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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. Mach

    Mach Member

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    when in my question did i once say how to do sigs without drips and my sig is like that cuz its on ms paint cuz i dont have a scanner
  2. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    Ok, I'm currently writing Drest, there's a few tags up but nothing extraordinary.

    I was thinking of writing Drast but there's apparently ad old school writer by that name (here) Drast2 doesn't really appeal to me.

    So then I thought of writing Dast but that seems to be taken too.

    Anyone know anything about Drast, is he too good to use the name, same thing with Dast. And do you think Drest sounds lame/stupid/whatever?

  3. nerdx

    nerdx Elite Member

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    drast is good. i would use that. as long as you can write it.
    doesnt seem like that dude is king or anyhting. no worries.

    NICCSACC Banned

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    drest is generic sounding. it should be frest if anything.
    or spell it with a J like JREST it even sounds the same when you say it. the JR makes that D sound.
  5. doomsayer

    doomsayer Elite Member

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    i dont see anything wrong with drest, jrest, drast and all that sound fine too. can sumione tell me how to do a fade with markers, as i have no clue at all!
  6. nerdx

    nerdx Elite Member

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    you fill in the top with once color then bottom with other
    then you graddually do lighter and lighter strokes of one color into the other.
    then do the same with the color you havent done.
  7. doomsayer

    doomsayer Elite Member

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    ive tried that it doesnt work, i just get like a darker colour in between

    BRAINE Elite Member

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    always use a light color first (blending, fading)
    fill the light color in real heavy and juicy, if youre using say like cool shadow (faint green) or light cerulean or something that comes out very light, it wont affect it when you fill very very deep.
    then start where you want a solid color, maybe lettuce green or a medium blue, fill in very very heavy, then slowly decrease the amount of juicyness you apply to the paper, if you understand how i mean cas i am not so good when english speach online typing.

    then do faint strokes to blend, and go back over it with the light base color to fully blend, and lay it on thick again so the ink already in the paper will be reactivated by all the alcohol and mix together.

    and since your base color was already dry, itll probly be darker wheere you blended it in, so use some light strokes once again to avoid getting a big saturated line.

    learn to do this with sharpies and other cheap markers first.
    also, with prismas and copics and most sharpie colors, after you do this, or use a colorless blender, just write a few lines on a scrap piece of paper until it is back to normal color, the nib might still look like it has some dark in it, but it wont show when you draw anymore.

    6.50 for prismas? you crazy.
    shit is like 3.30 here, and 5.80 for copics.
    copics are the bomb markers, but they run out of ink faster than prismas, and i dont know where to buy refill cartridges except online which is expensive....

    in conclusion to this lost post nobody will read, USE SHARPIES
    when you are good at doing blends, fades, and other effects, move on to better markers. theres no point in using expensive markers if you cant use them right.
    the only copics and prismas i have are colors that i can use with the sharpies i have, for doing blends and fades and dying fills and other stuff. also i have some darker colors i got for free, but im not gonna argue with free copics, right?

    if you have a hobby lobby, look at the copic rack, it has a tutorial on how to use the markers to do many effects on the header. its a great read
  9. doomsayer

    doomsayer Elite Member

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    haha juicyness! ill give it a go when i can gte my hands on some colours.
  10. BRAINE

    BRAINE Elite Member

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    also, copics are the fastest fading markers you can buy

    copics fade in less than a week, and turn into greyscale of your original colors in like 2-3 weeks.
    prismas color holds in longer in the sun if they dont get wet.
    alot of sharpie colors will fade to different, lighter colors, but still retain the original colors.

    thats why i use an ultrafine point decocolor marker for outlines, cas then even if my original colors and forcefield all fade, the outline and 3 d will still be intact (stickers) until it gets torn down

    sorry for the two long posts, hope they at least help one person

    USE Sharpies.
  11. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    Braine-Damn, that was helpful. I never could figure out that blender. I've grown semi-fond of sharpies as well. I got shit loads of prismas, but something about sharpies just comforts me. I think I feel less pressured with them. :huh:

