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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. Stene

    Stene Senior Member

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    you need paint markers
  2. KagedShroom

    KagedShroom Member

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    Ah ok thanks :)
  3. Walleeto

    Walleeto Senior Member

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    hey, i think this is gonna be a stupid question... can bosny spray paint be used for graffiti?? well i live in Costa Rica and we dont get Ironlak, nor Montona, nor any graffiti paint brands...
  4. Castilleja96

    Castilleja96 Banned

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  5. badder boy

    badder boy Senior Member

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    no you can only use montana gold for graffiti
  6. Norfsuthr

    Norfsuthr Elite Member

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    No montana gold is only for expert sprayers, everybody else use montana black

    MASTAH_RIBCAGE Moderator

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    I use montana white. fuck darkies
  8. ven0m

    ven0m or Phat2

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    I use montana hispanic

    best paint for pichacaos

    MASTAH_RIBCAGE Moderator

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    oh shit, they make that? I bet the spray smells like al pastor
  10. badder boy

    badder boy Senior Member

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    i bet it smells like a fuking pakis asshole
  11. Markvg

    Markvg Member

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    I am new to graffiti and just bought a blackbook and some Stylefile markers to start. I have the following problem;while drawing the ink leaks. A picture describes it better than words haha IMG-20121029-00123.jpg

    Thanks you in advance!
  12. KroeGHK

    KroeGHK Elite Member

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    well...that wasnt a quesion but im assuming youre wondering what to do to prevent this.
    you have a few options:
    get used to it
    draw over it
    put something under your paper when youre coloring
    color faster
  13. MN Nice

    MN Nice Elite Member

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    Get a book with heavier poundage paper. Like 70 lbs and up.
  14. Frogz

    Frogz Senior Member

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    trying to work on characters but all i can muster is a crappy looking face and extremely uneven limbs...
  15. rave316

    rave316 Senior Member

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    one thing i can advice on getting better with character drawings is sketch other charac's you've seen or snatch some off the internet, let your hand get use to sketching the lines until you start coming up with your own ideas. Plus as a old art teacher of mine said, good artists are also good thieves.
  16. RatyzOne

    RatyzOne Senior Member

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    Why would you like to copy someone else shit? There is some tricks you can apply if you have difficulties with proportions, shapes, etc...Google, Youtube, Bing are your best friends with that...

    A lot of people that are unfamiliar with characters start them with circle, stuff like this :


    Trust me, copying others stuff won't help you with you characts skills....
  17. rave316

    rave316 Senior Member

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    true with some just copying won't work, but some people may need other ideas to work off of to create shit of their own, it's like a prompt for writing, some people use prompts to help them come up with something creative, till they get those creative juices flowing on their own, different people got different styles of learning, not saying yours is wrong ratz just sayin don't knock the copy method so easily, hell it's how i got actually decent at doing anime.
  18. RatyzOne

    RatyzOne Senior Member

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    I feel you on this but let me say that copying someone artwork and getting inspired by is 2 different things but maybe I'm wrong...
  19. rave316

    rave316 Senior Member

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    well straight copying someones shit and calling it your own yeah that's bull, i guess what i'm trying to get at is use someones sketch for practice by sketching it yourself doing self checks looking at proportions and how your sketch looks compared to theirs, and of course i would advice going with diffrent artists or any fav writer, just so your not going off just one artist but have different styles of influence. But I would also advice as well to try and come up with your own shit while doing this so your not sticking yourself to just going off of someone else stuff. Kinda like dancing, I got some good dance teachers out here in japan I been learning pop lock and hip hop moves from, and for awhile all I could do was what they taught me but I kept trying to find my own style in what they were teaching me, granted I still learn new shit from em but I am starting to have my own pop lock style.
  20. Lado

    Lado Senior Member

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    Getting drunk could help. Jase gets drunk before he goes out and paints, helps ease the tension for him and he relaxes.

    But anyone know what kind of markers you'd get for redeeming credits? It would be way cool to get a big marker to bomb with, but I wouldn't care too much for a paint pen. Or should I just wait for the next redeemable checkpoint, which would be a can of paint?