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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ares, May 3, 2004.

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  1. mindo

    mindo Elite Member

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  2. boo-yaka

    boo-yaka Senior Member

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  3. mindo

    mindo Elite Member

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  4. genome

    genome Elite Member

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    that was hilarious but i fucking hate people like those bitches who flaunt there stupid one-christian-minded ideas with big gay signs.
    in van by the broadway skytrain theres always these anti-abortionists that fucking have posters of dead aborted babies. im always like 'you guy are fucking disgusting, im going to go abort somthing and fucking make you eat it'

    you thats gross too, sorry. but seriously i dont see anything rong than a chick getting an abortion.
  5. mindo

    mindo Elite Member

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    some people are Pro-choice..then there are some people who are Pro-IDIOTS!...i agree...i dislike many people...mainly because people suck.

    fuck all you bitches out there flaunting your human status.
  6. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    then join the movement! we are in support of ending the human race. but not thru violence. we believe in not having kids and letting ourselves die off after a nice full life. so everyone go get the plumbing redone and dont have kids! if u want i can post some more info on this movement haha
  7. boo-yaka

    boo-yaka Senior Member

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    I'm with you dudes on that shit. 100%.

    Recently the American Association of Doctors (or something like that) decided unanimously that the day-after-pill should be available without a prescription, as it is totally safe. Some very direct extension of the Bush government (again I forget the name) vitoed the decision because THEY said the pill was unsafe for girls between the age of 13 to 15. Apparently, pregnancy is really much better for 13-15-year-old-girls, AND the American politicians have a better understanding of complex medication than doctors.* Anyway.

    I think sex education/politics are a crock in the States. They try to teach "abstinence-education" in schools (in some states) and then they restrict access to certain contraceptives (and they don't provide any for free, like they do here in Canada with the pill, and, too some extent, condoms) and they illegalize abortion or terrorize abortion doctors. It's called begging for teen pregnancy, dumb-asses.

    *This was in the sex column Savage Love, last week.
  8. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    if i need condoms here i can goto any CLSC (its like a hospital sorta... but for minor shit) and theyll give me a bunch for free.

    in china they put condoms in everything. like u buy a bag of rice. boom a condom. u cant really buy condoms in china they just give em away...

    some things outta be free... so im totally with canada on this... also here u can get free needles if u do drugs. some say its supporting them but fuck i see it as making them responsible and having less aids going around (u have to bring back your old needles if u want fresh ones so druggies throw them out in the parks alot less)
  9. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    Its a sad world we live in. The morning after pill should be available over the counter in every pharmacy.

    What gets me is the anti-abortion activists who actually kill the doctors who preform abortions. Their whole protest is that you shouldn't take someone elses life, and then they go around and killing doctors. I hope to fuck people like that never have kids of their own.

    Fuck, people are retarded.
  10. BeeOne234...

    BeeOne234... Elite Member

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    a friend of mine was raped and her choice after finding out she was prego was to have the baby aborted. I love and supported a very hard decision, you wouldn't believe the discusting acts of people outside that clinic...There was a "christsaves" group throwing rosaries at her...yelling murderer, made her very tough time even harder...Who the fuck do they think they are?
    The doctor I might add was wearing a bullet proof vest...Yeah, comforting right...

    Ares-- your photography makes me should post more...I will catch up I promise...
  11. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    hehe good thing i dont drive. i might *accidently* lose control and *ooops* run over some *poor* demonstrators....
  12. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    Bee, really sorry to hear about your friend. That's another thing that really upsets me. I can understand why the protestors are mad, but they don't know the people coming in, and they don't understand their situations. And thanks for the kinds words, I'm almost out of school, so I'll have more time to get flicks.

    On another note, if any one out there has the new Rush cover of Summertime Blues, hit me up.
  13. ViKn

    ViKn Elite Member

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    i had the best idea once. These Anti-Abortion people were out with signs saying, Abortians are murder. I wanted to go and stand a bit farther from them with a sign with this on it:

    Gotta give it up for tshirt hell for making the funniest shirts ever

    and thus god Smited Vikn and all was good X_X

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  14. the_uniBOMBER

    the_uniBOMBER Elite Member

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    buying this bitch in a day or two

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  15. FOEone

    FOEone Elite Member

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    my favorite is


  16. mindo

    mindo Elite Member

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    "Are you Daddy's little girl? OK, now who's your Daddy?"

    best ever.

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  17. ViKn

    ViKn Elite Member

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    Holy shit, i said this the other day to some middle school kids and i didnt even see the shirt before now :lol:

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  18. SCORE

    SCORE Senior Member

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  19. ViKn

    ViKn Elite Member

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  20. ssypark89

    ssypark89 Senior Member

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