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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. with.ease

    with.ease Member

    • Messages: 37
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    I got you, all kidding aside... actually, hanging with train hoppers, bums, etc is how I got into graff and met all the people I know. we used to just hang down there and buy 40's and talk with them. Let some of the hoppers stay at my gutter punk friends apartment. the town i lived in then is right at a big up/bnsf crossroads/yard.

    it's not intended to be mean towards bums or whatever word you choose, it's how the people who complain would describe it, i was being sarcastic.

    Thats how the cities are around here anyway... the alleys here are trash, they literally stink. encrusted with grease dripping from restaurant vents and rancid garbage smeared on the walls. They only care once some paint shows up, suddenly someone is "ruining" the beautification, that never was taking place, it's a joke. I dont know how it works where you are, but thats how it works here. no one, no city council or anything tells me what to view as art.

    Eh... I mean that depends. If it were on the side of the building, why do I care? maybe over the front windows making business bad for me i could see being pissed. But on the side of the building that was just sitting there not really being used for anything but structure?, or even the alley where basically only drunk bar hoppers ramble from bar to bar? nah. i'd rather see the worst throwup ever, than one more fucking billboard selling me something.

    i know what your saying but i just dont see shit like that. i have a more public visual space thing going, so yeah i did defend defacement. and to me vandalism is not vandialism all equal. it's not downs man, it's oppositional disorder.
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  2. Facedorateur

    Facedorateur Senior Member

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    Any tips on how to use prismas?
    Cuz ive been using decos for sketching and i heard that prismas was also the shit, but its weird cuz you cant really overlapse colorr, etc.
  3. RhodeIsland

    RhodeIsland Elite Member

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    It's all politics, they just want to be voted for again, and they get the votes by acting like they give a shit.. They are just jumping at the oppertunity.
  4. ..romero..

    ..romero.. Elite Member

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    i had to get down on this discussion becuase im bored and my class is having a pizza party without me and is probably stealing my slices as we speak...even tho i agree with you on the fact that no one gives a fuck about that shit(beforehadn)and you paintin that run down building in that shitty crime infested neighborhood.and painting it will IN NO WAY effect their lives whatsoever their is a reason why they must prosecute.i mean the rules cant change becuase you wrote on something that is trashy.becuase what happens when someone writes on something that is a landmark or in a nice upscale cant prosecute one more severly or nothing.well i mean they will in the sense that if you go for those nicer areas they are more likely to care and want you ass captured.and there will be more pressure on the prosecutor to put your ass away longer but in the end its still a felony wherever and on whatever you do it.for a good reason.becuase we cant have you hooligans runnin round with free reign or nothing.
  5. true Zen

    true Zen Senior Member

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    I am no expert, but for prismas I think you need to get the blending marker. That's pretty much all I know, I could be totally wrong.

    Question: I was wondering whats the stance on tagging bathrooms. Is it just a really toy thing to do? Or is it aight...

    Somebody tagged the bathroom at the place I work...
  6. ..romero..

    ..romero.. Elite Member

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    its only toy if the writers toy.duuuuh.
  7. BigBlueViolence

    BigBlueViolence Elite Member

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    I hit up bathrooms.
    I'm not trying to get fame from exclusively crushing bathrooms,
    but it's something to do.
  8. true Zen

    true Zen Senior Member

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    Why thank you gentlemen.
  9. with.ease

    with.ease Member

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    honestly? I dont think so either... what i think is that public space contains public visual space, that should be free for artwork graff, or otherwise. That advertising has taken over without our permission, which is debateable. i just think that advertising should be illegal because it does nothing for us as a society that isnt based in greed, while art can do alot just sitting there. This is the area of controversy. I think assigning a monetary value to our public visual space, when we should have that space to interact with and to use to interact with each other, is and should be considered a violation of our rights. That doesnt mean every thought that comes into everyones head, meaning like you said running amok, but it does mean for me, that pieces and even good throws and things like deuce 27 does should have a right to be there as much as another mural of oxen pulling something or collages of past events.

    We should talk the fucking talk and be a truly free and progressive society. We should have art on any surafce that doesnt serve some purpose in which it would need to be free of that kind of obstruction, if possible. Now thats extreme to the opposite end of the spectrum than we are in now, where everything is practically illegal, and i dont expect anyone to agree with it, but being serious, thats what i think.
    Last edited: May 28, 2009
  10. ..romero..

    ..romero.. Elite Member

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    no.those advertisements were bought by whoever,wether it was on tv or a billboard or whatever.they have the right to buy that space or that airtime just as much as you do.anyone can buy a billboard and put whatever they want on it.minus some of the more vulgar things like i mean you couldnt put a giant herpified penis(herpified is a new word i just made up) maybe its not there with YOUR permission but then again its not yours.thats their billboard and they have the right to whore it out to whatever company they chose.that is there right.its also their right to keep their place of residence or business clean from your scribbles.thats why graffiti is does that mean that i care about their right to keep their shit clean?? hell no.i do whatever the fuck i want haha.
  11. BigBlueViolence

    BigBlueViolence Elite Member

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    I agree with Romero,
    dudes pay money to own that building,
    they have the right to allow or deny whatever the fuck they want on their building.

    Same with billboards,
    dude paid money to own that billboard,
    and some other dude paid money to rent it.
    They are allowed to do whatever the fuck they want with their shit, not you.

    Trying to justify graffiti as anything more that advanced vandalism is pointless.
    I know I'm fucking someones hard work up when I paint,
    and that I have no right to do it,
    I just do it anyways.
  12. CrustOner

    CrustOner Elite Member

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    while I agree with you, and with BigBlue here, I must ask... Who gave those people the right to stick a huge pole in the middle of the ground and call it theirs to sell to other people? That spot on the earth was owned by nobody, then out of nowhere, somebody owned it, and then sold it for profit.
  13. ..romero..

    ..romero.. Elite Member

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    someone owns that land on the side of the guess is the same people who own the highway and those nigghas are always lookin for a way to profit so they probably sold it to them.idk who they bought it from but i know you cant just take a piece of land and build a billboard there.someones gotta own it.i dont think that there is a piece of land left in the country that isnt already claimed...
  14. proNYNJA

    proNYNJA Senior Member

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    how do you put up wheat paste posters?
    what will happen if the cops see you putting it up?
  15. peacebomb

    peacebomb Senior Member

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    Check out the first page of the wheat paste thread on the tools and tips section. If you want any help with it PM me, i am more then willing to help you get started.:D
  16. boards

    boards Member

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    hey where do you guys find your methylene blue? I went to a couple different stores and looked in the pet sections (cause it is apparently used to dye fish tanks...right?)....but have not yet been able to find it. Any suggestions?

    also, fiebings leather dye? i looked for that stuff today too. Found iodine in the process though!
  17. Facedorateur

    Facedorateur Senior Member

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    ^any shoe repair store should have it, where i live, every mall has one of those
  18. proNYNJA

    proNYNJA Senior Member

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    do you think its smart when i do my first real bomb that if i just do the first and last letter of my name,
    i write epek,
    i feel i needa get my P some style b4 i start bombing with it, so if i just put EK and then write my tag next to it that it'll be nice and no1 will be bagging on me for only doin 2 letters?
  19. CrustOner

    CrustOner Elite Member

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    Unless it's Erik, I don't see why it would be a big deal.
  20. RhodeIsland

    RhodeIsland Elite Member

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    How bout you don't bomb yet, you will regret it when you get better, go paint a chill spot you don't need to worry bout gettin up just yet.