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Post Pictures Of Your Girl (18+)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mr. she77, Mar 11, 2005.

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  1. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

    • Messages: 10,044
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    ak47: ya i date a girl from france, well shes not french, shes dutch, but shes living here at the moment.

    meekus: nah this isnt chibbs... its her best friend haha :D
  2. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    "haha foreal cuz youre kinda chubby car2n"

    im 5'7 i dunno how much i weigh, its been awhile heh

    im kinda chubby? I have an 6 pack thats turning into an 8 pack haha
  3. Crack Killz

    Crack Killz Elite Member

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    Post a flix of your abs cartoon boy..

    /no homo

    GRENDEL Member

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    GRENDEL Member

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  6. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    actually that was kinda homo...

    hell, i dont even post my abs on myspace like every other kid

    GRENDEL Member

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    GRENDEL Member

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    what happening, car2n
  9. skateparadise

    skateparadise Elite Member

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  10. Kraze3

    Kraze3 Senior Member

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    dam some of these girls are hot. All the ones round my area are dirty. U lucky fuckers!!!!!

    :angry: :D
  11. Cherubic Meekus

    Cherubic Meekus Elite Member

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    if your talking to me....where do u live?
    all my girlfriends live in england.
  12. Ume

    Ume Moderator

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  13. seap!

    seap! Senior Member

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    probably sisters..
  14. **MATEO**

    **MATEO** Elite Member

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    lol am i the only one that noticed this? the present girlfriend and the bottom ex look exactly the same hahahaha :lol: [/b][/quote]
    their noses look different
  15. snow2skate

    snow2skate Elite Member

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    The X looks like she has a nice body. Her boobs look like they protrude quite a bit :lol:

    KARE 2 ELABERATE Elite Member

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    confusion still stands
  17. vegimite on toast

    vegimite on toast Elite Member

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    Nobody knows Kare, I suppose the only way would be for it to drop it's pants and show us.
  18. flclnaruto1213

    flclnaruto1213 Elite Member

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    damn vegi, thats a good loop in your sig, did you make it?
    and who are those kids?
  19. snow2skate

    snow2skate Elite Member

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    Obviosly he didnt make it, unless your one of the people who beleive vegi is a child hungry pedifile who films little children getting there boogie down :lol: .. someone posted it in one of the topis yesterday and he put it in his sig..
  20. vegimite on toast

    vegimite on toast Elite Member

    • Messages: 4,631
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    Uh, yeah, uh...I didn't make it. No, um...some other...uh, person yeah, well they made it...

    *packs bag for mexico