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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. Bazer

    Bazer Moderator

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    just use any marker. crayloa works just fine. but if you want to get a really solid fill without having to practice with a water marker get some deco color or some prisma markers. if your going to put the stickers up outside dont bother coloring them in cuz prisma doesn't last out in the sun.

    im bored.
    and im out of markers that i do my outlines with. :(

    NICCSACC Banned

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    yo yo yo juss use a shizarpie. or some kind of carbon marker stick. me, i make my own markers.
  3. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    yo nissac iv been meaning to ask u for tiime,
    is muggen hard to use?

    NICCSACC Banned

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    yeah kinda. at first.
    look at tutorials on youtube theres a shitload.
    get MELTY BLOOD characters they murder.
  5. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    haa, i just wanna make a game full of, sf,mk, marvel, mario luigi kareks.
    but im a complete techno retard,

    also dose it take up alot of space on a pc?

    NICCSACC Banned

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    i have like 8 fully loaded (as in 200 or more characters +over 200 boards + amultiple screenpacks) MUGENS on my external harddrive and its barely made a dent.

    you can run it on a pc for sure as long as you have at least 15mb of memory on it.

    depending on whats in your mugen it can get fat tho.
  7. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    ahh thanx for the help,

    NICCSACC Banned

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  9. Captain

    Captain Senior Member

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    Alright, I've been wondering this forever, I've got this set of prismas, and they do solid fills real clean and whatever, but I can never put two colors next to each other because I can't figure out how to keep them from bleeding into each other, which ends up looking like shit.

    Does anyone have any tips on how to get clean edges with prismas that don't bleed into each other? Look at some of amk's stuff, his fills are fucking detailed and have those nice sharp edges. That's kinda what I'm lookin for.
  10. Roolete

    Roolete Elite Member

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    is it just me or did the toy throwie thread use to be big?

    now its only 8 pages? what happened?
  11. -ShAmEE-

    -ShAmEE- Elite Member

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    People Shamee Is Going For A While. Steping Back In The Graff Game. Still Be On Msn. But My Summer Has More Important Things To Do. So I Dunno When I'm Bck. Just To Say I'mm Off.

    Shout Out To..tng.- Ras(amkah)-sketch-revolt-trash. Tricks. Sezer. Dg. Alive.whahappen.cezr.kos.sub.ante Up. Emo Kid. Bigel.sumoe.bazer And Others Who I Forgot. But I Cant For Get Inks<----told Him First About It.....laterz

    dont forget. cypher styles. link in ma sig.
  12. sxiz

    sxiz Member

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    hey why do all your parents care? the idea is to start off small and do some funny stuff show your parents and they will think you have talent then build up bigger and tell them you stopped doing it because you found it lame.
    mine know i'm into graffiti and i have done a couple of t-shirt stencils and they think i'm an artist or sumpthin. the only problem i have is no one over 18 will buy me paint it pisses me off!
  13. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    thers a thread for that, but tnx i guese???
  14. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    Roolete, I deleted all the shit talking to make it easier for people to look through.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2007
  15. Nem

    Nem Elite Member

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    i never really understood fully why everyone hates cops. seeing as how id never had a run in with the law. i knew some were dicks but i never had first hand experience.

    but now i can safely say. cops fuckin suck.

    and it sucks even worse when they make fun of you, and make fun of my fucking art, and make fun of my clothes and backpack. and spill all my change on the ground and shove me against the wall when i try to pick it up. and make fun of me because i haven't seen the movie colors? wtf? and calls me a hippy because i have a hacky sack.

    and you cant say shit or else you get yourself in worse trouble.

    most pissed off ive ever been in my entire life.
  16. Captain

    Captain Senior Member

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    bumped for bottom-of-pageness
  17. Bazer

    Bazer Moderator

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    iono ive watched him do that before dude, its not that hard. just dont lay down the color to thick and use the thin side of the marker.
  18. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    Some random comments from the last page...

    Niccsac- Where the fuck do you go for months at a time and then magically reappear? Is county your second home?hahaha.... And what the fuck is a "muggin"?!.... Nevermind I don't need to know. Good to see you back tho.;)

    The guy askin about pens FOR STICKERS.... -- I don't think you guys caught that part... Never use sharpies or Crayolas for stickers... Crayolas will wash out in a matter of days. What's the point in that? Sharpies fade like a bitch too, and Prismas are the worst offenders. If you're just stickin em in a book then use whatever you want, but if you're actually planning on getting up (which since you don't know what type of markers to use for stickers, you probably aren't ready to yet anyways) you need to use paint pens. Ink fades. Paint doesn't. Nuff said.
    On the other hand, I made stickers with Crayolas when I first started out and didn't know better, and that was a blessing in disguise.... I'm glad those ugly bitches faded to nothing with the quickness. Haha...
  19. Mike.

    Mike. Senior Member

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    I have serious writers block, help?

    (see my sig)
  20. Roolete

    Roolete Elite Member

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    motha fuckin charlie brown. go to the picture gallery and look at as many pics as u can, try to get inspiration from them, maybe taking a connection here or an arrow there, but dont bite. get inspired.