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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. CaSoNe

    CaSoNe Elite Member

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    i can read those though there is letter form...he needs more letter form is all im sayin
  2. i_eat_clam

    i_eat_clam Elite Member

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    if i dident post the name. you wouldent have been able to read it...
  3. Fait

    Fait Member

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    is there different shades of black? lolz i seriously want to know
  4. CaSoNe

    CaSoNe Elite Member

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    haha um the first one yeah...the second pic definatly not but still i think things look better when they have some letter stucture thats all
  5. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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  6. CaSoNe

    CaSoNe Elite Member

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    no but i think it wuld b doper if i culd...all im sayin is if u can pull of a dope ass style that u can read its better then something u cant geesh
  7. i_eat_clam

    i_eat_clam Elite Member

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    yes theres diff shades of black... its called."Grey" hahahaha

    but no really there are diff shades..

    and for casone. thats your personal opionion *sp*.... some people like straight edged letters that a grandma can read.. and some like letters so hard to read that u need a flippin FBI investigation team figure it out... either way. it shouldent matter. bla bla bla i could go on all day but i'll stop ;)
  8. CaSoNe

    CaSoNe Elite Member

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    i know its my opinion thats why i dunno why u guys are tryin to prove me wrong like there is a right or wrong answer
  9. i_eat_clam

    i_eat_clam Elite Member

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    well shut up already i won!!!

  10. EliosAVS

    EliosAVS Senior Member

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    Hahaha, theyre both dope.
    I agree with casone though, personally i like simple stuff.
    But i have much respect for crazy peices, more artistic type things.
  11. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    oh cas one i posted that right after fable posted the flick of gena's and u have already replyed so i wasnt gettin on yuro case
  12. CaSoNe

    CaSoNe Elite Member

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    no doubt...that piece u posted is hot by the way u know him?
  13. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    lol yea that kids closer to me then my real family is one of my bestfriend and crew mates his names irok tortus

    here the letter if u where wondering
    [Broken External Image]:

    skripts in the top left
  14. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    ok yall this kid just im'd me heres a lil tip what not to do.....

