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political thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by scary letters, Feb 26, 2008.

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  1. Chump

    Chump Senior Member

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    ^ hahaha
    i love that episode...
    the little baby " KILLL MEE!!"
  2. JackJill

    JackJill Elite Member

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    Want some political bullshit?
    Watch shake hands with the devil. Has to do with the Rwanda genocide.
    Most of it takes place in Kigali. Tutsies and Hutu moderates and holy fuck it's kind of confusing but it helps if you learnt about it already like I did.
    It's a very good movie. But I was bawling for the whole thing.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2008
  3. Steel!

    Steel! Elite Member

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    good man.^^

    uhh: honestly, i think its cheney who masterminded alot of the shit. and for the evidence of wmds.. what happened was that cheney and bush claimed to have indisputable rock solid evidence. and when someone says that.. ppl believe them. i dont blame the dems for believing that.. hell even i did when they origionally said it.. the thing was.. it was an outright lie. they didnt have evidence especially the extensive evidence they claimed to have when rumsfield presented to the U.N. about going to war with iraq.
  4. Cause816

    Cause816 Senior Member

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    We're still in a war that no one want's to be in. I just wonder how much profit bush has made since he got elected.
    Aand a good movie would be Farenheit 911 <sp?? watch that as an american and get pissed off.
  5. Rots takes your Daughters

    Rots takes your Daughters Elite Member

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    Sicko is another good Michael Moore film.

    Bush doesn't need to make profit, he wasn't exactly poor when he went into office. He's not going broke any time soon.
  6. ...uhh

    ...uhh Senior Member

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    ...huh..oh i get why ur has nothing do to with him that was me referencing steel...he knows what were talking bout... is an article from (OH MY GOD),2933,200499,00.html

    WASHINGTON — The United States has found 500 chemical weapons in Iraq since 2003, and more weapons of mass destruction are likely to be uncovered, two Republican lawmakers said Wednesday.
    "We have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, chemical weapons," Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., said in a quickly called press conference late Wednesday afternoon.
    Reading from a declassified portion of a report by the National Ground Intelligence Center, a Defense Department intelligence unit, Santorum said: "Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent. Despite many efforts to locate and destroy Iraq's pre-Gulf War chemical munitions, filled and unfilled pre-Gulf War chemical munitions are assessed to still exist."

    there were wmds in iraq not the mountain of them that we were expecting...but still one wmd for saddam was too many...

    about cheney masterminding the whole thing...idunno...when has the government ever been able to effectivley do anything...especially something so importatn as a set up of a country....i mean cheney would have had to have helpers ...and one of them would have to have sqeueld...but thus far noone... i konw of...(please tell me if u know)...its just too big a plan for our government to effectivly pull off ya know?
  7. STR-WHO

    STR-WHO Guest

    are you quoting fox news?? thats not really a reliable source, unless your trying to teach us how to manipulate and lie to people well.
    is an amazing news source non of that corporate news thats pre prepared and fed to everyone
  8. ...uhh

    ...uhh Senior Member

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    AHH str-who...fow leans right wing...but alot of the other news agencies lean left.....i know what im getting when i go to fox...and what im getting when i go to cnn..the site u sent...leans heavily even more so than cnn to the left....look at the key words...slaughtered ,occupation, sacrifieced...they are using ver heavily chargbed emotional words...and emotion is not what u want from a news source u want facts from a news source.....

    personally i thnk the best cable news station ( not a good one hahah) the best is probabbly msnbc becasue they give a variety of comentators a chance to its as balanced as i think is posiblle.
  9. Steel!

