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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. Sumoe

    Sumoe Elite Member

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    ^word...don't listen to Rave. <_< :) :D
  2. sky 5

    sky 5 Elite Member

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    shout outs to all the BS toys, niccsacc, inkbits, tricks, koper and cezr . . to ras and others im sorry if ive been on edge lately or not answering pms
  3. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    haha... I just noticed you've got a 20% warn level. How the fuck did that happen? :lol:

    Everything alright over there?

    Lemme guess.. Women issues?

    gimme 20 bucks and a key to her front door. No questions asked. I'll take care of it homeboy.
  4. BIGel

    BIGel Elite Member

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    wanted magazine
  5. NiL

    NiL Elite Member

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    WTF? You don't go and write a famous writers name but just a differnt style. Worst advice..
  6. Magi

    Magi Member

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    My question is, how do you balance this shit out with life? It'd be nice to do graffiti all your life, but be to be real--it's not gonna put a meal on the table and I wouldn't want to make something so fun a job that did it. How do you even get started man? So far, the most I've vandalized is my book--and I just picked that shit back up again, I just can't find motivation to do it all the time, that and I get stressed because I have other shit to do. But I want to put some more time into it, because I like how I feel when I do it. I've had oppourtunities to go tagging with other people, but the dudes at my school are all into the "SFC" shit, they tag schools, and they're dumb ass fuck--that's not me. I don't tag schools and I damn sure can't take shit from Marc Ecko's game and I can't get down with stupid people in something like Graffiti. Then again, I can't get UP either because I have no paint, and no other connects to the graff in my city--I'm in New Orleans, and I know n iggas like Ser and Ink and Harsh are bombing all over the place, but what are the chances of running into people like that y'know?

    Excuse the rant, I just have alot on my head. Alright, my questions are:

    How do you balance Graff with life and goals and shit?
    How do you even get started?
    Where can you meet other writers?
  7. slEEt

    slEEt Elite Member

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    You don't balance graffiti with life, graffiti becomes life. It's an obsession.

    What I do is practice in my book and try to get down solid letters, to the point where you could do it with your eyes closed. Go out every now and then and get up a little, even if it sucks or not. You need to do it because it keeps you motivated to produce better work, it fuels the obsession.

    Meet other writers by trying to find popular graff spots, hip hop shows maybe? You might even be able to find some on BS.
  8. shamee1991

    shamee1991 Elite Member

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    also. get anythin that influces u, u will have some days where u wont do shit and some when u will.
  9. Bazer

    Bazer Moderator

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    i know a couple of people that had to evac cuz of the hurricane. they live here and bomb here now. if youre good enough theyll find you. trust me. its like the twilight bark except for humans..just keep gettin better and let all the stupid people stay toys their whole lives, dont even help them out or give them advice if they do somethin as stupid like tag at school and rep sfc.
  10. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    Dude, just keep a marker with you at all times. Like everytime you leave the house have one on you, especially if you're going out at night to partys/clubs/pubs whatever. Just catch tags when it's quiet and your on yourself. Make yourself goals like 'Tonight I'm gonna hit three things'. It's a start.
  11. Fluffy Bunnies

    Fluffy Bunnies Elite Member

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    Word... was just gonna say that.

    graff IS an addiction (if your serious about it) my 2 friends quit on my like lil bitches cuz they got busted paint 2 times and I am all like you didn't get busted 2 times for nothing, and now they are like "hmmmm, I am not sure if I wanna do this anymore" now they are justa buncha bitches... and anyone who quits or thinks about quitting... you just a little bitch!

    and when I look for better graff, I just watch a graff video, look at porn B) , Look at the ceiling, and imagine a black guy riding and camel... and you can pretty much imagine anything when you look at the cieling
  12. SCOPE2

    SCOPE2 Senior Member

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    i heard all of ACC was locked up cause they had like a meeting where everyone came and someone ratted them out
  13. Fixion

    Fixion Senior Member

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    what kind of materials do you guys use on canvases? If anybody here does canvases can you post pics of it?. Thanks in advanced
  14. Zep0

