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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. nah!

    nah! Banned

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    yeah i have tor its pretty cool
  2. NosE2

    NosE2 Elite Member

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    yeah I know a couple of dudes on facebook that be postin' pics of their shit...not them standing next to it, but still. It's the fact of the matter...Graffiti to me is super anonymous...and I like it that way. That's what it's all about. Just seeing someone up and thinking to yourself like "damn, I see that ____ dude everywhere...who the fuck is that..." and I like to think of who the person is and what he does and he would be chill or just a poser or whatever. Graffiti is awesome, and pretty unique in my opinion. To lose it all for being stupid (posting on facebook) is just absoloutely retarded.
  3. drOping

    drOping Senior Member

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    I like what you say nose. On another note, when the police have officially connected your real name to your other name, do you change it? Do the real heads just stick with it or what?
  4. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    ^that all depends on how big you are/how much your up/what that name means to you.... Recently bay area legend girafa just got out of prison and is faceing 38,000+ in fines just to one city, that ***** aint changing his name cause hes everywhere, and i mean everywhere. You write the same name for 10 years and your up all over why change it? If they try to pinch you for it you can say "thats not me, someones just trying to get me in trouble" like cope2 says. But if you get pinched over a name that you barely up with, or your a toy, it would be foolish to write the same name
  5. nah!

    nah! Banned

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    how do you change your real name?
  6. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    ^google that shit breh, cmon now lol
  7. nah!

    nah! Banned

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    well when i posted that your post wasnt above you post ninja so it wouldv looked better heh
  8. Fury

    Fury Elite Member

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    There's actually this dude who writes "Kevin Harris" all over California, and I wonder if that is his actual name haha
  9. nah!

    nah! Banned

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    his real name is probably some graff sounding name lol
  10. NosE2

    NosE2 Elite Member

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    Possibly the worst attempt at a joke I have ever seen...^
  11. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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  12. drOping

    drOping Senior Member

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    whatever that shit was funny as hell. Im stickin with the name, can't just drop that shit
  13. proNYNJA

    proNYNJA Senior Member

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    post your pictures on Flikr but dont link your flikr to facebook, and if you feel the need to get more attention post your stuff from flickr on you Facebook wall, and if any1 asks that you dont feel comfortable with them knowing you write just say "oh i saw it on flikr and liked it so i posted it on my wall"
    problem solved.
    and about the linking your graff name to your real name, this shit is never gunna happen unless you get caught up and tell the cops what you write, cuz they are not gunna try to bust you over the internet unless your really killing shit like Banksy, but hell that nikka still hasnt gotten caught so if you keep your shit lowkey keep the right people in your crowd "no snitches" then you shall never get caught up. i havent :D.

    fuk wall of text. FML.
  14. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    so i need you guys' opinion on something
    ive been seeing some BEGS tags around and i can tell the guy's no toy, and no local, so i have to get to him somehow. i was wondering what would u guys do in this scenario? how would you get in touch with someone u wanna meet knowing nothing about him.
    my main idea after not finding any contact info of his online (i did find flicks of the same tags but in germany tho) is the same thing that worked last time: write next to their stuff "props, mail me: [email protected]"

    wanna see what u guys think, what other things would u do to find him
  15. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    well you could spot jock him, he goes back to see one of his tags and then sees one of your too, then scout the main graffiti areas where youd think he might go... you could say props to him, but leaving an email adress might sketch him out... a little weird. And then youd have toys seein it and theyd try to email you too...

    You prolly made it an alternative email so you prolly not trippin bout who emails you... if someone told me to email them via tag id be a little skeptical
  16. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    Its not a bad idea, especially if it looks like shit
  17. Fury

    Fury Elite Member

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    Phat, I wrote my flickr next to this guy's message saying he wanted to meet up, so just use a dead email. I dunno, mailinator is pretty good since you only receive shit and if you find he emailed you, get on your real email and mail him back.
  18. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    how the fuck do i get rid of this cold?! Weather is all nice and shit but my sinuses be fuuucked up.
  19. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    have your whole respiratory system removed and replace you skin with a new one that has breathing spores is the easiest way imo
  20. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    Lol if only that was a possible option