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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. Wutitdu210

    Wutitdu210 Member

    • Messages: 44
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    :lol: Ready for a long ass post? Pull up a chair...
    I'm not nessecarilly trying to get my kid into graff, but I will expose him to it, then he can express himself however he likes, whether it's through writing or ballet, as long as he (or she, still don't know yet but soon) is happy.

    Why would I expose my child to graff? Interesting question, I'm glad you almost asked it. :p As I see it, there are 2 things plagueing todays youth, and I see these 2 things just getting worse in the future.

    #1- gangs
    #2- The mass commercialization of hip hop into a big advertisement leaving kids soul-less zombies that crave bling, Dunks, and Bape, and subsequently feeling emotionally hollow and incompassionate......

    I want to teach my child the 4 elements of hip hop, so that they aren't forgotten. Think about it.. Hip hop is one of the biggest things on the earth right now, yet most people have such a little and missguided concept of what it really is.. I don't want my kid thinking life is all about poppin Crystal in the VIP and slangin rocks on the corner, but that's what corporate America is trying to shove down his throat, so unless I take an active part in un-brainwashing him, (or her :p ) He'll likely loose himself. I also want him to understand that he doesn't have to be a toy soldier for some punk ass gang to be hip hop. Gangs raped the hip hop culture and tarnished it's image. Yet they think they're the poster child for hip hop. Fuck that. I use my graff to rally against all this bullshit on the regular. Lead thru example.
    Another reason I want to expose my child to graff early is because eventually, I'll get busted again, and once they got me, they'll continue to over and over. I'm the only person in this city doing wheatpaste and it's turned alot of heads. I'll continue to do it as long as I've got something to say, but I don't want to be villaified as a bad guy in my childs eyes when "daddy has to go to jail."

    I'm putting up a new wheatpaste this weekend. It will say "The greatest wars are waged within your heart..." That's what graff is about to me. That's why I want my kid to know about it. He will have a war to wage of his own someday. I hope he wins.

    Anyway, as far as my wife is concerned, she is pretty accepting of it as long as I keep a positive message. She gets pissed when she catches one of my tags tho. :p

    Sorry for the fuckin manifesto.. I read your post right before work, and I had from 6pm-6am alone at work to think about it...[/b][/quote]
    agreed... but to me all that bling and gangsta shit isnt hip-hop, to me its rap... now, im a fan of all music (all EXCEPT country :D) hip-hop isnt a music its a way of life, evrything else is a fad...
  2. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    Anyone else got something to add? I'm leaning towards Dast right now.
  3. SYK

    SYK Member

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    hey i was just wondering if anyone could give me some pointers on how to do a wildstyle... i tried and i was completely lost it was pathetic
  4. Blix

    Blix Senior Member

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    Everybody I talk to about graffiti says its dead or dying out, but the way I see its coming back or staying the same not as strong as it was in early 80s but still I dont see it goin away.....thoughts comments?
  5. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    Stickers go in the sticker/poster/ stencil thread.

    Sketches go in the black book thread.

    Crits are available in both threads.

    This thread is for questions and random bullshit.

  6. doomsayer

    doomsayer Elite Member

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    can i ask how COPE can still paint stuff illegally, when everyone knows its him who is painting it? is it because jhes never got caught in the act or something>?
  7. ShIfTeD

    ShIfTeD Elite Member

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    because its fucking queens everything is taged, usualy more than more than 1 writer on 1 spot

    someone from ny please correct me, im waiting...DO IT ALREADY!
  8. Y-S

    Y-S Member

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    What types of canvas is best for graffiti? Like the one duck, cotton or fabric or what?

  9. Y-S

    Y-S Member

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    You can order from internet and get things delivered to you!
  10. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    From what I've read in interviews, the cops still haul him down to headquarters every once in a while. The last issue of Undastream he talked about nearly getting popped, but got of by luck. I don't know how big writers swing it. I wonder the same about Shepard Fairey (Obey), but I suppose if they didn't see you do it, then they can't prove that it's not an imposter.

    NICCSACC Banned

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    if they dont catch you in the act or have you on tape they really cant do shit and out there... they prolly dont give a shit about graffiti too much anyway cuz they know itll never go away.
  12. ShIfTeD

    ShIfTeD Elite Member

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    yeah but thers youtube videos with his face clearly visable

    damn i wish i knew, and i also wish i had some stickers by cope
  13. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    Shit... Cope has his own video. I saw an old add from bombing Science in Clout mag saying it was in stock.

    By the way... Clout Magazine and Stylefile Mag from Europe reeeeeeeallllly rock hard. I'd suggest you order them. Particularly the Clout mag combo under special package deals on BS. You won't be dissapointed.
  14. doomsayer

    doomsayer Elite Member

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    maybe since he has alot of cash, he cant get out of it somehow?
  15. BoRe-719-

    BoRe-719- Elite Member

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    YES i was asking this same question.

    how do underground artists go mainstream without having to pay thousands of dollars in fines and community service....gues you gotta have a good lawyer or just stay underground....
  16. G - Wahl

    G - Wahl Elite Member

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    Dont know if this is allowed here,
    But can somone show me how to bomb a G
    I cant seem to get one the way I like it
    Maybe cause I suck at bombing.
  17. beke

    beke Senior Member

    • Messages: 177
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    I was wondering, after looking at the stickers thread in the pictures gallery, how do your print a sticker? do you just scan the image, color it, get sticker paper and print it? what kind of sticker paper is the best to get? and how do you set up your printer for using that paper?

    thanks in advance!
  18. Blix

    Blix Senior Member

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    Use dhls to print on
  19. BoRe-719-

    BoRe-719- Elite Member

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    i dont know if its been said yet, but the new kils cans are sick as hell, fuck changing caps, the one that comes with it is perfect, you can get lines tjhinner than grey dots and about as thick as an ny fat depending on where to press the nozzle, i did a tan and white fill blend, holy hell it was so sexy.

    its thicker than ruso, no drips, no gloggs, you can spray upside down.......liquid sex in a shitload of colors
  20. FEN the HEN

    FEN the HEN Elite Member

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