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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. merdaone

    merdaone New Member

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    Kinda dumb question but any tips on handstyles with a can? I can do it fine with a marker but comes out gay with a can.
  2. atxbomber666

    atxbomber666 Elite Member

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  3. DNA

    DNA Elite Member

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    ha! i got you addicted to outlines!

    nice stuff pawn! i like the first one.

    keep up the good work people.
  4. HEIST

    HEIST Senior Member

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  5. _Zombi3

    _Zombi3 Senior Member

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  6. sika_2002

    sika_2002 Elite Member

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  7. sink

    sink Senior Member

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    stick with simples and try to bust something wild every once in a while to see that you still cant, its what i do and it has me pretty motivated. pawn, i think if you worked on simples you could have some nice shit soon. Shrink, what section of philly are you in?
  8. Tae

    Tae Member

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    hey, just starting out, 6 months, still suck etc.
    i write "TAE" which is "eat" backwards because we should all eat society's lies backwards
    i've looked around and just wanted to make sure it wasn't taken
  9. DNA

    DNA Elite Member

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    it doesnt matter if it is taken, just as long as they arnet in the same areaas you, good that your tag means somthing to you, and sika- wooowww.
  10. pawn

    pawn Senior Member

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    on that subjet, what do peoples tags mean to them. i write pawn because i am such a small part of a huge movement. like in chess the pawns together are the most crucial pieces but alone they are weak. just wondering about other people most people i have asked say that they just like the letters.
  11. DNA

    DNA Elite Member

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    Karma becuase i believe that if you do somthing wrong somthing wont go how you want later.
    And Euro because i like how it sounds
  12. Alyte

    Alyte Elite Member

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    alyte is a french fish, i think.
  13. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    ok pawn first off man u need to make your letters alot more visable... ill give u more but your other flicks arent showin up....

    as for why we write a name
    i write gesus because i hate religion SO much that i am obsessed with it
    i hate the fact that people are so blind to the fact that they base there whole life around doing what a book about jesus crist "said" even tho there is no proof that some random person wrote it, i hate the fact that there SO many diffrent religions and some many re writes from the christin (sp?) bible i mean they say if u dont belive in there good that your going to die a horrible death and thats just wrong i mean i can sit for hours and bitch to one of the crazy guys whos a HARDCORE jesus freek, i mean in other religions people kill them self for there god i dont see anyone killing themselfs for jesus... jesus and heven is nothing more then a "safe" word to help people who need guidence live a "normal" life

    moral of the name store is that jesus helped people jesus gives people hope, jesus did all these things but yet theres no proof he was even alive

    so i look at it like this i give people hope, i help people all the time in real life i love helping people when there down, i even went as far as working for a suicide helpine for almost 4 years so there for i save people, and theres proof i exist so there for i am gesus krist

    i belive in a god..... but i dont know what god belive in
  14. pawn

    pawn Senior Member

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  15. ORES ONE

    ORES ONE Member

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    ORES --> Latin for prayer
  16. pawn

    pawn Senior Member

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    Sorry, dynamic pages in the tags are not allowed

    i need to use another immage hosting site. photobucket sucks for forums.
  17. FOEone

    FOEone Elite Member

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    I chose Foe because that's what I am. When it comes to graff, I'm not your fucking friend. I'm your enemy, out to take your walls.
  18. atxbomber666

    atxbomber666 Elite Member

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  19. sink

    sink Senior Member

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    seg is not only letters i can work with, but its a segment, a segway.
    Gesus, i dont know if you know this or not, but since you hate religion you might find this interesting, in the original bible it doesnt say thou shalt not kill, it says thall shalt not murder, kinda got lost in translation.
  20. FOEone

    FOEone Elite Member

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    ive heard that, but in other books of the bible, it lists penalties for unjustified homicide