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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ares, May 3, 2004.

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  1. Rik JamEs

    Rik JamEs Elite Member

    • Messages: 846
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    Everyone one that was in foenersim !!!!

    we should make a new cool dude gang but make a cooler name ! and make it more gangsta yo fo shizz. anyone down ?!?!?
  2. bigbomba'

    bigbomba' Elite Member

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  3. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

    • Messages: 3,477
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    You're a dumb ass.
  4. Dr. Coffee

    Dr. Coffee Elite Member

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    I second that motion
  5. Wastedfrog

    Wastedfrog Elite Member

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    dude ur wrong, ok hitler was a bad person and ss 2 but not **THE** worst
    ,get some reading done u mother fucker, im not an idiot and im gonna argue.

    What about Caligula =1
    But staline was the way worst than hitler, he was more smart and patient, how many country statine got after the war? What did he do with the germans civilians and the other...

    the *2* balls is in ur mouth motha fucka,
    TEA Bag this mother fucka
  6. ares

    ares Elite Member

    • Messages: 1,772
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    I find it funny how people can sit here and try and argue about Hitler and Stalin, and who was a worse person. Actually, I find it sad. Who fucking cares who was the more evil of the two? Bottom line is that they both killed a great deal of people, who weren't deserving of death therefore they're both dicks. End of story.

    On a serious note, what the fuck happened to randomism...

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    [Broken External Image]:

    Study this as you study your first born
    My first song was pain personified in song
    The longest sequence is looped for days long
    Where bass kicks are fierce and snares are
    Known to drop a lot quicker than a child's tears
    And drown out the drama that I didn't want to share
    The load I wouldn't wish upon my enemies to bear
    The times I used to tell myself you didn't want to hear
    Until the reason in my rhyme become clear
    Now what I write makes the load a lot lighter
    The story of my life epitomizes imperfection
    As a musical where every scene seems to lack direction
    And I stand center stage stunned by what's happening
    Blinded by the lights, cameras action
    Although I never asked for this lead role
    It seems that God decided it a long time ago
    I was chosen for this
    Given the gift to gain and maintain the crowd's cheers
    I break bread over beats with like-minded peers
    And share the story of my last trip into the atmosphere
    On the ninth cloud, Insanity in style
    Arms outstretched and Hell in God's breath
    I saw the stairway to heaven
    And counted one-hundred and forty-four thousand steps
    I wanted to climb but it wasn't my turn yet
    So I returned to earth just before the sun set
    And I could stare, waiting for this golden opportunity to share

    Now I share this with you
    I'll share this with you
    With all of you
    I'll share this with you
    I'll share this with
    Each and every
    One of you

    Now in my younger days that quickly passed
    I fell asleep in history class
    Not enchanted my past misery
    I'd rather chase down the present with a glass of heinousy
    And tilted my flower-like childhood wilted when my innocence was secluded
    Plus the water we gave to it stayed polluted like the veins of cocaine users
    My blood stream's still a little murky from flash-backs of murder scenes
    Medical emergencies that fell upon deaf ears
    Over 8 million stories in a city that nobody wants to hear
    But as bad as it appears, I am happy that I'm here

    To share this with you
    To share this with you
    To share this with
    All of you
    To share this with you
    Share this with you
    Share this with
    Each and every one of you

    Heh, and share I will
    I'll share the nights where fist fights left somebody's body lying still
    The ice grills, the cold of wire(?) night's chill
    I'll even share the blood spill
    The memory of all my loved ones killed
    The unpaid bills
    The pain of a terminally ill
    My ill will towards my rivals
    My approach towards hip-hop survival
    The circumstance that made some suicidal
    The same circumstance that made others homicidal
    The signs of the vital
    The ways of the trial
    The dope fiends that walk around my block in denial
    The short life cycles
    The minds that lie idle
    My people that got out of court on a missed trial
    My hunger to become more grounded in the Bible
    Is smiled on behalf of my last day's arrival
  7. Dr. Coffee

    Dr. Coffee Elite Member

    • Messages: 762
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    word up ares, ^^ is that yours?
  8. Myner

    Myner Elite Member

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  9. Myner

    Myner Elite Member

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  10. ViKn

    ViKn Elite Member

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  11. K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles

    K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles Elite Member

    • Messages: 1,810
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    here's a random story, a couple weeks ago my friend's tire developed a bubble, so he used my jack to change it. yesterday when he was driving on the highway, he blew out another tire and had to get picked up. today i drove him back to the van and he replaced the blown out tire with the one with the bubble on it. now he has to get 2 new tires, one to replace the blowout and one to replace the one with the bubble. after he changed it, he wanted me to follow him home in case it fucked up again but he couldn't get his car started because it was out of gas. so i drove him to the gas station and he filled his gas can and got the van started with that. then i followed him to the gas station to put more gas in the van. then we drove back home. on the way, we passed through some country kinda suburb where in a car wash parking lot, there was a kid riding one of these, pictured below, and he was pulling another kid on a skateboard. they were laughing and went right into traffic. i swerved around them and slowed down and the dude behind me got all pissed and honked and shit. the end.
    [Broken External Image]:
  12. Myner

    Myner Elite Member

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    sry bout that, it only seats one and my boy wanted a ride
  13. K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles

    K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles Elite Member

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    that's ok, just look both ways next time. i wasn't so pissed as that old guy behind me.
  14. ILL

    ILL Elite Member

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  15. mad

    mad Elite Member

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    sluuuuuuuuurp sluuuuuuurp

    man ill sounds like u suck good dick
  16. ILL

    ILL Elite Member

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    stfu bitch *pimp smacks "mad"*
  17. ares

    ares Elite Member

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  18. mad

    mad Elite Member

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    bitch who you think you are

    *slap slap slap

    thats the sound of my balls hitting ur chin
    i was rite, you do suck good dick

    ^ that flick above is ill on my jock
  19. Wastedfrog

    Wastedfrog Elite Member

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  20. ILL

    ILL Elite Member

    • Messages: 1,337
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    meh, what ever. it's just the inter net so i'm not gonna start beefin with you