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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. DNA

    DNA Elite Member

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    haha, i didnt scroll dwn so i copyed it into my own image manipulation program and flipped it my self. props joust for makingit easy to see. :)
  2. sink

    sink Senior Member

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    thanks joust, i tried to get all the extensions to go opposite the flow, im filling and outlining some tonight, ill post them later, and i didnt go light on the pencil at all, its some kind of freakish 2hb that i only need to sharpen every few days even with regular sketching.
    It is now later
    [Broken External Image]:
    still i messed up a bit of the 3d and it still needs a lot of work, but ive got plenty of time to improve my style
  3. CaSoNe

    CaSoNe Elite Member

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    sink im not feelin it very first it looks good but then u look at it for awhile and the extensions look bad...dont go with the letters at all
  4. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    i really wanna learn how to do the whole 3d thing badly...not like the adding 3d to regular letters but i mean something like the simple basics of this :
    [Broken External Image]: rex2 TM-Nashville
    i know that no one is gonna like teach me but i mean like if someone knows where theres like a little tutorial or something i just need like the basics of thast

    i know im probly gonna get flamed alot or something but oh what the hell
  5. sink

    sink Senior Member

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    casone what would you suggest i do, just screw around with the arrows alot untill i find good direction for them? i thought it might look cool them going against the flow
  6. CaSoNe

    CaSoNe Elite Member

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    i dunno man....theres just too many of them...and ur letters u have to work on badly focus on ur letters b4 u worry about arrows and stuff like that
  7. sink

    sink Senior Member

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    ive been working on straights for a while and needed a quick break
    thanks for the advice
  8. joust

    joust Elite Member

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    loose the arrows till you got a pimp letter structure
    then you can add that more advanced shit.
  9. Jesustron

    Jesustron Member

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    shit, i was just gunna say thing...all you kids need to dead the arrows.
  10. Blind

    Blind Member

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    is it possible to mix colors of paint pens, like making different tones and shades? if so what do u do?

    (if it isn't possible please don't bust my chops)
  11. DNA

    DNA Elite Member

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    would rusto fats work on 'Rust-oleum Painters Touch'????
  12. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    the only way to find out is to try is it really that hard?
  13. joust

    joust Elite Member

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    yeah they do.
  14. joust

    joust Elite Member

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    shit, i was just gunna say thing...all you kids need to dead the arrows. [/b][/quote]
    haha great minds think alike.
  15. JAN1

    JAN1 Member

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    i dont think its too bad sink.. i actually like ittt.. its pretty hot.. anyway, props to kayone for makin this shit last... :ph34r: :ph34r:
  16. DoutTwo

    DoutTwo Senior Member

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  17. sink

    sink Senior Member

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    i like the first one donut
    which is better spray, americas finest or walmart?
  18. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    hence the name rusto fats. i used some fats on painters touch today. those are one ov my fav caps
  19. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    americas finest by far
  20. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    americas finest by far

    and hahahaha donut? its dout...but a 1 letter difference oh well