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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ares, May 3, 2004.

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  1. Mensa

    Mensa Senior Member

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    i solved the spraypaint mystery!!!!!
  2. jade

    jade Elite Member

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    what mystery???????
  3. ViKn

    ViKn Elite Member

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  4. secto

    secto Senior Member

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    some more great tshirt hell shirts





    and now, one of the most offensive while at the same time funniest shirts ive ever seen


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  5. ViKn

    ViKn Elite Member

    • Messages: 816
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    An intriguing inner-city mystery, involving several suspects. Third-grader Cameron Thompson finds the school janitor throwing out a number of cans that were used to spray paint graffiti on the wall behind the gym. When the boy takes a can for evidence, he finds himself in one troublesome situation after another. Along with his friend Tarann, they check out the suspects. The plot is believable and moves quickly. The children hunt for clues as youngsters of this age would. They go to the hardware store to see who has been buying a lot of paint. They take pictures of the wall signed by the graffiti artist. Discussions about not hanging out with destructive gangs are interspersed throughout the story without coming across as preachy. The culprit is steered toward painting scenery for the school play. A good read with realistic solutions for a real-life problem in many neighborhoods.?

    Wow, Pigs start early


    read the reviews at the botom
  6. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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  7. jade

    jade Elite Member

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  8. mindo

    mindo Elite Member

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    "See the human christmas tree"

    i love that line.

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  9. BeeOne234...

    BeeOne234... Elite Member

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    "if you don't give a fugg like we don't give a fugg wave ya muthafunkin hands in da all mah bitches and my ni99as wave ya muthfunkin hands in da air..."
    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:
    and here's the entertainment...
    [Broken External Image]:
    ughm..."I offer you my love affection and protection...shawty, you dead fine, but the bottom line still mah sista..."

    random you say??
    [Broken External Image]:

    random random random
  10. cbc

    cbc Senior Member

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  11. SCORE

    SCORE Senior Member

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  12. BeeOne234...

    BeeOne234... Elite Member

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    hurtin' hahahhaha

    [Broken External Image]:

    rarrrrr weeeeeee....and we had fun fun fun till her daddy took the tbird away....
    [Broken External Image]:

    Ok I'm off for a month or so....Everyone take care and take advantage of the freedom of life...rubber and concrete...and all the spraypaint you can get your grubby lil hands on...ehehe...

    Crewk...I'll be in touch love...Mahel Kita...See ya down Souf...xoxo
  13. jade

    jade Elite Member

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    bye bye bee,....where ya going
  14. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    Loser crew?

    Have a good trip, and take lots of flicks!

  15. ViKn

    ViKn Elite Member

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  16. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    haha have fun bee and dont get baked on the yards... or if u do stay of tha tracks hehe...

    u in that first flix?
  17. mindo

    mindo Elite Member

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    HAHAHAHHA! i'm lovin it. Life's a bitch then you die.
  18. afterten

    afterten Elite Member

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  19. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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  20. ViKn

    ViKn Elite Member

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    [Broken External Image]: little pony.jpg

    Check out my hardcore tatoo beotches, yeah you dont want to meet me in a dark alley after dark

    (note: the procedding is false, i dont realy have a my little pony tattoo, but if i did, i'd kick my own ass)