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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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    FLIP FLOP Senior Member

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    How do i make the krinkz?!!?!
  2. peacebomb

    peacebomb Senior Member

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    I FUCKING HATE COLORPLACE for everything, be it canvas or walls
  3. clockwork

    clockwork Senior Member

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    I told the colorplace thread the day I heard the silver and gold were gone. I loaded my car up with cases. I bought basically all the silver within a 60 mile radius.

    The stuff works like ass on concrete or any material. The silver and gold are different. The caps from here at BS dont work really good with it either. I popped a bunch of oranges and pinks dont do shit on them. None of the fats work good on them. Not NEARLY like it does on rusto.

    Stick with rusto for the love of god. 33% more white and black is what I use. And its sticker than an infant with swine flu and 99 dollar nike shocks.
  4. with.ease

    with.ease Member

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    I dont understand who these people who love colorplace are, admittedly the gold and silver at least, used to work good, but otherwise that paint is shit. I've never seen anything painted with it that didnt look like someone was spraying paint mixed with water through a bendy straw.
  5. milk boxx

    milk boxx Senior Member

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    colourplace can lick my nut
  6. Each

    Each Senior Member

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    so if i screen print stickers and SHIT can i reuse the same screen? or do i need to go out and get a new one for every design? sorry to changethe subject. just kinda wanna get this shit goin
  7. Acro p

    Acro p New Member

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    very toy of me to ask. i was just wondering, how long would would you advise to stick with simples, shadowing, 3d and such? I've been sticking with getting a general feel for lettering, writing the alphabet out in simple form, doing BAR letters, then somewhat introducing a sense of my own style to try n get a hand style for myself, but I'm wondering if that's getting ahead of myself. advice would be appreciated. Thanks for taking your time to read this n helping me out if you choose to do so

    FLIP FLOP Senior Member

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    keep doing simples until you can practically do them with your eyes closed.
  9. with.ease

    with.ease Member

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    depends on the supplies you use. whatcha eyeballin?
    most screens should at least last awhile. see the thing is if you use a screen and you want to try to store the design, then your out a screen to print something else. or you can "recover" that screen and make a new design on it.
    i've had some screens done with cheap ass speedball diazo stuff for 3 years i just have to go through and plug pinholes everytime i wanna use em.

  10. peacebomb

    peacebomb Senior Member

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    Yeah do simples until you think you got em and then do them again. Then show us how they look and we will tell you if your good enough with them to procede.

    I tried getting a screen printing thread going but it never happened.
  11. with.ease

    with.ease Member

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    prolly because it requires to actuallybuy some shit, and alot of people will just bounce if they have to actually make or spend money
  12. joker954

    joker954 Elite Member

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    does anyone one know how window paint markers would hold up (putting my own ink in them)?
  13. Werse

    Werse Elite Member

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    If you get the ones with the mohair nib its sick.
  14. joker954

    joker954 Elite Member

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    yea what bout without it though?
    like a couple weeks?
  15. BigBlueViolence

    BigBlueViolence Elite Member

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    It all depends on what you write on, and how much you use it.

    heavy use, or writing on brick and rust and shit is going to cause it to fuck up in days.

    not using it much, or smooth glass and metal will keep it going for a while.
  16. throughthenever!

    throughthenever! Senior Member

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  17. throughthenever!

    throughthenever! Senior Member

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    anybody got any new ideas for racking
  18. BigBlueViolence

    BigBlueViolence Elite Member

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  19. Werse

    Werse Elite Member

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    Put shit in your pocket.
    Go to the counter, buy something cheap, and bounce.
  20. BigBlueViolence

    BigBlueViolence Elite Member

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    I wouldn't even say buy something.
    The less time in the store, the better.