    enso1PBS: yo
    EaStCOaStETard: yo
    enso1PBS: i was browsing teh bombing science forums
    enso1PBS: i need help with sumtin
    EaStCOaStETard: whats that
    enso1PBS: i gues im liek a step higher than a toy but i need help with a new hand
    EaStCOaStETard: what area u from
    enso1PBS: Philly
    enso1PBS: ?
    EaStCOaStETard: hmmm if your tlakin to me about a philly handstyle im not good with um but i can help thats mine used to be till it transfromed into this
    enso1PBS: ok
    EaStCOaStETard: diffrent sides of the us have dirrfent style of hands
    enso1PBS: i kno
    enso1PBS: liek i kno how to do philly wikeds and shit i just want a dif handstyle
    EaStCOaStETard: well i was telling u because u put the questionmark
    enso1PBS: i kno
    EaStCOaStETard: what do you write
    enso1PBS: ENSO
    EaStCOaStETard: lol u know there is a huge world wide famous enso right
    enso1PBS: WTF
    EaStCOaStETard wants to directly connect.
    enso1PBS is now directly connected.
    EaStCOaStETard: (posts a pic of ensoe)
    EaStCOaStETard: u seriously didnt know about enso?
    enso1PBS: ur fucking kidding me
    enso1PBS: im gettin famous in phily now i gota change my tag ?
    EaStCOaStETard: you famous in philly
    EaStCOaStETard: u just said your a step above toy
    enso1PBS: yeah but im good
    enso1PBS: like im good in my area
    EaStCOaStETard: let me see soem of your work
    enso1PBS: (flick of a cut off handstyle on a wall) its cutoff
    EaStCOaStETard: no of your graff not a cut off handstyle
    enso1PBS: dotn have ne
    enso1PBS: i got one piece
    enso1PBS: (horrible peice)
    EaStCOaStETard: lol one peice and your famous
    enso1PBS: No
    enso1PBS: i eman with hands
    enso1PBS: i havetn reall been able to get paint
    EaStCOaStETard: eh i doubt your famous or good (no offence)
    EaStCOaStETard: how long u been writing
    EaStCOaStETard: see your talkin to my homie fabel
    enso1PBS: yup
    EaStCOaStETard: how u know him?
    enso1PBS: form bombing science
    EaStCOaStETard: oh ok
    EaStCOaStETard: but yea
    enso1PBS: cnma ugive me a tag
    EaStCOaStETard: give u a tag?
    enso1PBS: yeah
    EaStCOaStETard: like do your name for you
    enso1PBS: No imena gimme a name
    EaStCOaStETard: well to find a name u need to to all your letters
    EaStCOaStETard: pick the ones your good at and find a name with them in there
    enso1PBS: im good at d e b s r n j o t u v z
    enso1PBS: and a
    EaStCOaStETard: well pick a name out of those and ill tell u if there a writer with that name
    enso1PBS: ZEA
    enso1PBS: and U
    enso1PBS: NUM
    EaStCOaStETard: num yea
    enso1PBS: some one writes NUM
    EaStCOaStETard: zea im almost postive plus there zebra and zealot
    enso1PBS: i used to wirte num i cant do phily handstyles with it tho
    EaStCOaStETard: im sure you can
    enso1PBS: i cant do phily hand stles with fs amrkers
    EaStCOaStETard: fs?
    enso1PBS: No
    enso1PBS: fta
    enso1PBS: fat\
    EaStCOaStETard: why not its the same as normal markers
    enso1PBS: nah
    enso1PBS: cnau coem up with one for me im not good at that
    enso1PBS: got ne old names i can get
    EaStCOaStETard: well hate to say it man if u cant even find a name for your self your still a toy
    enso1PBS: but my friend got a name from fucking dazar
    EaStCOaStETard: dazar?
    enso1PBS: dasaar i think idont kno how to spell it hes really big here in phily
    EaStCOaStETard: oh well
    enso1PBS: so can uhelp me
    EaStCOaStETard: why cant u get your own name?
    EaStCOaStETard: not to come off as a dick just dont understand it
    enso1PBS: i cnat tjink of a good one
    enso1PBS: cuz i come up with a name and then i think its gay
    enso1PBS: plus nums my dj name LOl and if i get big dont feel liek gettign busted for graf ebcuz it s my dj name
    EaStCOaStETard: doesnt matter if u think the names gay its how your art come out
    EaStCOaStETard: so ima producer where i live also THE biggest bomber
    EaStCOaStETard: and i controll about half the underground hiphop emcee's beats
    enso1PBS: cool
    EaStCOaStETard: just sayin its pointless
    enso1PBS: cnau at leats help me otu
    EaStCOaStETard: i told u u have to get your own name out of 5 years i never had a name given to me
    enso1PBS: o
    enso1PBS: enme
    enso1PBS: THERE
    enso1PBS: ENME
    enso1PBS: ENME1
    enso1PBS: thats GOOD ?
    EaStCOaStETard: lol
    enso1PBS: WUT NOW
    EaStCOaStETard: NME is a HUGE crew in canada
    EaStCOaStETard: there also a enme
    enso1PBS: FUCK
    EaStCOaStETard: and a eminy
    EaStCOaStETard: but find a name u like and just write it
    enso1PBS: i liek enso
    EaStCOaStETard: but dont say your famous and dont say your good when your not man it gets u no respect
    EaStCOaStETard: i had more respect for me when u said u were toy
    enso1PBS: i am a toy but im one of teh famous toys LOL
    EaStCOaStETard: thats an oxymoron
    EaStCOaStETard: cas the better writers dont see toys
    enso1PBS: why do iwrite with my famous cuzin then who writes with kazz