    Next, give me a tutorial on how to quote just one sentence of a post so I can put this in my sig- " if you understand how I mean cas I am not so good when english speach online typing"
    :lol: Reminds me of some of the spam threads we have to delete trying to sell drugs online. "Take one then rainbow burst to your morning, erection dancing after withdrawl, no hangover so you superman all over again. Then cherry burst is my life." :lol: :lol:

    China bots rock...
  12. _Pure

    _Pure Member

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    Ahh man, we dont have Sharpies in Europe :(
  13. Slushi

    Slushi Banned

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  14. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    :lol: Ready for a long ass post? Pull up a chair...
    I'm not nessecarilly trying to get my kid into graff, but I will expose him to it, then he can express himself however he likes, whether it's through writing or ballet, as long as he (or she, still don't know yet but soon) is happy.

    Why would I expose my child to graff? Interesting question, I'm glad you almost asked it. :p As I see it, there are 2 things plagueing todays youth, and I see these 2 things just getting worse in the future.

    #1- gangs
    #2- The mass commercialization of hip hop into a big advertisement leaving kids soul-less zombies that crave bling, Dunks, and Bape, and subsequently feeling emotionally hollow and incompassionate......

    I want to teach my child the 4 elements of hip hop, so that they aren't forgotten. Think about it.. Hip hop is one of the biggest things on the earth right now, yet most people have such a little and missguided concept of what it really is.. I don't want my kid thinking life is all about poppin Crystal in the VIP and slangin rocks on the corner, but that's what corporate America is trying to shove down his throat, so unless I take an active part in un-brainwashing him, (or her :p ) He'll likely loose himself. I also want him to understand that he doesn't have to be a toy soldier for some punk ass gang to be hip hop. Gangs raped the hip hop culture and tarnished it's image. Yet they think they're the poster child for hip hop. Fuck that. I use my graff to rally against all this bullshit on the regular. Lead thru example.
    Another reason I want to expose my child to graff early is because eventually, I'll get busted again, and once they got me, they'll continue to over and over. I'm the only person in this city doing wheatpaste and it's turned alot of heads. I'll continue to do it as long as I've got something to say, but I don't want to be villaified as a bad guy in my childs eyes when "daddy has to go to jail."

    I'm putting up a new wheatpaste this weekend. It will say "The greatest wars are waged within your heart..." That's what graff is about to me. That's why I want my kid to know about it. He will have a war to wage of his own someday. I hope he wins.

    Anyway, as far as my wife is concerned, she is pretty accepting of it as long as I keep a positive message. She gets pissed when she catches one of my tags tho. :p

    Sorry for the fuckin manifesto.. I read your post right before work, and I had from 6pm-6am alone at work to think about it...
  15. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    Anyone else got anything to add, I think I'm gonna go with Dast.
  16. whoarethereal evil

    whoarethereal evil Elite Member

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    NICCSACC Banned

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    by the time your kid is in his teens, kids'll be dressing up as pilgrims and cowbows for all we know.
  18. elcs

    elcs Elite Member

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  19. AteskOne

    AteskOne Elite Member

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    truth in those words....cezr u never kno how the styles and culture for our youth is going to change. i garentee my father thought i would be big into old rock and roll which he loved to listen to. i of course (being the rebell that i am :p ) chose my own path and started listening to rap. i eventually grew tired of that "im a gangsta, ling bling" shit and decided to go back to its roots to the good old hip hop. my dad even tried to sway my outlook towards rock (which i for one have nothing against...except for all that fairy rock the kids are listening to now) by buying me a guitar n gettin me lessons which i had fun doing and got pretty good at it...the only thing was i was using the guitar to make hip hop beats. i guess my point is that no matter how much you try to get your kids to listen to and be a part of the culture you love, your kids are their own person and will travel the path they want to travel. the best thing you can do is support your child in their actions and style...but i do think tryin to keep hip hop alive (or bring it back cause many ppl seem to think it is dead.... <_< pricks) through the next generation is a great idea. theres my speech. peace.
  20. Ginsu

    Ginsu Senior Member

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    yous guys have a nick for a friend for any reason?
    i call my friend noid cuz whenever i go taggin wit him he's always paranoid.HA! :D