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Post Your Painted Pieces FLICKS>talk

Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by Aero, May 5, 2004.

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  1. Nikon

    Nikon Senior Member

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  2. mr. she77

    mr. she77 Elite Member

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  3. Helko

    Helko Senior Member

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    even when he outlined it it lookes like OMES, im not ragging on him im just saying, i like the color scheme and its original i just dont think the letters matched up that much, and yes i could read it from the begining.
  4. Dudeeggs

    Dudeeggs Senior Member

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    shut up retard, I talked to Okes on AIM and he even admited that the K looks like a M so shut ur your penicillined rottin face
  5. graffistheshit

    graffistheshit Senior Member

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    mr transvestite, what the fuck is with your signature?
  6. mr. she77

    mr. she77 Elite Member

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    have you ever even touched a can? all you do is talk shit....
    and merk, it COULD look like an M, but with bad letter structure, it looks like a K with good letter strutcuter though.... but yeah it could be confused as an M
  7. Helko

    Helko Senior Member

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    s77, are you the one withthe plastic bag or the all black? J/W
  8. mr. she77

    mr. she77 Elite Member

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  9. vegimite on toast

    vegimite on toast Elite Member

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  10. xylene hug

    xylene hug Elite Member

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    you can always do this,
    pop that red thing with a knife, and superglue a montana needle tip onto it like this
    [Broken External Image]:
    ^^was done with super store paint so i could fill my platnum cans :lol:
  11. mr. she77

    mr. she77 Elite Member

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    DEVILEFK Elite Member

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    someone needs to make it Helko change his animation in his tag..... its a guy swinging his cock around.
  13. mr. she77

    mr. she77 Elite Member

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    you need to get better at graffiti.
  14. -resq-love-obk-

    -resq-love-obk- Elite Member

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    agreed. its kind of nerve racking to be on bs when my teacher walks by and thats waving around.
  15. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

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    helko.....WHY THE FUCK do u have a guy swayin his dick around in ur sig? you fuckin faggot.
  16. toxus

    toxus Elite Member

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  17. infer one

    infer one Elite Member

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    i think so, krylon fusion?
  18. scary dreams

    scary dreams Elite Member

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    Those cans are dope as hell for fill ins, u get more coverage then a normal can.
  19. the_uniBOMBER

    the_uniBOMBER Elite Member

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    is that a 'krylon' can [/b][/quote]
    READ THE QUOTE! It says what kind it is right underneath the picture. GAH!
  20. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    But honestly, how dope IS hell?