    enso1PBS: razz
    enso1PBS: KID
    enso1PBS: TAIm
    enso1PBS: DAZAR
    EaStCOaStETard: LOL are u tryin to name drop on me?
    enso1PBS: im not tryign to start
    enso1PBS: what about ESE
    EaStCOaStETard: toys arent kids who start
    enso1PBS: LOL
    enso1PBS: ok
    enso1PBS: what about ESCO
    EaStCOaStETard: tell me something why did u start to do graffiti
    enso1PBS: cuz i used to see my cuzins room and see al the writers comign over and see all the graffiti and i loved it
    EaStCOaStETard: so u started cas u thought it was cool?
    enso1PBS: and then when i moved to where ilive now nexty to train tracks i always saw the graffiti
    enso1PBS: no i knew its what i wanted to do cuz i loved teh way it looked the way ti felt to do it teh adreniline
    enso1PBS: everythign
    EaStCOaStETard: do u know why its there?
    enso1PBS: why whats there
    enso1PBS: graffiti
    enso1PBS: if uwanan gimme a quiz u can ibet u ill kno almost every answer
    enso1PBS: i liek kno everythign bout hiphop
    EaStCOaStETard: lol kid stop thikning that your big
    EaStCOaStETard: oh you do
    enso1PBS: i dont
    enso1PBS: maybe not every thign but ALOT
    EaStCOaStETard: when did hip hop start
    enso1PBS: 1972
    EaStCOaStETard: what are the 4 elements
    EaStCOaStETard: and whats named the 5th
    enso1PBS: graffiti mcing djing bboying
    enso1PBS: beatboxing
    EaStCOaStETard: hmmm atleast u do some reserch
    EaStCOaStETard: have are some of the orginal turntablist
    enso1PBS: KOOL HERC
    EaStCOaStETard: the god fauthers
    EaStCOaStETard: thats just one
    enso1PBS: afrika bambatta
    EaStCOaStETard: anymore?
    enso1PBS: trying to think
    enso1PBS: havent thought bout it in a while
    enso1PBS: dj holly wood
    enso1PBS: umm
    enso1PBS: jazzy j
    enso1PBS: umm
    EaStCOaStETard: i was gonna say if u dont know of jazzy j
    enso1PBS: lol
    enso1PBS: got ne more
    EaStCOaStETard: hmmm about the foundmental about hiphop naw i just wanted to see if u know a lil about the histroy
    EaStCOaStETard: cas hiphops my life
    enso1PBS: smae ehre
    enso1PBS: thats all i know basically
    EaStCOaStETard: so back to the question why cant u find a name an just write it
    EaStCOaStETard: you knwo about every name u pick there gonna be someone who has ti
    EaStCOaStETard: it*
    enso1PBS: cuz everyone hasa name tah ti like i ve tried everything
    enso1PBS: i mena i love enso
    enso1PBS: what abotu SAGE
    EaStCOaStETard: if u lopve enso then write enso
    EaStCOaStETard: simple as that
    EaStCOaStETard: people will know the diffrence between u and a king
    enso1PBS: is it ok?
    EaStCOaStETard: well it son you
    enso1PBS: can i get in troubel?
    enso1PBS: i mean a kid here got killed a while bakc over a tag
    EaStCOaStETard: i mean theres other popel at there that write gesus but i still write it
    enso1PBS: o
    EaStCOaStETard: u sure it was JUST over a tag
    enso1PBS: YES
    EaStCOaStETard: hmm thats no good
    EaStCOaStETard: well thats upto you man
    enso1PBS: tahst why idotn wanna take a name
    EaStCOaStETard: yea but not everyone a fuckin gang member that writes graffiti
    enso1PBS: it wasnt a gang member
    EaStCOaStETard: ok so someone got shot over a tag and the person wasnt involed in a gang or anything like that?
    enso1PBS: nope
    enso1PBS: umm
    enso1PBS: not shot
    enso1PBS: jumped
    enso1PBS: what abotu denz
    EaStCOaStETard: whoa whoa whoa
    enso1PBS: ?
    EaStCOaStETard: so why'd u say he got shot if he got jumped
    enso1PBS: i meant killed
    enso1PBS: ok this guy threw soem shit up andthen from hat i understand 4 guys came there and hmped him with bats
    enso1PBS: denz?
    EaStCOaStETard: could of been wrong place at the wrong time u dont know for sure if it was over graff
    EaStCOaStETard: denz is take but so is every other name
    enso1PBS: so write denz
    EaStCOaStETard: write what ever u want to write
    enso1PBS: DENZO
    enso1PBS: i liek DENZO
    enso1PBS: okokokokokokok
    EaStCOaStETard: then write denzo
    enso1PBS: ok
    enso1PBS: COOL
    enso1PBS: COO
    enso1PBS: i got an idea
    enso1PBS: LOL
    enso1PBS: gotta
    enso1PBS: cuz my crew
    EaStCOaStETard: what about your crew?
    enso1PBS: FUCK
    EaStCOaStETard: ?
    enso1PBS: i tagged m ywhoel room with enso
    enso1PBS: LOL
    enso1PBS: ill just put a d infrotn of it
    EaStCOaStETard: you real smart
    enso1PBS: LOl
    enso1PBS: y
    enso1PBS: new hand ?
    EaStCOaStETard: why if u get cought a person come to your house if your as up as u say u are someone give a tip that its you they go to your house wlakinto your rooom and BAMB you go to jail
    EaStCOaStETard: top right whats it say az?
    enso1PBS: im repaintin my room soon neway
    enso1PBS: my friends shit
    enso1PBS: lol
    enso1PBS: he did that for me but thats how mine looks usually ill do one right now ok
    enso1PBS: liek my enso looks like taht alot
    EaStCOaStETard: wait so your friend drew that
