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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. devo_uk

    devo_uk New Member

    • Messages: 3
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    cheers, i'll work on that.. the o spacing ended up a bit fucked, I had that devo as a tag that I used a marker for with a little char's face in the O..

    I blame the spacing and the fucked up fill on the evil weed :D
  2. MODGrafix

    MODGrafix Senior Member

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    lol, but thats good. i like the fill, but the letters should be smoother even though thats hard to do. also, try making your letters less simple if you knwo what i mean.
  3. CraYon

    CraYon Elite Member

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    Shit, I didn't want to go down to this...but I had to. I finally took a pic of a scetch of my throw up. Yea, I know its prolly ugly and generic, but here goes nothing.

    [Broken External Image]:

    Yea, yea I'm sorry for hurting your eyes. I really am interested in graffiti, but I just haven't found my style yet. Its a throw up, ok that's a crappy tag, it was done too slow so it didn't flow, and that's a lil karak I draw (Its more like a bunch of misplaced lines)

    Any comments are greatly appreciated. Plz, no bashing just because I wrote that complaint thread... :ph34r: Hopefully some critque could make me get more determined on improving...
  4. Shyd...

    Shyd... Elite Member

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    Ok so i was just wondering how do you tag with markers like that are square but like lets say on the side the sides are 5mm and the top and bottem are 10mm? cause when you write a word its different sizes. Do you rotate the marker or something?

    Like with this marker would you have to rotate or something. Like if you wrote a t the line down would be one width but the line across would be a lot thicker.

  5. ANTIC

    ANTIC Elite Member

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    its cool like that, at least i think if u rotated it and pauses it wouldnt flow

    in my opinion
  6. nicksinif

    nicksinif Member

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  7. CaSoNe

    CaSoNe Elite Member

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    so does ur mom
  8. curve

    curve Senior Member

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    you can spin the marker in your hand silly, like rotate it so one edge is always writing they way you want to write.
  9. DNA

    DNA Elite Member

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    well lets see it is supposed to look like that, it is supposed to work with the curves of your tag,
  10. joust

    joust Elite Member

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    yo crayon you got a decent style for a beginer. I would work on making your letters more interesting you were right when you said they were generic. I would loose the dots in the tag and try to make your letters less like cursive, unless you have a cursive handstyle which is cool, but in that case i would work on the flow more. Try to connect the letters in your throw a bit more. Pretty good for a beginer, thow some color on that shit! haha Peace.
  11. joust

    joust Elite Member

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    and kill that char. pleace haha.
  12. MBTA

    MBTA Senior Member

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    haha true, the worst is when people write "style" [/b][/quote]
    why? i like those if the writer is fucking dope. the way it looks is what really matters, it's a visual art. some of the illest fucking shit i've ever seen were "juan"s, "jim"s, "dave"s, "crunch"s, etc etc etc.
  13. DoutTwo

    DoutTwo Senior Member

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  14. DoutTwo

    DoutTwo Senior Member

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    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:

    just some shii haha hope thats not to much to get the idea :blink:
  15. SIAH

    SIAH Senior Member

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    i'm feelin tha last two....nice. try some color tho.
  16. Kayone707

    Kayone707 Moderator

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    i like your throws... i think they are better then your pieces..

    but thats just me
  17. sink

    sink Senior Member

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  18. Kayone707

    Kayone707 Moderator

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    try to make em spaced equal....

    and the with's (Sp) equal also. u have the top part of the K skinny and the Bottom part thicker... work on that
    here. i was bored.. and yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa :blink:
    [Broken External Image]:
  19. CaSoNe

    CaSoNe Elite Member

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  20. Kayone707

    Kayone707 Moderator

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    i wish my throw looks something like that... mine sucks