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Post Pictures Of Your Girl (18+)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mr. she77, Mar 11, 2005.

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  1. TheMurderousMisterMero_

    TheMurderousMisterMero_ Banned

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  2. Loki X Sho

    Loki X Sho Banned

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    you dudes put your dicks near these girls and expect them to stay attatched after?
  3. TheMurderousMisterMero_

    TheMurderousMisterMero_ Banned

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  4. SilverEra

    SilverEra Senior Member

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  5. KidReny!

    KidReny! Senior Member

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    ugh is she a girl who purposly angle the camera and take pics the same way every time, fuck i hate girls who purposly angle the camera and take pics the same way every time
  6. StayHyE

    StayHyE Senior Member

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    dude seriously every since this 'let me take a picture of myself' thing has gone off the charts the stupid angles have been multiplied by ten
  7. "Sin"

    "Sin" Senior Member

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    oo i just started dating a filipino chick a while ago and its going fucking awsome... anyone else got a filipino or am i the only lucky one
  8. sketch_three

    sketch_three Banned

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    is that that ur response when she asks u to make dinner cuss shes had a hard day at the constrution site chewing bricks
  9. Kayone707

    Kayone707 Moderator

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  10. hasemler

    hasemler Senior Member

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  11. hasemler

    hasemler Senior Member

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    word, shit seems fake as hell.

    like the forward lean half smile.

    things done changeddd
  12. SilverEra

    SilverEra Senior Member

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    I only hate FAT CHICKS that take pictures like that, other then that i couldn't care any less.
  13. hasemler

    hasemler Senior Member

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  14. thatkidyouknew

    thatkidyouknew Elite Member

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  15. Messer

    Messer Senior Member

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    this is why i love bombing science.

    and so as to stay on topic,

    shes not my girl cause shes "straight"....pshhhhhh :p:
    View attachment 487912
  16. nero112

    nero112 Elite Member

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    shes not your girl because of the simple fact that your fat and trying to 69 her would no doubt end very badly for her.
  17. realtalk

    realtalk Senior Member

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    u go on top when u 69????? LOL
  18. Messer

    Messer Senior Member

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    hahaha nero always burns me :(

    and shes not my girl cause shes in complete denial.

    EDIT: and no....i do not go on top in 69 LULZZZZ nigguhs would die.
  19. Vagrant

    Vagrant Elite Member

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    say what about michael jackson?
  20. CrustOner

    CrustOner Elite Member

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