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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. STAR01

    STAR01 Senior Member

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    i've been trying on some new shit lately and i was wondering... is STARS a good name to write.tag with i kinda like it and there my favo letters so
  2. PerkO

    PerkO New Member

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  3. DJLotus

    DJLotus Senior Member

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    why you gotta ask other people if YOUR name that YOU want to write is ok? I mean unless you hear about someone profilic with that name you shouldn't ask for permission to use it..... do whatever you fuckin want...
  4. [breakout]-azer

    [breakout]-azer Senior Member

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    i have a question, well ive seen some kids near were i live stencil n it looked prity good and it was quick and they could get some priity good shit going with them but i just wanna know how to do it.

    well what i mean is:

    what you use to stencil?
    Is there anyting that you should realy use for the stencil?
    and anything else i should no about it?
  5. slEEt

    slEEt Elite Member

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    Yeah don't go asking people if this name is OK and whatnot. Come up with a name that you like and see if it exists.

    It's taken me forever to find a word I love to write, i've changed it probably about 3-4 times now. Finally i've got one that i'm sticking to because it has meaning. I finally choose SOMEONE because that's exactly what I am.

    Definition - some·one: some person; somebody, An unspecified or unknown person.
  6. DJLotus

    DJLotus Senior Member

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    I've had so many names.... it's good to experiment starting out to find which letters you like and dislike, so you don't get so set on a name that has shit loads of meaning and compassion, only to find out you CAN'T FUCKING STAND the letters.
  7. [breakout]-azer

    [breakout]-azer Senior Member

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    bumb my question
  8. revolt92

    revolt92 Banned

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    I always thought you just cut out a piece of cardboard with a stanley knife then just use it....i think.... :blink:
  9. DJLotus

    DJLotus Senior Member

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    bumb my question [/b][/quote]
    Why you asking this when you put up a whole fucking tutorial on stencils in the "NEW TO GRAFFITI" thread?
  10. "artcrimer"

    "artcrimer" New Member

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  11. Fixion

    Fixion Senior Member

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    When I've done them I've used normal arylics, you only really need the primary colours (to mix from) + black and white and you are good to go. Outline I go with paint pen ("uni posca fine", which is actually water based but seems to work ok for me over acylic).

    Havent got any canvas pics on PC really 'cept this unfinshed stuff but shows you how the acylics come up I guess. This is on non-undercoated canvas.

    [Broken External Image]:

    [Broken External Image]: [/b][/quote]
    Thanks for the help. Another question, do you think decocolours are good on canvases? I'm also using these paint markers and wondering if they're any good also.
  12. Tahworsetoy

    Tahworsetoy Member

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    I know how you feel man I was tagging shit at this rink I play hockey at every now and then and some little shits busted me. Luckily I know the GM and she let me slide I just have to paint and help clean up when she needs it. Everyone said I should stop doing graf, but I cant help it. I'm stuck, I cant get it out of my head...When I drive I dont see the speed limit I see the blank spot on the sign and go "tag!" blank walls give me goosebumps(theres no graf in my town so theres ALOT!) Any Semis or trains or electrical boxes or delivery trucks I think graf with everything. The kids that got me into it, dont understand anything, they got into graf because of banksy(sigh) love his work but they dont move on....I got addicted. I got big plans for my future and i cant afford to fuck up anymore...but I'm not stopping, I'm addicted, I'm just more careful, and thank god for not tagging your school! Dont shit where you eat.(learned that with the rink) Just play it as safe as you can and if your looking for time...Practice everywhere...I've had both arms covered in diff handstyles because I had no paper at work. Its a part of you, literally. [/b][/quote]
    You are headed in the right direction if you want to make sure your life goes the way you want it. It makes me happy thatI'm not the only one worried about effing up my life with graffiti, just do it when you want/can do it and just have fun and work hard at everything you do in life...haha i sound like a parent :rolleyes:
  13. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    Yeah, I'm 18, still young but I get what you're saying.

    You probably haven't seen much of my stuff cause I don't bother posting flix all that often, and when I do I don't really bump them much.

    Cheers man.
  14. Jroc1993

    Jroc1993 Elite Member

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    ya dude u do but ya graffiti is an addiction wether yur good or not. but watever dont fight the addiction
  15. Ratikoner

    Ratikoner Senior Member

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    who remembers rock n sock em robots!?

    ..or slinkies?

    i wish i had thos again :(
  16. AteskOne

    AteskOne Elite Member

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    dawg do you remeber dunkaroos....i used to love those things. especially the chocolate cookies that you dunked in vanilla frosting. amazing....i had some the other day...not as amazing as i remembered. hmmm. i dont know where i was going with this.
  17. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    Haha remembering stuff from when you were a kid is cool haha. Was just talking to a mate about transformers haha.

    Does anyone out there listen to looptroop, I wanna know of some similar artists...
  18. STAR01

    STAR01 Senior Member

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    cause you never know if some else might allready write by that name it;s called Respect...
  19. STAR01

    STAR01 Senior Member

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    cause you never know if some else might allready write by that name it;s called Respect...

    "Definition - some·one: some person; somebody, An unspecified or unknown person." that's cool haha :lol:
    sorry i hadn't read your post

    uuh sorry double post(how the hell did i do that?!)
  20. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    Would it be lame/toy/confusing/whatever if I wrote both kaset and caset?

    I like K's better than C's for somethings and viceversa...