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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    whats with all the penis comments about my stuff. haha, i hope its not a subconscious thing..... :(
  2. .limit.

    .limit. Senior Member

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  3. EliosAVS

    EliosAVS Senior Member

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    Thanks, yea its just a quick throw cause it takes like 30 seconds to put up.

    That was the first time i ever painted it.
  4. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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  5. EliosAVS

    EliosAVS Senior Member

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    Hahah yea i thought it looked like a penis too but oh well.
    Yea it did get kinda messed up.
    But whatever, practice practice.
  6. BAZE

    BAZE Senior Member

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    so for a lil throw up i can leave gaps between. ?
  7. i_eat_clam

    i_eat_clam Elite Member

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    how old are all of you?
  8. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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  9. EliosAVS

    EliosAVS Senior Member

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    18 for a few more months.
  10. i_eat_clam

    i_eat_clam Elite Member

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    ok.. just checkin.. cuz ususaly people that think things look like a dick are about 13
  11. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    ... dont forget this is the tot thread too kay there not up to par with whats able to fly in the streets and whats not even tho i DO diss heads peices and be like watch this and turn there shit into a duck or snow man what ever it looks like.... i love beef in the streets
  12. Shyd...

    Shyd... Elite Member

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    Yo does anyone know where i can order some free "hello my name is" stickers? Can you get free sample ones? or not cause i want some.
  13. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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  14. EliosAVS

    EliosAVS Senior Member

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    Maybe make the bottom of the A fatter.
    It kinda looks like a little football.
  15. DNA

    DNA Elite Member

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    i think your "H" looks like an ass, not trying to beef you up or anything, just syaing. and yeah- the A looks like a football.
    do you like drawing footballs and butts??? j/k
  16. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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  17. EliosAVS

    EliosAVS Senior Member

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    Maybe its a sign?, not sure what kind though...
  18. Shyd...

    Shyd... Elite Member

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    bump it. I hate when shit is at the bottem.
  19. Shyd...

    Shyd... Elite Member

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    I am post whoring. Anyways that looks nice havoc. Maybe add some color to it.
  20. EliosAVS

    EliosAVS Senior Member

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    Office max sells them for real cheap...if youre down with racking theyre real easy to take from there too.