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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ares, May 3, 2004.

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  1. ILL

    ILL Elite Member

    • Messages: 1,337
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    i'm trying to get some pics on my computer and everytime i hook the camera up to the computer and turn it on it says"USB Device Not Recognized" so dose anyone know how i get it to recognize the camera? or what i need to do to get it to work
  2. FOEone

    FOEone Elite Member

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    sounds like u gotta reinstall the driver
  3. skateparadise

    skateparadise Elite Member

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    that shit sucks. that happend to me one time. i had to fdo a computer re-store.
  4. ILL

    ILL Elite Member

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    ok i just deleted the driver thing so now do i have to reinstall the whole program (fine pix veiwer) or do you know of a way i can just reinstall the driver?
  5. Nikon

    Nikon Senior Member

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    want some homemade sprite?

    not until you figure out what the fuck else is IN IT!
  6. Adamo

    Adamo Elite Member

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    "Fuck your dreams of rhymes and beats, pick up a can and hit the streets"
  7. Flow

    Flow Elite Member

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  8. Flow

    Flow Elite Member

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  9. Flow

    Flow Elite Member

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  10. the_uniBOMBER

    the_uniBOMBER Elite Member

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  11. xylene hug

    xylene hug Elite Member

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    uni how did you make that gif. ????
  12. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    green means go, yellow means slow, and red means stop but with bananas its the opisit yellow means go, green means stop.... and red means WHERE THE FUCK DID U GET THAT BANANA!

    i got an ant farm those fuckers didnt grow shit!

    if carrots got u drunk rabbit would be fucked up!!!!!

    mitch :wub: one of my fav stand up comics..... i talk liek him and everything (i have my whole life) its funny he reminds me of myself sooooo much

    but see that made my day thanks nikion
  13. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    yea yo i saw that shit on the news they got that guy yet.... i hope not but "ATL AINT NOTHING TO FUCK WITH HOE" in the good words of lil jon
  14. Whoa

    Whoa Elite Member

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    jumpin off into the deep end of the pool :lol:

    im loving that site
    Back in the 70's it looked so calm and not so violent
    now you go to NYC and you wear a diffrent color shirt you end up eating through a tube
  15. Cherubic Meekus

    Cherubic Meekus Elite Member

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    in a train ur moving in unison...all these people in one big vechile....

    i once sucked my own dick
  16. ksan-isreal

    ksan-isreal Senior Member

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    mitch is rediculously histerical.

    dufrene? dufrene? anyone for dufrene? who can eat at a time like this

    i like a escalator, cause a escalator can never break, it can only become stairs.

    im saved by the bouyancy of citrus.

    i love it.
  17. Whoa

    Whoa Elite Member

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    you're such a fuckin faggot its beyond imagination

    i cant stand you, i dont think ANYONE can stand you
    if i had my way your ass would be grass!
  18. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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  19. Whoa

    Whoa Elite Member

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  20. pogopope

    pogopope Senior Member

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    my friend has pics of guys sticking their dicks up their own butts on his comp :lol: