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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ares, May 3, 2004.

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  1. Kronone

    Kronone Elite Member

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    haha sweet.

    Tails, im pretty sure im not :lol:
  2. scrabble

    scrabble Elite Member

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    i Be3 tRipPiN ofF mAd sHiT yo0 foRe3lzZ i JuSt DoNt gIv3 a fUcK y0 foReAlZ i b3 sLanGiN mAd CraCk uP iN diSz peiC3 h3aDzZ d0nT kNoW mA sTe3zZ foReAlZ i Be3 oN dAt c0rNaA 5 iN dAa m0rniN foReaLzZ mAkin DaT bUckK fe3d mI bAbYzZ mAmA foRe3lZ i Be3 tRyIn t0 pAyy S0m3 bIlLzZ f0R a MiNuT3 s0n y0 SALVO d0nT knOw nOtHiN aBoUt Me3 oR mY sHitT s0n w0rD uP wHenN mY gLocK mAk3zZ tHat PoP soUnD nIgGaZ bOw D0wN foRe3lZ niGgA yAlL aInT gOt mAd BiTch3zZ uP 0nN miI jOck PieC3 foRe3lZ miI cRe3w be3 d3lIviRin h0tT l3aAd!!!!!!!!
  3. Steez

    Steez Senior Member

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  4. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    How perverted are humans if they're going to fuck blow up dolls, get off on tourture shit like bondage, and jerk off to cartoon animal porn?

    Today I smoked the last of my weed, bought my friend a blow up sex doll for his birthday, I couldn't even hold a straight face at the counter, haha shopping amungst the perverts.
  5. Tails0nE

    Tails0nE Elite Member

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    next time u see it its gonna be tied wit ducktape with
    love stains all over it.... lol jk....

    speakin of weed bbl im gonna go smoke.... then get
    my ass a taco bell crunch wrap supreme! yeeeeeah!
  6. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    (Last one)

    I knew this one kid in high school who cut a hole into an old couch and he would use the deed.
  7. Ume

    Ume Moderator

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  8. Kronone

    Kronone Elite Member

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    once i bought a blow up doll, the bitch wouldnt deep throat, so i stabbed the bitch and she disapeared
  9. Tails0nE

    Tails0nE Elite Member

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    ^^ lmao

    man day was spme good weed.... n salvo dats some nasty shit man...
    u gotta be hella desperate to do sumthin like dat.....
  10. Ume

    Ume Moderator

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    yeah same with acting high on the computer....
  11. Kronone

    Kronone Elite Member

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    Little Roberts Friends are mad because robert hogs the controller when he plays Mark Ecko's Getting Up:contents Under Pressure...

  12. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    Damn! I remember the days of controller hogging...that shit was fun, right after school go to the homies house who has the super nintendo and play that shit all the way till it was time for dinner.
  13. Kronone

    Kronone Elite Member

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    ya but now a days all the cool kids are playing mark eckos contents under pressure!!!
  14. Ume

    Ume Moderator

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    man i still play mother fucking tetris i'm so old skool! *does a mad headspin
  15. Kronone

    Kronone Elite Member

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    fuck video games, they hard on the eyes...i play with myself....shit...thats hard on the eyes yeah video games are cool.
  16. Ume

    Ume Moderator

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    hahaha nah i sold all my game stuff back awhile ago, so i could buy more graff stuff.....fuck this crap hahaha.
  17. Kronone

    Kronone Elite Member

    • Messages: 1,023
    • Likes Received: 0 ive never thought of PONNING my shit for paint..DUDE UME thanks for tha idea!! hahaa!!
  18. Ume

    Ume Moderator

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    hahaha you mean pawning? haha, yeah i did that with a lot of my shit(well not for paint), like mags/movies/tips/etc. and it wasen't actually a lot of stuff, just the games, and like books or whatever. hahaha
  19. Highfiver

    Highfiver Senior Member

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    Oh my. The pigs took all my markers yesterday. & Made me buff my own tag. Oh the cheapface. :ph34r:
  20. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    thats why painting in the winter is better. cause when you run when its cold out the cops dont wanna leave their cars. i also lucked out when i got nabbed a while back cause the cop were too lazy to fill out the paperwork so they just gave me a verbal warning and a ride home. saved me a walk.