R.I.P ALFAH. Found a article bout him, but man... he died to soon... http://www.cbc.ca/thesundayedition/features/alpha.html
trains my son trains.. RIP WHYS CASE2, that sucks how he passed... he was amazing.. when he die like year to date.. ALFA GROE PG and every other writer
im sure this is said a lot on this thread but in my opinion it cant be said enough. R.I.P SMITH and death to SABER for going over you whether it was on purpose or not. it is not only your right for all you east coast writers to go over saber its your RESPONSIBILITY
REST IN PEACE OREK aka Alcoholics_Anonymous (pretty sure that was his name on here i have a bad memory) he used to regularly come on this site years ago. i actually met the guy threw bombingscience. one of the coolest people i ever met he loved racking $500 northface jackets, smoking blunts, sipping sizzurp, mop tags, and in general living a wreckless lifestyle. wish i had more pics but flickr wont let me steal them. fucking spaceball bull shit. Rest In Piff my *****
Are you fucking kidding me? Orek's gone? He was one my more favorite 416 writers. Never knew the guy, but really looked up to him and his style. PM me details if you can my friend. Rest in Peace, [Broken External Image]:http://iloveletters.ca/FREIGHTS/Photos/_UD020708/orek_F3.jpg