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Post Your Painted Pieces FLICKS>talk

Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by Aero, May 5, 2004.

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  1. seckzoner

    seckzoner Elite Member

    • Messages: 639
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    i never said my "constructive advice" was "nice"
    i said it was constructive criticism. im not trying to put you down in anyway. im just trying to say it seriously.
    its cool that you are trying. but work on the basics first!
  2. Tails0nE

    Tails0nE Elite Member

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  3. MorfOne

    MorfOne Senior Member

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    'fuck you jealous toys'

    umm..i dont know how to say it so i'll just be blunt...
    what the fuck are you thinking???
  4. pane in prov

    pane in prov Elite Member

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  5. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    wow you fucking suck, thanks for making me laugh with the jealous toys thing... haha you jewbag
  6. vanillasqueeze

    vanillasqueeze Elite Member

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    well he has atleast done a throw and touched paint for that matter, something you havnt no offence but you dont have much room to talk........
  7. Tails0nE

    Tails0nE Elite Member

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    yo man that was a while ago.....

    this one kid i know got into graff by me and
    begged me to do a tag for him so i did a real shitty one
    and he went around puttin it up and takin fame for it and crossin me out...
    just him crossin me out and talkin shit kinda got me pissed....
    so... there for i put that....

    now lookin at it i really dont know what i was thinking...

    i just like the colors a lil....

    so ya'll can bash me and stuff about it i dont care...

    (what the fuck was i thinking.... i feel like i should be slapped....)
  8. infer one

    infer one Elite Member

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    yo tails, i give you credit for actually going out and painting...alot ok "kids" in here dont even touch paint, just work on thoseletters a bit, like the T looks like an I and shit...
  9. Tails0nE

    Tails0nE Elite Member

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    yeah thanks man....

    i got more pics ima post em soon....

    but yeah the t looks a bit fucked up its not regularly
    that..... like skinny... plus the fuckin caps busted on me...
  10. Ravek

    Ravek Elite Member

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    props to grav for painting
  11. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    im supposed to be painting soon, so ill get some flix of that .
  12. Tails0nE

    Tails0nE Elite Member

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    [Broken External Image]:
    fuckin kids with the pink paint.... my boy hipers lil brother
    tried doin a guy i used to draw in the backround..
    [Broken External Image]:
    my boy hiper and myself..l donw while it was raining....
    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:
    my boy askem... his true blue ran out.... :p
    [Broken External Image]:
    askem once again....

    well dats all for now...
  13. pane in prov

    pane in prov Elite Member

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    i only like the blue askem
  14. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    what the fuck'd you call him a jewbag for sackface
  15. Bes Xoc

    Bes Xoc Senior Member

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  16. (*eKLeK*)

    (*eKLeK*) Senior Member

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    those askem ones got potential to be off the chain. the others need work the letters have no style. simple is good to start but not 3rd grade simple. unfortunately there is no way to explain or teach that it just has to come to you. also ur T still looks like an I the s is good tho. keep working on it.
  17. (*eKLeK*)

    (*eKLeK*) Senior Member

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    bes, fuckin sick as usuall.
  18. Bes Xoc

    Bes Xoc Senior Member

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    thx ;)
  19. Tails0nE

    Tails0nE Elite Member

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    yeah man askem is dope man....

    he was in a war between NME crew.... as seen on bombing
    science... plus some members of AEK in chicago had beef with
    his crew YCW.... but hes a cool guy and funy...
    but yeah hiper hes ok but i dunno bout his style...
    and yeah i know bout my T but that was way back when...
    n thanks for the tips and shit man

    i dunno man its like almost all of the shit i post he kinda bashes....
    maybe jealousy or sumthin i dunno.... but yeah props and thanks
    to everyone whos like backin me up and shit....
  20. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

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