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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. Golden

    Golden New Member

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    what is the worst thing that can happen if u get caught sticker slaping
  2. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    shouted at.
    now fuck off with your dipshit questions please. and try to think before you post.
  3. Phillip McDougall

    Phillip McDougall Elite Member

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    You shouldn't worry about it because if you are, you really should just get out of graffiti now.
  4. Mori

    Mori Senior Member

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    ha ha best advice I've heard you give Phil
  5. r4wrs4uce

    r4wrs4uce Member

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    Hey man its a good question it's the toy thread for a reason... not for elders to bash toys and post pointless shit... which is what most of the toy threads are now, but anyway i doubt its a big deal if you get caught, first of all you shouldn't be getting caught you take the sticker off the paper put it on something walk away, you would have to be mentally challenged to get caught doing this, it should take half a second.

    Also can someone be arrested for tagging something being seen but not being caught, and then walking around casually but not possesing any graff supplies, and that same person happens to see you and they start flipping shit on you. Whos word be tooken the crazy ass guy saying I tagged a sign near his house or the little white boy?
    Because I belive someone saw me tagging said nothing and I didnt really have anything covering facial features (I was running for cross country) except for maybe a hood on can't remember if it was on or off...

    Also...... can you get markers speciffically ment for graff/caps like (fats or skinnys) at stores like home depot, lowes, or michaels?
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2011

    MASTAH_RIBCAGE Moderator

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    because all people ever seen caught by the cops for [utting up a rather large sticker must be a retard.

    This post^^ brings me back to some other retard on here who begged to differ on time and place of tagging/bombing. If you go out during the evening or early at night and start to bomb, and not no pussy shit like most on here, and someone happens to see you, and you go out for a night on the town after, assuming that your not under age, like 90 percent of douches on here, then theres a likely possibility the person may snitch. it doesnt take a lot for someone with no graffiti influenced background to snitch on something they think is stupid or pointless
  7. sadgeh

    sadgeh Senior Member

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    Wait what? If you live in the US cant you walk around at night if youre under 21 or what?
  8. r4wrs4uce

    r4wrs4uce Member

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    In Virginia if your under 18 curfew is midnight idk about the rest of the US
  9. Coleo

    Coleo Elite Member

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  10. sadgeh

    sadgeh Senior Member

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    wtf here in Holland it doesnt matter if you do illegal stuff than you can get caught other then that you cant get caught.
  11. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    hehe yeah it's retarded, but it's also retarded to think that what's legal in your country is as legal everywhere
  12. sadgeh

    sadgeh Senior Member

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    No man that was not what i was thinking. Maybe my reaction was that i was in a sort of shock cause of that some people cant go allways on the streets.
  13. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    yeah and they eat dog in china. some things are just shocking. it's cool. get chill.
  14. spiltink

    spiltink Banned

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    can you get arrested if you get caught tagging on christmas night???
  15. Lado

    Lado Senior Member

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    You can get arrested if you're caught tagging on any night.

    I just got 2 Grog paint refills; white and chrome. I just saw some reviews and comments were saying how White and Chrome are the worst ones.. figures I buy them, but how bad are they really?

    Also, the chrome isn't chrome. It's a violet color with what looks like sour milk colored stains on the inside of the bottle. Any idea as to what's going on there?

  16. Fury

    Fury Elite Member

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    Shake it up before you use it. All chrome turns to this greenish shit whenever it's not shaken thoroughly. Never used Grog, but you should be alright.
  17. smokeitup

    smokeitup Elite Member

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    anyone buy infamous magazine? i saw this in a newsagent and had to buy it even tho it was 20 bucks

    [Broken External Image]:

    [Broken External Image]:
    ha even has a bombing science add..

    [Broken External Image]:

    [Broken External Image]:

    [Broken External Image]:

    thats the burner section theres sections for tags trains walls throwies etc
  18. Beko

    Beko Senior Member

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    does belton cover better than ironlak or are they about the same???
  19. randomkiddo

    randomkiddo Member

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    some ironlak colours do, but 9 times out of 10 the belton is better, BY A LONG SHOT! belton have the best yellow whereas ironlak yellow is worse then shitty dollar cans
  20. Beko

    Beko Senior Member

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