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Post Your Painted Pieces FLICKS>talk

Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by Aero, May 5, 2004.

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  1. .A.K.4.7.

    .A.K.4.7. Elite Member

    • Messages: 3,983
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    some shit me and my crew been up 2 around the place
    aimg.photobucket.com_albums_v94_westwriter_IMG_1522.jpg SENAS GBAK

    aimg.photobucket.com_albums_v94_westwriter_IMG_1523.jpg SWIF.T GBAK

    aimg.photobucket.com_albums_v94_westwriter_IMG_1505.jpg HAS1 GBAK

    aimg.photobucket.com_albums_v94_westwriter_IMG_1509.jpg BERST GBAK

    aimg.photobucket.com_albums_v94_westwriter_IMG_1519.jpg SE HAS
  2. scary dreams

    scary dreams Elite Member

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    That first piece is blingin.

    And about NZ, Not any more man...I can't got busted for a bunch of shit so looks like I'll be gettin either locked up or on probation for a while.
  3. .A.K.4.7.

    .A.K.4.7. Elite Member

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    aimg.photobucket.com_albums_v94_westwriter_tawck.jpg TAWCK
    aimg.photobucket.com_albums_v94_westwriter_has.jpg HAS1
    aimg.photobucket.com_albums_v94_westwriter_swift.jpg SWIF.T
    aimg.photobucket.com_albums_v94_westwriter_dribz.jpg DRIBZ (DTD)
    aimg.photobucket.com_albums_v94_westwriter_bisc.jpg BIS.C]
    aimg.photobucket.com_albums_v94_westwriter_berst1111.jpg BERST
    aimg.photobucket.com_albums_v94_westwriter_vudew.jpg MELS (Admit)
    aimg.photobucket.com_albums_v94_westwriter_senas1111.jpg SENAZ
  4. scary dreams

    scary dreams Elite Member

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  5. Flow

    Flow Elite Member

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    Have we forgotten the title of this thread?
  6. .A.K.4.7.

    .A.K.4.7. Elite Member

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    geeeez sorry one throwup.. just cos it was in the same place as the pieces.
  7. Coca Cola

    Coca Cola Member

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    try looking at the thred's title and then at what u posted... i don't think they are all done by you

    dope one the less

    TAWCK is off thee hook
  8. -resq-love-obk-

    -resq-love-obk- Elite Member

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    he said they were from his crew... would you rather every person from his crew start an account and post one single post each to show those flix?
  9. toxus

    toxus Elite Member

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    think the 'senas gbak' is the best
  10. Nikon

    Nikon Senior Member

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    i think your mothers 'fat pussy' is the best
  11. "ZEAK"

    "ZEAK" Senior Member

    • Messages: 134
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    oh damn... thats harsh


  12. graffistheshit

    graffistheshit Senior Member

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    evak, that shits fuckin hardball. the ledge u were standing on looks like 3 inches long.
  13. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    You need to drop the front.
  14. Helko

    Helko Senior Member

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    hey dudeggs i guess you and me were wrong bro lol, kid i told you the lip on the green bar was atleast a foot long hahaah you thoiught it was like 3 inches what a goon. no harnesses? thats hardcore.
  15. .A.K.4.7.

    .A.K.4.7. Elite Member

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    You need to drop the front. [/b][/quote]
    hot damn!
  16. .A.K.4.7.

    .A.K.4.7. Elite Member

    • Messages: 3,983
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    what the fuck? so where would I post my productions?
    who cares if i post up my boy's pieces?

    for fucks sake this place has changed.. take a chill pill
  17. mr. she77

    mr. she77 Elite Member

    • Messages: 2,245
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    hot damn! [/b][/quote]
    whats the front?

    he thinks hes sooooooooo much doper then he is
    i pretend on BS like im one of the dopest person on here, but you can ask anyone whos sctually talked to me if i think im so good and they'll definatly say i don think that

    yeah its high and hard to hold on too, but noone can see you... he posted a pciture on HP, its over water... not that he would admit it, but id bet that he took the flick he psted on BS, in teh angle so it looks lkike cars go under the highway and can see him.

    if anyone, you should drop YOUR front, you seem to think your so high and mighty

    on the old forums you had one flick of your shit with all of these throws that werent too bad, bad werent too good, and you just would post that like it showed the person that they shouldnt mess with you, and you did that like twice...
  18. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    lol shut up she...

    u jsut do lil gay spots...

    or like kwick oneline outline throws in somewhat okay spots...

    never saw a dope fill in in a dope spot by you but ive seen alot of hot pieces off the highways n stuff by evak....
  19. scary dreams

    scary dreams Elite Member

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    whats the front?

    he thinks hes sooooooooo much doper then he is
    i pretend on BS like im one of the dopest person on here, but you can ask anyone whos sctually talked to me if i think im so good and they'll definatly say i don think that

    yeah its high and hard to hold on too, but noone can see you... he posted a pciture on HP, its over water... not that he would admit it, but id bet that he took the flick he psted on BS, in teh angle so it looks lkike cars go under the highway and can see him.

    if anyone, you should drop YOUR front, you seem to think your so high and mighty

    on the old forums you had one flick of your shit with all of these throws that werent too bad, bad werent too good, and you just would post that like it showed the person that they shouldnt mess with you, and you did that like twice... [/b][/quote]
    Actually...if you had a would know that that spot is right next to the side of another else do you think I took a picture on the same level as it????? Ooooops. And why the fuck would I hit a spot that no one could see?....I'm not as lame as you are she. That spot was definetly not chill as fuck especially with the G-bird being on river missions every single night.

    You should pop ur head and get a new hair cut...Jealousy ain't gonna get you no where. Just admit that even if you had balls you still wouldn't have the guts to hit that spot. Drop it.
  20. mr. she77

    mr. she77 Elite Member

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    well just so you know, i liek a lot of your peices, and i think that ive copmplimented you or meant to complimmented you on some of your peices/rooftops/highway hits
    but your attitude is so high and mighty and that peice isnt as dope as you act... and all this shit with you trying to diss me, i honestly dont even care because i have bigger worries, if you think i dont get up, thats you, someone whos never been to boston, or if you though i was all city, it still wouldnt matter.