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Post Pictures Of Your Girl (18+)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mr. she77, Mar 11, 2005.

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  1. Grenade

    Grenade Senior Member

    • Messages: 61
    • Likes Received: 0 pussy....
  2. Cleo

    Cleo Senior Member

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    15 year old gi/9rl555555555555555555555555555555555592 <---my rat typed that a 15 year old girl 3i7xr35 333333333 vx6 isnt inmature. A 15 year old is perfectly capable of making their own decition about a relationship. And if my rat bites my finger one more time while I try to type...
  3. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    lol her parents know i date her and they are cool with that and they know my age and all and are okay that we have sex and what not.

    they dont know bout her n her bestfriend... but then again shes bi so wataver haha

    as for pubes... um shes been shaving for quite a while now...
  4. mr. she77

    mr. she77 Elite Member

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    you havnt had sex you fucking idiot, and you dont date her, shes an INTERNET GIRLFRIEDN WHO LOVES OVER SEAS... ofcourse they dont care.
  5. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    u break my heart oker...

    i AM going to see her this summer and ive arranged it with her parents n shiz...

    hum im allowed t osleep in her room but i gotta do a few chores around the house n i can stay for free (going during my 2 weeks summer vacation)

    hum.... 9999 posts... how should i use that very special last one?
  6. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    post a picture of your weiner. or dont use it at all, get a new name and start using it and nobody will reach 10000 posts. and if someone comes close just get that one last post
  7. infer one

    infer one Elite Member

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    waster, i thought i was in love with you, and before that it was foe, but now its cleo, good bye...

    oh yes, these idk if you have seen

    ciara- phillipino and brazillian :D
    [Broken External Image]:

    nessa- italian :D
    [Broken External Image]:

    the first one is the one i broke up with after a year and a half relationship...the second is fucking bangin, if i had body shots i would post but the only ones i have are nude!

    (these photos are 1 year or so old)
    back on track, the phillipino one has bigger tities, D34, the other one is a C, but nice, both got flat bellys, one has a ring(italian one)

    the italian ones ass if fucking HUGE but she is more harry, they both are nice though, its a tie i think, plus the phillipino is horny alot
  8. aCId II nz

    aCId II nz Elite Member

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    if a 19 yr old and a 14 yr old is wrong what about a 14 yr old and a 14yr old fucking?is that wrong cos they still underaged

    what the fuck do i care
  9. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    i dont mind :D :D
  10. quoi

    quoi Elite Member

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  11. BerfaZ

    BerfaZ Senior Member

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  12. Rik JamEs

    Rik JamEs Elite Member

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    ^ ppppppppppppppppppppp
  13. BerfaZ

    BerfaZ Senior Member

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    oh ya i forget something : y sont toutes des QUEBECOISES caliss comme quoi notre pays peut aussi produire de la chix (jai bien dit pays) ha ouias pi fuck les fiministes!!!!!!
  14. SoldAsFreedom

    SoldAsFreedom Senior Member

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    That Stephanie chick is slammin..haha
  15. graffistheshit

    graffistheshit Senior Member

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    haha, that was hella funny.
  16. Bombs Away

    Bombs Away Senior Member

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    half of you cunts are nerds who dont have girls...stop oggling ours girls until you post some flicks of your chick.
  17. scary dreams

    scary dreams Elite Member

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    Holy shit.....

    Psykaoz...Ur so in to the computer life that you think cyber sex is real sex. Haha. Very sad. Very sad in deed.
  18. pogopope

    pogopope Senior Member

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    you talk like having a girl friend gives you a higher status....oh wait girls are property hahaha fuck me i forgot :rolleyes:
  19. Bombs Away

    Bombs Away Senior Member

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    you talk like having a girl friend gives you a higher status....oh wait girls are property hahaha fuck me i forgot :rolleyes: [/b][/quote]
    you talk like a girl, or a really effimanate male (i didnt wann say fag...thats too she77)

    maybe i should have said "get girls and take pictures of them" instead of "have girls"...

    women are property.
  20. Bombs Away

    Bombs Away Senior Member

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