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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. amk

    amk Elite Member

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    its a great idea...tons of people have thougth about it...even Sume had..

    it says when i posted the thread....that you shud atleast know if your good enuff to post there..
    and if you aint..
    just like the big boy thread..
    youll be told where to go..
    and whats to stop people from posting crits in the toy thread still..
    coz then..
    we can help them to move on up to the intermidaite thread..

    only take into account the people who actually post graffiti
  2. BIGel

    BIGel Elite Member

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    im just saying that even though you guys are claiming that you'll be in the tot thread still giving advice, you know you wont after a week or two. just like the kids who post in the big boy thread. seperating toy from less toy will put the beginners off completely, instead of encouraging them. but yea talk about it guys..
  3. rayseone

    rayseone Senior Member

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    im down for the idea, im pretty sure that lots of people will still crit in the toy thread, because they know that that is the way you get good, also they will want more people in the intermediate thread different variety of styles etc. if someone who posts there who shouldnt they could be told where to go like amk said, i think its just too big of a jump from toy to big boys thread too because when your in intermediate stage some people in big boy thread like it some dont say it creates beef etc in thier too
  4. amk

    amk Elite Member

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    but i just think that people whould either start being allowed the move up call...or not....just allow the thread....cuz when people who are past toy post in there..they get you dont get crits...whereas if you had the intermedaite thread...people could crit each pther..who have the same bases of knowledge...and not being critted by someone who has just started...
  5. dizzle_d

    dizzle_d Senior Member

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    delete this post
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2007
  6. amk

    amk Elite Member

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    im sure Edward would want it too...and Alive
  7. BIGel

    BIGel Elite Member

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    aight well the mods arent dictators, if enuf people want it then its fine by me. ill check back tonight to see what people think, and maybe godfather cezr can make the final call.. lata
  8. AnteUp

    AnteUp Elite Member

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    yea cezr u shud make this shiiiiit! cuz then tha people tryna get better will have people at there level giving advice and crits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    please and thank yooooou
  9. dizzle_d

    dizzle_d Senior Member

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    So heres the list of people that want this Intermidiate thread up and runnin-
    - Amk

    how 'bout it?
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2007
  10. Jroc1993

    Jroc1993 Elite Member

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    i vote for that too, i doubt id be posting in there but it would help clean up the threads some more. it seems like recently lots of new ppl have come on bs with absolutely no skill at all (i was one of them at one point) and now lots of ppl are discouraging them. so if this new thread was to open it would probably help out alot
    i have no clue why im saying all this but whatever
  11. Edward"Sezer"Hands

    Edward"Sezer"Hands Elite Member

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  12. alive

    alive Banned

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    hmmm thats a real tough call. i vote no. theres no REAL need. its just an unnessesary ego boost for kids who should still be focused on there work. let the big boy thread remain the only goal. and its true, no matter what u say, there would be so many less crits for worse kids who need it. its just a fact.
  13. Captain

    Captain Senior Member

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    I'm indifferent to the intermediate, leaning towards no. I would honestly problably still crit in the toy section once I moved because I've nothing better to do during the small hours (I get too shaky to make clean lines.)
    but I don't think most people would go back and give out crits. Hell, most people don't crit enough as is.

    But like I said, I doubt it would affect me much, this just doesn't seem 'Intermediate' to me:
    [Broken External Image]:

    bumping my question. this is toy story.
  14. vampireboy65

    vampireboy65 Senior Member

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    i really like that wasp it wicked the only thing that doesnt fit is the a idk make it bigger or capital idk it just doesnt fit
  15. Roolete

    Roolete Elite Member

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    you have an incredibly steady hand..
  16. BIGel

    BIGel Elite Member

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    i completely agree with alive, im not going to approve the intermediate thread, if one of the other toy mods want to then thats their thing. this is toy forum, and we should be helping each other out, not segregating the really toy from the less toy, think of the toy forum as graffiti school.

    for all you kids who think youre intermediate, its important you stay in tot black books and keep helping those guys just starting out. its very difficult to be a total toy and look at someone like mewt or kays stuff and see the connection, you intermediate heads have a role and responsibility to help those beneath you progress and not fall off, because they can relate to you as somebody whos working their way up. baby steps alright? do you guys understand where im coming from?
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2007
  17. AnteUp

    AnteUp Elite Member

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    yea mane, but i can honestly say that i would go to the toy thread and help em out like alive and tricks do
  18. Rogue

    Rogue Guest

    I'm not a toy, but I help lots of kids in the Toy Forum.The only way they can learn is from eachother and people who know what they're doing. Everyone should help in the toy forum no matter what skill level you have.
  19. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    I think someone should make the intermediate thread in the toysection, couldn't really tell form the posts where it was gonna be.

    I'm keen on it.

    I'd consider myself intermediate or almost anyways, and fuck it's annoying when you post a decentish sketch but get swamped by ultra-toys (no offence to anyone). I'd think then the guys who are intermediate would be able to get crits from each other and the better peeps, without the sketches being overthrown by stuff.

    If you know what I mean.

    SLEDGEHAMMER Senior Member

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    Trash, sume, amk, baze and near are the only people that could maybe be passed off as intermediate, this website has high standards for graffiti, dont get me wrong fluffy and sezer are progressing but there still toy, we all are so whatw ould the point in a new thread be? Toys would just post there and (for example) Bigel isnt a toy and neither is sume but they still post up their stuff in the toy thread and give out criticisms so that thread would just be a lie to yourself..