a piece; but I don't really like it too much. And in my own morals, I won't vote for myself. Also, mine was a quickie that I just threw out there for shits and giggles anyways.

    So, I shall Null this one. NULL I SAY!
    Also, Crackula should be polled anyways even though he's slightly late. I like his C and o a lot. My vote would go towards his.
  9. Res-tooth Slims

    Res-tooth Slims Senior Member

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    yea i didnt unintentionaly leave your entry out....i just couldnt get it to display....take the blue one nd chill out eh
  10. W_G_O_N_E

    W_G_O_N_E Elite Member

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    mogan gmv , was in south dakota pheasent huntin , i will try and get a piece done for the next battle
  11. thepekins

    thepekins Guest

    so does mogan win??
    I would have voted for crackula if he'd been earlier. that was dope
  12. PREA672

    PREA672 Elite Member

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    mogan is the only one who had a piece worth looking at. gmv mogan

    phat2 i feel like you had a dope concept in your head but you couldnt make it happen on paper.. keep it up and you hands will catch up to your brain!
  13. MoganOne

    MoganOne Moderator

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  14. thepekins

    thepekins Guest

    damn mogan how is this shit so confusing to you?
    everyone has been voting, read the posts you fucking won pick a word and make a deadline. damn...
  15. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    lol kid's a bit slow. it's ok, go ez on im :p
  16. MoganOne

    MoganOne Moderator

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    Lol Fuck you man... I figured there would be some kind of more organized voting system where you don't see who votes for who...
    My word is "Bust" The dead line is on the 10th of November
  17. FuckTheFame

    FuckTheFame Elite Member

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    you guys ever hear of fighter stance?
    these pieces are kind of lacking
  18. KentiZz

    KentiZz New Member

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    Dudes vote this round over . I am on a pieace next time ! Give me a word and i will write it down . I am new by the way !!
    But lets get a winner here , i do not vote on any of this i am more stoked to start a new round !
  19. MoganOne

    MoganOne Moderator

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    I won the word is "BUST"... Starts Now... Ends on 11/10/2010... Get at it Mafukaz :cool:
  20. Res-tooth Slims

    Res-tooth Slims Senior Member

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    ever heard of hypocrisy.....
    wheres your piece at..?