    Zep0 Senior Member

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    I know how you feel man I was tagging shit at this rink I play hockey at every now and then and some little shits busted me. Luckily I know the GM and she let me slide I just have to paint and help clean up when she needs it. Everyone said I should stop doing graf, but I cant help it. I'm stuck, I cant get it out of my head...When I drive I dont see the speed limit I see the blank spot on the sign and go "tag!" blank walls give me goosebumps(theres no graf in my town so theres ALOT!) Any Semis or trains or electrical boxes or delivery trucks I think graf with everything. The kids that got me into it, dont understand anything, they got into graf because of banksy(sigh) love his work but they dont move on....I got addicted. I got big plans for my future and i cant afford to fuck up anymore...but I'm not stopping, I'm addicted, I'm just more careful, and thank god for not tagging your school! Dont shit where you eat.(learned that with the rink) Just play it as safe as you can and if your looking for time...Practice everywhere...I've had both arms covered in diff handstyles because I had no paper at work. Its a part of you, literally.
  15. inkbits

    inkbits Senior Member

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    When I've done them I've used normal arylics, you only really need the primary colours (to mix from) + black and white and you are good to go. Outline I go with paint pen ("uni posca fine", which is actually water based but seems to work ok for me over acylic).

    Havent got any canvas pics on PC really 'cept this unfinshed stuff but shows you how the acylics come up I guess. This is on non-undercoated canvas.

    [Broken External Image]:

    [Broken External Image]:
  16. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    I'm gonna have an emo rant now.

    I fucking love graffiti, so before anyone starts going 'fuck real writers don't quit' fuck you, I'm just as dedicated as you.

    Graffiti is a fucking huge part of my life, probably the biggest, I fucking love it, I think about it all the time, I sketch all the time, I spend huge amounts of time hunting out supplies, experimenting with shit, making graff related shit. I mean like at the moment, there's not much more in life that I care about than graff.

    But the thing is, I fucking suck at art and graffiti. I couldn't draw to save my fucking live. I've been sketching for like a year now, I've seen a lot people come on to this forum and then get shitloads better, yet I haven't moved on fuck all. I've tried everything, starting extremely simple, starting off more complex, but nothing works.

    I wanna be good at graffiti, I know being the best is an unrelistic dream but fuck I try extremely hard yet I don't get better. I don't expect to be burning over night, even over a year but seeing some progress would be nice.

    Shit pisses me off :angry:

    My life sucks, cry me a river.

    Anyways, hope you enjoyed that.
  17. inkbits

    inkbits Senior Member

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    A year aint that long man at all and to be honest you should never sketch something you are actually happy with, well maybe content at the time but you should constantly know that you could do better in your mind then what you are physically producing. I post down here for several reasons and one of them is that everything I sketch will seem toy to me within days, weeks, sometimes hours. Your mindset is a lot more important in the longterm then the quality of work you are putting out as of now. If it is that big of a part in your life then you are good to go, this shit doesn't take months or a few years to master, you can never really "master it" ...and to get to a place where you feel your shit is up to par takes years and years. Artistic talent to start with is a big fuckin help but it isn't the be all and end all. I've been doing this shit on and off for about 15 years and I have seen mates go from 'can't draw a stick figure' to burning shit up, sometimes you plateau and sometimes you go backwards but it's a slow and ongoing process. The will to improve and it not being a "fad" to you is the key imo, you'll get there.

    [/motivational speach]
  18. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    Cheers boss, wasn't really expecting any replies like that.

    I get what you're saying, just that I see everyone elses good shit, and it fucks me off at how I'm not good, especially when it's by people who have been writing for less time than me.

    Thanks again.
  19. inkbits

    inkbits Senior Member

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    yeah was on a bit of a Tony Robbins willpower defeats basis trip there man, need to lay off the williams but you get my drift, keep at it.
  20. Xsjadox

    Xsjadox Senior Member

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    yo d_g,I know what you saying man.. I fucking suck at art and I have also been writing for a year... And I still think most of my stuff is pretty crappy BUT.. Only in the past 2 weeks have I actually felt like I am improving.One day you will see yourself starting to develop..I can't recall seeing any of your stuff (I`m bad with remembering names) so I don't know what it's like.. But I also just wanted to give up some times.. If you're younger it's better too,I`m 20 so yeah... And I do NOTHING,so in the past few weeks I`ve been sketching like a mad fuck,pumping out 5 or 6 pages a day or something.Way I found myself getting better was just really not giving up (I did stop for a few months but that wasn't related) but I totally get what you're saying when you feel like you're the worst of what you're seeing around (well that`s how I felt),but I`m sure if you go back and look at your very first sketches you`ll see progress now.. things just get better