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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. JDino

    JDino Member

    • Messages: 23
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    so....i got a question about a name. is there anyone who uses Vespa? cause if there is, i gotta change....don't wanna bite, ya know. anyway, thanks for lettin me know.
  2. Xsjadox

    Xsjadox Senior Member

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    I thought I`d share another 'funny' story that happened when I went writing once.

    So me and a friend were doing the usual suburban street bombing sessions and we were on our way back to my place walking past these houses when some man comes home and pulls into his drive way we were walking past.And while driving in 2 of his fucking rotvilers get out and start growling at me and my friend and looking like it wants to fucking maul us,so my 'friend' decides it will be a good move to push me forward so he can run away.So I grab my can and hold it to the dogs face so if it tries to attack me I can just blind the bitch.I also considered waiting for a car and timing it that if I run fast enough it will follow and get hit and I`ll be safe..Thankfully I just sort of edged back slowly and it left me :S scary moment.. cunt friend >:/
  3. shamee1991

    shamee1991 Elite Member

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    hahaaa...still mates wid him?....u have a very crazy nights
  4. Xsjadox

    Xsjadox Senior Member

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    Haha..Actually I still am..Although he can be quite the penis.Yeah,I guess our nights are pretty interesting :p And I`ve only gone writing with him twice too and both times were memorable :p
  5. shamee1991

    shamee1991 Elite Member

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    memorable for all the right reasons.
  6. bubsone

    bubsone Senior Member

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    who rides bikes when they tag. cuz i shure do. i like my bike.
  7. Jroc1993

    Jroc1993 Elite Member

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    isnt vespa the name of the company that makes scooters lol oh well sounds like a good name. i dont think anyone uses it so go ahead
  8. Jroc1993

    Jroc1993 Elite Member

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    bikes aint the smartest idea if yur trynna hit sumptin in the open or if u gotta make a quick getaway.
  9. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    ding ding ding! You are correct sir! Vanna, Tell the man what he's won!

    dg- Youve just won yourself a "water chilled TOBACCO pipe" made by Graffix, the leader in high quality "tobacco pipe" products.. (cuzz head shops hate it when you openly call them bongs).

    I'm just kidding kids.... I'm not sending dg a bong... Cezr says nope to dope nowdays.... ;) [/b][/quote]
    Aww man, you got my hopes up :p

    They call them flower vases in the shops here and in the shops they have those fake plastic flowers in them haha.


    Yeah, vespa make scooters. Try a search on google if anyone writes it.
  10. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    bubsone, what music do you listen to? Just noticed your sig.
  11. Chef

    Chef Member

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    yo i was lookin at names and dun wanna bite 1, my list is

    just lemme kno if they're out there
  12. Chef

    Chef Member

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    damn yo nvm about m 1st post
  13. F.R.A.T.

    F.R.A.T. Senior Member

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    ppl say dont bring ur black book when u bomb, so r u supposed to memorize ur pice r wat
  14. Noddles912300

    Noddles912300 Senior Member

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    this is what i heard dont bring your whole book bring just the page or copy it "color or black white" so once ur done u can keep it or burn it or watever. I have personally been taught to bring the copy and just burn it or wat ever later.
  15. capo93

    capo93 Senior Member

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    ^^ when you bomb and when you piece is different you should know your throw off by heart befor you go bombping anyways but when your pieceing bring the paper/bbook if you want
  16. slinks

    slinks Senior Member

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    whys that called a head shop?? it really has nothing to do with heads. or oral sex. or anything that i can really think of...
  17. Rasp

    Rasp Member

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    i have a question about paint
    im using a sherman willams can for white
    but it does this weird slpotchy effect on the outside
    is this because of the paint or the cap?
  18. theprokilla

    theprokilla Senior Member

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    Im just starting out and been reading and my friend that paints says to start out with block letters so i have been and doing some other shitof my own. I was wondering where i should go from here...what i should practice what i need to buy inks/pens/cans/caps etc (be specific, remember im nub). i have already looked at the new to graff post so i know some of the diffrences but not from experiance so any advice would be nice.
  19. AnteUp

    AnteUp Elite Member

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    ight does ante up sound like a good name?
  20. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    Did you guys know milk is pink in Canada?! I think the cows blood mixes with the lactos...

    Ante up is fine I guess, if you can write it.... That's the key to picking a name. You can write cockwaffle7 if you got good handyrock, otherwise, don't write.