    Steel! Elite Member

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    the thing is about all of bush's illegal activities and cheney having to have help.. he did.. and ppl did squeal. think about how many ppl that were very close to then that got firsed for some absurd reason.. then only months later those ppl would testify for the various things b & c did... plenty of ppl high up squealed... it just didnt end in bush getting into trouble.. hes been able to avoid pretty much everything so far
  10. scary letters

    scary letters Senior Member

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    thats true he was wealthy when he went into office, but oil companies controlled by his friends, family, and that he's been on the board for have become exponentially wealthy due to the invasion, not to mention halliburton and defense contractors that benefited as well. its no coincidence that every member on bush's staff with the exception of maybe one or two has direct connections to management and investment in oil companies, so even though he himself hasnt become crazy rich since 2003, he's made his friends and family rich, and what sector do you think he'll enter after he's done with his term? what goes around comes around.

    and as far as good balanced media goes, it seems to me that its hard to find a middle ground in the US its either far right or far left. i think the bbc has great coverage of events here, they've more toward the middle than the major news networks weve got. npr is pretty left, but i like them.
  11. AMansNotACamel

    AMansNotACamel Senior Member

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    this is possibly political, with reference to global warming.
    I don't know how educated you are on the subject of global warming (i'm fairly ignorant) though my lecturer says that global warming propaganda only focuses o n the blanket keeping heat in, not the fact that the blanket also reflects a lot more heat.
    I take this information and interpret it as saying that these effects cancel each other out.
  12. Cause816

    Cause816 Senior Member

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    Global warming is a good thought and hell why can't everyone drive hybrid cars? I'm sure that they can make some cool looking ones. And even if they can't make one it's better than supporting the government that is a huge culprit in the rising gas prices. But in my opinion global warming isn't caused by just us. It's just the earth going through its normal cycle. So realy anyone who devote's their whole life to finding a way to change billions of people (Al Gore) is wasting their time. :D
  13. jakbg23

    jakbg23 Member

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    i cant believe he won a noble prize..besides all major oil companies would completly oppose a major change to hybrids or eletrical my opinion i believe that the current goverment is nothing more than a all u immigrants go back home there nuthing here i say stay in ur respective countries ...this place is gonna come spiraling down...but in this modern time there is no room for the american dream
  14. cezns

    cezns Member

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    Although Micheal Moore may have good intentions, his documentarys hardly strike out a point and circulate around complete bullshit and biased facts.

    As for the 2008 election in America, if I was a citizen there, I'd more than likely go with Obama.

    But instead I'll wait till this minority government we have in Canada comes to some sort of a disagreement and has another electionl.
  15. Rots takes your Daughters

    Rots takes your Daughters Elite Member

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    Hybrid cars aren't nearly as good for the environment as you think they are.

    I'm still in awe, that there are people (and a great deal of them) on earth who think Global Warming doesn't exist.
  16. Cause816

    Cause816 Senior Member

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    Oh yeah that always gets me. but what makes it even funnier is when people try to change the way the Earth was made to be. It has done this in the past way back with dinosaurs and it's just doing it again. Hell sometimes i think that there is more of a God figure out there.
  17. Rots takes your Daughters

    Rots takes your Daughters Elite Member

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    This is off topic but slightly involved with politics and more with the arth ish.

    What's everyone think of the "2012" "Planet X" "End of the world" stuff? I'm sure it has nothing to do with any mythical figures at all, But I'm starting to think there's something to the planet X thing. Especially with recent events. But, rots is ever the skeptic.
  18. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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    in regards to the dinosaurs and global warming and things.. im not going to say that global warming isnt accelerated by humans.. that just isnt so... but there is a good amount of evidence that suggests multiple mass extinctions on earth since its birth.. im talking about sweeping environmental changes dramatic enough to completely extinguish most forms of life on earth. there is evidence of both total and partial extinctions.. but the fact of the matter is that when these events happen, its absolutely environmental factors that facilitate it. just something to think about.
  19. Cause816

    Cause816 Senior Member

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    I've started thinking more about the whole 2012 thing also. personally i just think that the mayans ran out of stone to carve the calendar on. lol. But seriously the world is running it's last race. I don't think any of us will live to see it though.

    But back on the "political" thread...

    Fear is what drives america. Without fear you have anarchy and total chaos.
  20. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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    i totally disagree with that. fear IS an effective method of control.. dont get me wrong.. but its absolutely not the only method of control.. and for that matter.. i dont think (ideally) people necessarily have to be controlled to avoid chaos.