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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. Bandeeem

    Bandeeem Member

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  2. Bombwriter12

    Bombwriter12 Senior Member

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    Did geakzilla die? Raquel Guevara.
  3. Fannie Chesterton

    Fannie Chesterton Member

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    I can say that this is an insulting nickname. It is usually the name given to an inexperienced writer who has no interest in studying the ethics of graffiti or in mastering the skills necessary for bombimg. I think any writer was called a toy at the beginning
  4. Bombwriter12

    Bombwriter12 Senior Member

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    Where is dumps who be da brains behind da CIA who wears the emblem of da triple k who murdered Malcolm x and king salazi
  5. Bombwriter12

    Bombwriter12 Senior Member

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  6. Rae

    Rae Member

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    they make fun of every newbie, post a pic of the tag? everyone starts out bad that's why there is a toys forum..
  7. LaMortE'

    LaMortE' Member

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    they keep writing toy on my tags in the area , what should i do ?
  8. LaMortE'

    LaMortE' Member

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    here are some of my tags in my blackbook



  9. Rae

    Rae Member

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    Well... if it helps they're pretty much breaking their own rules by painting over someone else's work.. this includes toy graffiti and if it doesn't then it should.
  10. MINE2 : C.H.A.P.S. CRU

    MINE2 : C.H.A.P.S. CRU Senior Member

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  11. Rae

    Rae Member

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  12. MINE2 : C.H.A.P.S. CRU

    MINE2 : C.H.A.P.S. CRU Senior Member

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    Actually buffing someone is very much "part of the rules" as that's how you express your beef with another writer. If you're getting buffed by the same person or their crew repeatedly then you might want to see what's up with that
  13. Rae

    Rae Member

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    but wait isn't that the entire reason it's against "the rules"? that whoever was writing over his work is trying to show they don't like it or him personally, for example?
  14. vigostar

    vigostar Senior Member

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    Yes, if someone keeps on "buffing" you then theres definitely an issue there. the only time its not a factor if its a wall/ page where its a massive clusterfuck of tags where its just overlapping or in my Traveling Blackbook Project, I tell everyone to tag one for the covers or inside black pages and I knew b4 I began that project that I would run out of room so I made it a point to tell the artists not to get annoyed if that happens. Its all part of the asthetics.
  15. LaMortE'

    LaMortE' Member

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    I was browsing the web and I came across a fellow writer with the same tag name as me but in a different country, should I change my tag add a few numbers or something, because I already have changed names 3 times and I have tagged a variety of places with this name.
    Tell me your opinion as more experienced writers please
  16. Pigeon_enjoyer

    Pigeon_enjoyer Member

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    how do you know if your name is taken or is ass and need a new name ? i have the name FOSH but idk if it’s good or not i have another name i’m thinking of using but it seems basic

    can someone help me out cuz i’m new to this
  17. TorresTorrmr1

    TorresTorrmr1 New Member

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    Hey there!
    I need a squishmallow anyone suggest me the best cow squishmallow.
  18. TorresTorrmr1

    TorresTorrmr1 New Member

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    can Anybody suggest me a cow toy for my children.
  19. ven0m

    ven0m or Phat2

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    take it from a dude who chose "phat" as his name...
    it has absolutely no importance, even if the name is already taken. All names are already taken. Your energy is better spent on practicing the work itself.
    it could be any word, the best writers could've named themselves anything and they'd still be the best.
    my advice to choose your name based on which letters are in the word... not all letters are created equally in the world of graffiti. I'll let someone else elaborate on that point ;)
  20. Perthro

    Perthro Member

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    Does anyone have good tips for developing a style?
  21. odesk_fyt

    odesk_fyt Member

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    how do I settle a beef with an idiot who snuck inside my house like 22 years ago? Should I kill him? His cocksucking friend took a photograph of the inside of my house and uploaded it to another graffiti site. btw, blue carpet was in the house before we moved in - they thought they were smart thinking that blue carpet was in my room.
    ODESK and his FYT or Modern Day Shitheads crew. Hope they die from the covid vaccine.
  22. lordkaka

    lordkaka New Member

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    How long should a fill take you?