nice colors both of your, but your peice if horrid buddy u can do WAY better then that, u need to learn to stop painting with a sketch so when u randomly paint u can actually paint i cant even make out the L and the A, the F is really goofy looking to, the U the only good letter what happened fula you were starting to bust some alright shit, i mean the painting is clean an all but the letters are boo boo (no orffence man just speaking) seriously try working with no sketch from now on to try to get better at freestyling
damn fula..tight as always.. and yea i've always loved turqoise and orange... nice colors on both... clean all round
Prod with mr. Havok [Broken External Image]: Shot with VPC-S600 [Broken External Image]: Shot with VPC-S600 [Broken External Image]: Shot with VPC-S600
[Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]:
^ nice me (rsles) and my homeboy trale/elart [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: garage jam
Few rescent flicks. Dont really know which thread these should be in so ill post in both. peace. [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]:
and a recent proddy from over here. sorry if the flick is a bit big. peace. [Broken External Image]: