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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. CaSoNe

    CaSoNe Elite Member

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    he meens they use too much paint...i almost emptied out a 500ml can with a pink dot doing one fill for 1 waz a pretty big throw but still
  2. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    yea he said it man fuckin u waste cans like crazy i usually use junk paint when i go out with pinks...

    but your not gettin what im say in saying the caps WERENT in the tip mix they should of been giving to your dad when he bought the paint... unlees the store owner is a greedyfuck and kept the caps and then turned around and sold them with out the caps and probably also sold the caps
  3. Shyd...

    Shyd... Elite Member

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    Maybe i have them what do they look like?
  4. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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  5. Shyd...

    Shyd... Elite Member

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    Oh those i thought they were germanoutline 2's yeah i got 4 of those those are the ones i was talking about. Ok how does it look different from germanoutline 2's cause on the bs forum i just saw the front of the GO2 and it was grey so i thought it was a germanoutline 2 .
  6. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    naw man german outline 2's ad a white german hood with a deep groove on the top with and arrow with a black dot
  7. Shyd...

    Shyd... Elite Member

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    I am posting way to much but just wondering if you guys are trying to bomb a heated spot do you wear anything over your face? if you do what is it. I would think wear like a halloween mask or like just wear your hood up and a bandana over your mouth. mayba a balaclava or sunglasses or something. in the state your name trailer they have this guy wearing this mask that looks like an anteater or something.
  8. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    naw man if your taking my advice i dont care if u respond every day after my messages as long as u actaully listen to what im saying and try it....

    but as for heats spots yo ill let my face be shown because i've had the cops call just for rockin a skimask people thinking im about to robb somthing fuckin running like that but for heats spots the beat thing is just to DO it Get up and then get the FUCK outta of there i have done alot of risky shit alot fo the time if its big like a roller in a high traffic area (see my thread "hey its that thread") ill use walkie talkies just pick up a pair of the cheapr 25$ ones that have up to a 2 mile radious and have homies posted up at both ends of the streets and random people lookin out but blending in

    but also the reason people are rockin masks in that videos is because they video taped it which in illegal activitys is the BEST evdience u cant get on a person its better to be safe then sorry'
  9. aCId II nz

    aCId II nz Elite Member

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  10. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    first once ok the colors are whack tho and dont over lapp letter i dont know how many times i have to say it one letter horribly over laped fucks up a whole peice.... also u need to work on putting your letter together not having them all mis-shapen fat at some parts and skinny at others also add 3d

    second one just throw away u cant even read the letters

    third sketch dont even try wildstyle yet stick with basic letters liek u would see on a cerial box or somthing

    4th is decent but make the letter stright and not tilted
  11. aCId II nz

    aCId II nz Elite Member

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    are u talkin to me gesus cos i just postin pawns stuff cos i got into his photobucket thing and wasnt hard

    so yea aimg.photobucket.com_albums_v320_pawn16_oppositesicksimplepawn.jpg



  12. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    why u positn his stuff?

    but pawn look at what i said about your sketches
  13. aCId II nz

    aCId II nz Elite Member

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    cos i got his photo bucket acount at my disposal hehe
  14. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    you hacker you.... but pawns a cool kid so dont fuck it up
  15. pawn

    pawn Senior Member

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    you can post my sketches anywhere u want but dont post them with that ass in your signiture. and gesus ive ben trying to not overlap my letters, a couple other people have told me to do that.. do a letter, 3d it then do the next letter 3d that and so on. i always get mixed up with letters like the P. once i get a hold of a digicam im gonna post some of my new sketches-ive been trying some 3d pieces, theyre pretty busted. is there a thread for 3d (like, real 3d like type 3d)
  16. pawn

    pawn Senior Member

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  17. pawn

    pawn Senior Member

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    oh shit dont mess up my photobucket. for real i made it public so people could go there without a password cause i want people to go and see my stuff but seriously why would you want to mess with it.
  18. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    oh shit actaully its the wrong pawn, do what u will

    as for 3d first off jsut check the 3d thread in tips and tools i have have a 3d thread in the picture gallery. but daim does the simplest 3d but u have to be good a doing perfect 3d on mornal letters first
  19. FOEone

    FOEone Elite Member

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  20. Hacer92

    Hacer92 Member

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