Take my input here with a grain of salt, as I'm also a toy, but, I think that you can, provided you can do a high-quality piece. As a general rule, only paint over someone else's piece if A) they are alive and B) your piece will be in some way superior. Throwies go over tags and pieces over throwies. I think a fill takes precedence over hollows, in the same vein.
Styl Wars the movie. Its the graffiti bible. Subway art is great book based of etye wars. Unscripted is a great book for history of handstyles
This year I want to try digital graffiti as a beginner, even though I still like to draw on paper. I know there are mutiple softwares/tablets that I can choose from and there is a learning curve to this, but my question is about layers. The first layer of a rough sketch do I attempt all letters or have a seperate layer for each letter (Ex: Sketching "ABC" letter 'A' would have layer 1, B layer 2 or would it be easier to sketch all letters in one whole layer/group) and then repeating the same process for a second layer adding extension, and third layer adding color/3D/outlines etc...until you have your final piece finished? Any advise is greatly appreciated!!!
I’m not an expert on this but I would say less is better. Start with 2 layers, 1 for background and 1for letters. And If you want to add some objects in front of everything then add 3rd. As in everything start with basics, after that you can start adding layers (1for each letter etc.) and experimenting. You can allways group layers together after your’e done. Some softwares can make 3D and outlines for you too.
Hey dudes, do you know anybody graffiti artist called Sniper? And if you know, how famous he is and whatlike is his graffitis and artstyle?
How dangerous is bomb a fence, wich is very near a railway, because I have thinked that if you see that there is coming a train there and you are painting the fence, you can't go away there and you may die. Sorry if my english dont work well...
Do you know that how has bansksy been able to keep his identity a secret for so long? He does illegal graffitis, but he never does mistakes and i think that nobody hate his graffitis.
When sketching does the first letter always determines how the rest of the letters are going to flow(extensions, chips, etc..)? I'm constantly trying different things so I don't repeat the same letter in the same style when doing these battles, but sometimes my brain is like...ok how is my next letter going to fit in with the previous letter. Am I overthinking it or criticizing myself too harsh? Do any of you have a similar problem.
I have 2 questions. 1. At a chill spot, for example, under a bridge where the walls are covered in graffiti tags, etc. (all overlapping so that you can no longer see them properly), can I just make my throw-up in the middle of it, or do I need to consider anything? Or is it even prohibited according to the rules? 2. I would like to practice throw-ups on legal walls. Can I remove other people's stuff there if there is no space left?
Unless you admit to it when questioned, the police will have nothing without evidence. You either need to be caught in the act or on film committing the act. Even if someone rats you out, that isn't enough to hold up in court. And most police won't waste the time investing you, unless you hit something really important. IE, a church, statue, memorial, something like that.
Sometimes it's called a "front" but yeah I can give u tips so maybe u won't join a super great Kool crew but u might get in a crew from your city or whatever .first get up with your name .find a circle of friends that write,that are probably better than you ,or maybe at the level of you. Usually at school people connect and know other writers. Start hanging out with the peeps u fit in just right. Remember to get up as much as the crew.practice,sketch,paint, or tag with markers.write by there names too, there might be beef later with other writers but it's part of the game .don't go over anybody older in the Graff scene.start painting with your friends that u contacted. Soon they will be like "hey your up.."and they will invite you to there crew,if they want to.they will within themselves talk about u and will expect you to be good and get up alot, to want them to ask you.talk to them see if you guys got the same approach to graffiti as you or another writer from that group.get to know as many people that write.hang at a Graff shop and be at the writers bench.good luck finding a crew foo.