    enso1PBS: that oen yeah he gave mea ny style
    enso1PBS: look at that site go to current and look at dasar form center city
    EaStCOaStETard: .... but your friend drew that for you?
    enso1PBS: nah he just showed my the ny style ofthat
    enso1PBS: but mines like taht except skinnier
    EaStCOaStETard: but thats not yours?
    enso1PBS: liek its weird ill do one and take a pic
    enso1PBS: no tahts not
    enso1PBS: he puts my shit up for me in nyc
    enso1PBS: andi put his shit up fro him in philly
    enso1PBS: u know who espo is?
    EaStCOaStETard: yea i do
    enso1PBS: i kno him cuz of my cuz
    enso1PBS: and i kno kazzand razz
    EaStCOaStETard: man your a toy your name droping saying your famous having people write names for you and showing it to me liek u did u write other peoples names for them ....... man how long u been writing for 6 months?
    enso1PBS: yo
    enso1PBS: ok
    enso1PBS: he sed denz i added the o first of all and im gonna do other stuff
    enso1PBS: he helped me otu cuz im thinkign a of a hand for it
    enso1PBS: i menathtas like theway im gonna write it but im ognna havea philyl handstyle
    enso1PBS: yo but ive doen alot of stuff
    enso1PBS: im still learning tho
    enso1PBS: im js gettign helped
    EaStCOaStETard: helps not having people do stuff for you
    enso1PBS: im nto im working on tsuff right now
    enso1PBS: u kno who sloe is
    EaStCOaStETard: dont think so but why?
    enso1PBS: LOL HAHA i used to write enzo
    enso1PBS: cuz he did a piece on my old neighbors fence LOL
    enso1PBS: with C!
    enso1PBS direct connection is closed.
    enso1PBS wants to directly connect.
    enso1PBS is now directly connected.
    enso1PBS: yo
    enso1PBS: taht train passed my houseysterday LOL
    EaStCOaStETard: cool
    enso1PBS: u liek taht site night crawla
    EaStCOaStETard: yea what about it
    enso1PBS: u liek it
    EaStCOaStETard: its ok i only looked a that kid u told me too
    enso1PBS: look at the whoel site
    enso1PBS: u know who cornbread is
    EaStCOaStETard: no why?
    enso1PBS: oh heslike the first philyl writer in history
    EaStCOaStETard: congrats
    EaStCOaStETard: one uestion why do u keep naming these kids?
    enso1PBS: idk
    enso1PBS: so where u live
    EaStCOaStETard: south FL
    enso1PBS: cool
    enso1PBS: WTF
    enso1PBS: hmmmmm?
    enso1PBS: gotta figure this out
    EaStCOaStETard: ?
    EaStCOaStETard: what are u confused about
    enso1PBS: nah im working on a hand im not good at philly DS
    enso1PBS: d's
    enso1PBS: my bad
    enso1PBS: but UPPERCASE
    EaStCOaStETard: then dont tdo philly style
    enso1PBS: ill work on it
    enso1PBS: i gotta learn how to make it taller and skinneir thats all
    enso1PBS: also what do i do now taht i changed tag
    EaStCOaStETard: what do u mean?
    enso1PBS: like od i go over to soem of my old shit and put now denzo next to it
    EaStCOaStETard: no
    EaStCOaStETard: sigh how long have u been writing?
    enso1PBS: liea year
    enso1PBS: but i didnt really do walls
    EaStCOaStETard: dont lie when did u really start wrtiing
    enso1PBS: im tellign u
    enso1PBS: i used to write when i was a lil kid messign around and i just started again liek a year ago
    EaStCOaStETard: ok so u dont know when u make a new name
    EaStCOaStETard: you fuckin write it im sorry if im coming off as a dick but i dont have time for this man you asking the most obvisous question name droping talkin about other writers havfing people draw your name saying its you saying your famous and that your really good this is bullshit man... im not normaly a dick but im blocking you this has been a huge waste heres a tip dont try to impress people by lieing just tell the honest truth and when u get a knew name u write the name name and the old name stay peace and good luck in the future if u need help go to the toy story and people will help u happy holidays and peace


    lesson of the story dont lie to make yourself look cool always tell the truth
  15. EliosAVS

    EliosAVS Senior Member

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    Damn i just read that whole thing...hahaha.
  16. EliosAVS

    EliosAVS Senior Member

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    Everyone says "start simple"
    I thought this was pretty simple.
    Is it not?
    (Sorry for the poor lighting, its not outlined yet so the flash makes it to bright.)

  17. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    looks liek a mirror image of effects e.. but add bigger 3d and sont overlap the "s" like that
  18. EliosAVS

    EliosAVS Senior Member

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    Ive never seen effects stuff, where is he from?
    Ill work on the S.
  19. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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  20. EliosAVS

    EliosAVS Senior Member

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    Ah yeah, they are pretty similar...i never seen his stuff till now but youre right.