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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ares, May 3, 2004.

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  1. Ume

    Ume Moderator

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    InvisblSkratchPiklz = whoa.....
  2. Tails0nE

    Tails0nE Elite Member

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    man im still not gettin what your sayin here man......
  3. Ume

    Ume Moderator

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    InvisblSkratchPiklz = Whoa

    meaning, the same person. <_<
  4. Tails0nE

    Tails0nE Elite Member

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    i think i get it now......
  5. K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles

    K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles Elite Member

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  6. Tails0nE

    Tails0nE Elite Member

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    keep dry n do not fold....
  7. InvisblSkratchPiklz

    InvisblSkratchPiklz Elite Member

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  8. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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  9. Ume

    Ume Moderator

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    stop the hate. :(
  10. InvisblSkratchPiklz

    InvisblSkratchPiklz Elite Member

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    i dont even bother anymore
    he talks shit on the net, but when it comes to seeing someone in person he pretends he's non exsistant

    its all good
    UP is coming soon
    all will be fixed n done and waster will realise he shouldnt fuck with people he dont know
  11. K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles

    K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles Elite Member

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    i missed how this beef started, anyone wanna fill me in?
    i saw an RTD wholecar roller today
  12. ILL

    ILL Elite Member

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    what is it with UP? are you fighting each other there or somethin?
  13. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    haha whoa is a little bitcvh who thinks hes cool on BS and doesnt even write anymore. was in my crew when it was an 'internet crew' then backed out and came back in twice and then finally left and started dissing me for no reason really.

    hes just likes to think he has a certain importance. since he can in no way burn me in graff he somehow thinks he can kick my ass since ive told him im a calm, non fighting type guy.

    so he says hes gonna beat me up when he meets (suppositivly at some graff event i never even said id attend and wont be attending since im currently in france)

    fuck even IF i had went to UP u woulda gotten stomped. with all the beef i had i was planning on going with my crew and 3 other crews to stomp out some kids, including u whoa.
  14. K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles

    K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles Elite Member

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    so how bout your side of the story, whoa?
  15. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    you weren't supposed to fold it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/b][/quote]
    tell it to the girl that made it for me

  16. Kronone

    Kronone Elite Member

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    tony how long is your freakin sig...ive been sitting here reading it for like 5 mins and it goes on and on and on and on...haha
  17. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    Lets all go "stomp" on some fools then touch eachothers penises and jerk off to half human half animal japanese cartoon porn!
  18. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    thats the best thing ive heard all day.

    you said exactly what was on my mind :lol:

    and my sig is a few minutes long, ive only acctualy watched it through to the end once
  19. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    it looks like a jelly but they call it a jam
  20. Tails0nE

    Tails0nE Elite Member

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    sounds good salvo! lol jk...

    and Kronone you sure oyur not reading it over and over again?