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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. -ShAmEE-

    -ShAmEE- Elite Member

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    yes well..sume and bigel. yeh u right they aint toy....but for everyone else u are not the one to judge....soo shhhhh
  2. -ShAmEE-

    -ShAmEE- Elite Member

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    yeh i do bigel but this thing, people like amkah (he just a better example) want to improve and become a better writer. so having a intermediate thread would help them become better, because when he is in the toy black book thread, he will just get comments like...nice one ras. looks hot, yh nice fill....<---these comments arent gonna makin him a better writer are they? when we have a intermeditate thread the people like amkah can have good crits that can help them improve. with out bumping it loads to reviece good crits. do you understand where i'm coming from?
  3. krazzie_ammo

    krazzie_ammo Senior Member

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    yeah i was talking to ras about this on msn, i totally disagree with the intermediate thing.

    and shame, how is he going to get better crits in the intermediate thread, ITS THE SAME PEOPLE just a couple people filtered out.

    if you want to make one can stop you,

    but theres always been TOY and NOT TOY, why start changing it now.

    and how are the toys going to get further without the help of others.

    theres just going to come a point where everyones going to post in the intermediate thread and there will be noone in the toy thread.

    and who are you to say who is toy and who is not?

    and the segregation is just going to make people angry because they cant be bumped upto the intermediate thread.

    is there going to be seperate battles for intermediates aswell? no, fuck that.

    and stop saying you will go back tot he toy thread and crit people, thats bullshit. you ever seen anyone e.g.labrat or gesus (just for exxample) from the big boy thread crit us? FUCK NO :)

    intermediate is just a grey area between toy and not toy....your like progressing but no good enough to be in the big boy thread. therefore you are toy, ergo, the TOY THREAD.
  4. Bazer

    Bazer Moderator

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  5. -ShAmEE-

    -ShAmEE- Elite Member

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    well to this promblem i will solve it!...people toy thread. we where the better ones. e.g on others, which is what we all the end of the day. if people are goin to post in the toy thread and then in the intermeditate thread then there is no point because you will get the same anwers. and i quote on kayone' the big boy thread is just for showing off. the toy forum is for crits' soo this the answer to the letts just put this to a end...
  6. -ShAmEE-

    -ShAmEE- Elite Member

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    just listen to this.
  7. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    I see some good points to making an intermediate thread, but I don't think they withstand the basic overall principal that graffiti has 2 classes. Writers and toys. The internet is straying too far away from the traditional practices of graff. That's a good and bad thing. Graffiti is seeing a huge boom in commercialism and thus popularity and becoming a confused garbled monster. performed mostly by people who don't have a proper understanding of it,, I'm straying too far away from my origional point, cuzz I'm all alzheimer status and shit. The point is, if you aren't rocking the big boys thread, then you gotta keep diggin thru the trenches and fight your way to that point. Kayone started in Toy forum, he worked on his sketching and didn't worry about "intermediate" status, or about having to wade thru the super toy posts to get crits. That's life. We pay dues.

    Also, so you all know, I'm not a full time mod anymore. Msfyt is keeping me on the list for what I can offer cuzz I put a couple good years into this forum, but El and Tricks are your new daddy. ( Sume too when he returns from vacation.) Things on the streets are getting to good to let slip by while I'm online, and I gotta put my full effort into it while I'm not too old and tubby to run from heat.:p I'll still be stopping by regularly to check in, do some duties, and drop some flicks tho. Thanks for everything guys. Keep at it, Keep your heads up, and live a good life.

    "We wage wars everyday. The war on terror. The war on drugs. The war on poverty, and none of these wars will ever be won until we wage war on our hearts. Fight- for every ounce of compassion your heart will hold. Live life, love, and never let go."
    [Broken External Image]:
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2007
  8. bigkingone

    bigkingone Member

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    i was wondering if anyone else had this problem...i can draw my tag real fresh lookign with a pen but wehn i pull out the marker on a wall it jsut dosent come out the best looking? more practice with the markers or what?
  9. amk

    amk Elite Member

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    Bye Cezr. :(:(:(:( ..

    you was one of the first people to say i had 3d on point
    and that you liked the way i morphed the crew letters into an extension :(

    good luck :):(
  10. AnteUp

    AnteUp Elite Member

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  11. revolt92

    revolt92 Banned

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    Bigels the new daddy? but he beats me :(
  12. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    Quick question.

    Good paint markers to use on canvas?

    Tried a search, brings up too many results.
  13. rayseone

    rayseone Senior Member

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  14. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    Sweet, thanks. I'll take your word haha.
  15. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    on the intermediate debate
    my opinion
    if the toy mods deleted more of the "thats hots", "cool", "ill mang", etc and left more detailed critics in the toy blackbook thread this problem wouldnt exisit
    it would be more about improving and not about egos
    cause who gets to judge intermidate or toy? where is that line?
    cause i know a few of the "intermidates" who need a reality check

    i understand why you all want the thread made but i dont think it will turn out any different than in the tots blackbook

    my suggestion is the mods be more dilegent on keeping the blackbook thread clean

    and my darlin cezr
    props to you and everything in your life
    its been a pleasure having you around all this time
    you should get a bs family award
  16. alive

    alive Banned

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    well they would judge eachother, and then the toy moderators would either stop or pass through any bad calls. but i mantain my opinion from last page.
  17. Kayone707

    Kayone707 Moderator

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    DAM skippy.

    and later man,keep up.

    Well now that cezr's gone i'll try and spend more time on the toy forums like i did a couple years ago. that means alot of useless posts are gonna be deleted... and most of you are gonna start to hate me haha

    SLEDGEHAMMER Senior Member

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    Hate you? haha no, if you dishe dout criticisms and people took heed this website might not have a ratio of 1,000 toys to 30 decent writers.
  19. Chulo

    Chulo Senior Member

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    Like it was said b4, the intermediate thread wud basically b just a ego boost for toys who think they r good when their not, then they arent goin to develop a style, they r just goin to stay at the level which got the to the intermediate thread in the first place, I think it would b a waste of time.
  20. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    I'd just like to say I'm the new mod for the Toy section. There's another mod but I'll let him introduce himself.

    Anyways, most of you will probably know me.