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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ares, May 3, 2004.

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    STONES ONES Senior Member

    • Messages: 462
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    kindey stones are a bitch thats why [/b][/quote]
    i have no idea what that means.
  2. scrabble

    scrabble Elite Member

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    kindey stones are these little things in your kidneys that your get,idk why someone else if they know please explain, but you have to piss them out and it hurts real fuckin bad.

    STONES ONES Senior Member

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    o u mean KIDNEY u were sayin kindy
  4. scrabble

    scrabble Elite Member

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    hahahahaha wow im a burn out.
  5. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    my dad had kidney stones, he had to go to the hospital and couldnt remeber were he lived, it was the worst thanksgiving ever
  6. KAY-lo_use_RUST-o

    KAY-lo_use_RUST-o Elite Member

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    thanks tony for the new material ;)

  7. KAY-lo_use_RUST-o

    KAY-lo_use_RUST-o Elite Member

    • Messages: 763
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    my homie has a 7mm kidney stone....

    true story


    i fixed my futon...
    it was broken since december... it was in a V shape. i used ducktape and books..
    bob vila stilo
    [Broken External Image]:
  8. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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  9. KAY-lo_use_RUST-o

    KAY-lo_use_RUST-o Elite Member

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  10. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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  11. KAY-lo_use_RUST-o

    KAY-lo_use_RUST-o Elite Member

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  12. Danny Tanner

    Danny Tanner Senior Member

    • Messages: 101
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    first off where most the decent kidson this site that actually do graffiti

    second off i rep V unit in the streets, in stickers i send to people, in other peoples blackbooks, ect.... i rep it was i use it to stand for victims unit its a fresh name fresh letters and name one shut up you fuckin biting ass toy and battle me im tried of all these kids running there yap and not doing shit about it you lil wanna me new york foggot toy fronting writer [/b][/quote]
    yo gesus.


    first off, fuck you.

    second off. i said i would love to battle you in some type of real situation. like in a dak alley, with my tire buddy, or infont of my building, with a baseball bat. or whatever. i told u before. come to NY and fucking try to get up like me. you said you were comming to NY. i asked u WHERE and u never answered. let me know. ill kill whatever neighbohood you great auntie helen lives in. if i havent killed it already. i dont sweat that shit tho cause im not tryina battle your ego maniac ass
    over the internet with some drawing bullshit, i told u before i dont really draw. you seen my flicks. you are obviously confident you would beat me in a "battle"(over bombing science). i have even gone as far as to say you would likly win a battle.
    learn to take a compliment befoe u take a fucking beating you fuckin tool.

    you aer like some kinda terrible mtv2 charactor or something. you make me sick.

    its now 5;04am on the east coast, i just got back , i left to queens with 5 or 6 cans and a streaker and came home with nothing but cheese doodles and a 40 . if thats not writing i dont know what the fuck is.

    2 boros tonite. you know whatever . it a slow day. satuday night u know. gota say low.

    fuck you gesus. i may havesome desperate need for attention, but you have an issue with trying to promote your lame ass self image over the internet. djing brreak dancing, image studios beat making dread wearing drumn bass dancing faggot. i got no problems with anything you do. just you. i like car2nists work, and i think he would prolly burn you.

    i see kids like you all day. sittin on the train in your pumas or new balances or some shit, listening to your ipod and some shit. thinking so highly of yourself.
    well i still listen to tapes. i got holes in my clothes, scars, my dog has the shits, i live in a shithole. i eat ramen noodles and hotdogs, i have had an std or 2. i have slept on the train, and in the stations. i have slept in my car. i have been homeless. i need a haicut. i dont have a good job and i dont have any prospects.
    i just strive to one day, maybe one day.... be like gesus. a break dancing drum n bassin, graf writing, b ball playin, dice shootin,computer geekin, beat makin, bass fishin writer like yourself.

    untill then. i can only strive and work with what i got.


  13. KAY-lo_use_RUST-o

    KAY-lo_use_RUST-o Elite Member

    • Messages: 763
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    no one likes people who bitch

    shut up
  14. vegimite on toast

    vegimite on toast Elite Member

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    The people in this house smell funny.
  15. sika_2002

    sika_2002 Elite Member

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  16. xylene hug

    xylene hug Elite Member

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    yo gesus.


    first off, fuck you.

    second off. i said i would love to battle you in some type of real situation. like in a dak alley, with my tire buddy, or infont of my building, with a baseball bat. or whatever. i told u before. come to NY and fucking try to get up like me. you said you were comming to NY. i asked u WHERE and u never answered. let me know. ill kill whatever neighbohood you great auntie helen lives in. if i havent killed it already. i dont sweat that shit tho cause im not tryina battle your ego maniac ass
    over the internet with some drawing bullshit, i told u before i dont really draw. you seen my flicks. you are obviously confident you would beat me in a "battle"(over bombing science). i have even gone as far as to say you would likly win a battle.
    learn to take a compliment befoe u take a fucking beating you fuckin tool.

    you aer like some kinda terrible mtv2 charactor or something. you make me sick.

    its now 5;04am on the east coast, i just got back , i left to queens with 5 or 6 cans and a streaker and came home with nothing but cheese doodles and a 40 . if thats not writing i dont know what the fuck is.

    2 boros tonite. you know whatever . it a slow day. satuday night u know. gota say low.

    fuck you gesus. i may havesome desperate need for attention, but you have an issue with trying to promote your lame ass self image over the internet. djing brreak dancing, image studios beat making dread wearing drumn bass dancing faggot. i got no problems with anything you do. just you. i like car2nists work, and i think he would prolly burn you.

    i see kids like you all day. sittin on the train in your pumas or new balances or some shit, listening to your ipod and some shit. thinking so highly of yourself.
    well i still listen to tapes. i got holes in my clothes, scars, my dog has the shits, i live in a shithole. i eat ramen noodles and hotdogs, i have had an std or 2. i have slept on the train, and in the stations. i have slept in my car. i have been homeless. i need a haicut. i dont have a good job and i dont have any prospects.
    i just strive to one day, maybe one day.... be like gesus. a break dancing drum n bassin, graf writing, b ball playin, dice shootin,computer geekin, beat makin, bass fishin writer like yourself.

    untill then. i can only strive and work with what i got.


    douche [/b][/quote]
    oooohhh you were in queens??!?!?!?!
    your like loyd banks!!!
    i didnt know they had the internet in the hood.
    freeze one of thoughs hotdogs and stick it in your ass
    it would be funny.
  17. xylene hug

    xylene hug Elite Member

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    look at name1 aka danny tanner everybody he's soooo hard!!
    better stay out of ny lol!!

    am i spost to think your hard cus you walk the same streets tranny hookers walk?
  18. Whoa

    Whoa Elite Member

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    we stone them hookers

    fuck all the haters

    love it or hate it

  19. xylene hug

    xylene hug Elite Member

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    i love it when kids hate us :lol:
    that means we're doin our jobs when they type thoughs 5 letters on a post.
  20. xylene hug

    xylene hug Elite Member

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    and i would never write a 300 word rant,
    thats a waste of my time lol
    quik simple and easy for kids to understand.